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But of course. They know how to use weapons, and they took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. The leftists hate that. Both things together equal right wing extremist - aka domestic terrorist.
Long ago in Texas a lone man climbed into a tower with an old bolt action. I think it was a Remington 700. He wasn't a vet but he was a democRat. Take a US map color the areas where killing is rampid red. Now color all the areas under long democRat control blue. What do you got? A purple map If they ban anything it should be democRats. Or better yet it would give genocide a good name.
Shame on those government types who imprinted such terrible behavior traits on us young and impressionable men they sent out to die for their country. FIrst they wanted us to preserve the freedom of our great land, going forth and doing things they had no stomach for.

Now they want us to sit down and shut up. Sorry you bubblegums. That ain't gonna happen because people like you want to control everyone else. We call that tyranny and Patriots have seen it before. We know what to do.

If you deem us extremist monsters you only have to look in the mirror to find the persons responsible.
Shame on those government types who imprinted such terrible behavior traits on us young and impressionable men they sent out to die for their country. FIrst they wanted us to preserve the freedom of our great land, going forth and doing things they had no stomach for.

Now they want us to sit down and shut up. Sorry you bubblegums. That ain't gonna happen because people like you want to control everyone else. We call that tyranny and Patriots have seen it before. We know what to do.

If you deem us extremist monsters you only have to look in the mirror to find the persons responsible.

... abbreviated Gestapo
I have long believed the Gestapo was "shortspeak" for Schutzstaffel, although I can see the "Ge," the "sta" and the "po" in the abbreviation. German is a very "technical" language. I never knew the Germans to use abbreviations but then, I ain't very smart with which to begin...
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