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The United States Supreme Court just screwed over firearm manufacturers. They have once again shirked their DUTY to resolve cases involving the second amendment. It astounds me that this kind of thing continues to happen.

"The decision will have immediate and severe consequences, exposing the firearms industry to costly and burdensome litigation," Remington argued in its petition to the Supreme Court. "Thus, as a leading scholar on firearm-manufacturer liability has explained, the decision below will 'unleash a flood of lawsuits across the country,'" it continued, citing Timothy D. Lytton, a professor at the Georgia State University College of Law.
So now the manufacturers of automobiles, aircraft, appliances, lawn maintenance equipment, knives, scissors, tires, etc., etc., are going to be held liable for irresponsible/stupid things that the idiots that purchase them eventually do with them.

Good by economy, good by capitalism, good by America!

What a bunch of unbelievable idiots!
As part of the Justice process, the Supreme Court has an obligation to require matters to run fully through the lower court system before getting involved . What this decision does, in effect, is push the matter through the lower courts, where a ruling will be made, probably against Remington (or maybe not) and when the anticipated appeal goes TO the Supreme Court properly , then they can deal with it. On Constitutional grounds, the claims will not stand up to legal scrutiny to meet the burden of proof the claimants are seeking.
IMHO, this case will eventually die.
I'm reading this somewhat differently. USSC kicked it back as it had not been heard in federal court where a ruling on the "Firearm Protection ACT" defense would apply. Remington just wanted to leap over the federal court and go straight to USSC. That's a no no.
"There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous men."

So these schmekels who are pursuing this case argue that an AR-15 is "too dangerous" to be sold to the American People. That's pure bullschumer. If these idiots knew anything about firearms, they might come to realize that a target rifle that can put a bullet through a cantaloupe at 1300 yards might be a "dangerous weapon," but ONLY in the hands of an evil man. Only men can be evil, because only men have an intelligence to take a criminal decision and to then act upon their decision. These snowflake batsards pushin' this case are operating entirely on mercurial emotion. I have written previously in these pages that emotion is the absolute worst mechanism upon which to take a decision. I offer you the US divorce rate as testament to such an argument...
What a bunch of unbelievable idiots!
This is part of liberalism-- to excuse the poor or bad behavior of a person, and to transfer it to an inanimate object. I remember reading about a woman who bought a big RV motorhome. The salesman told her it rode and steered so smoothly, it practically drove itself. At some point after the sale, the woman was driving the rig down the interstate when she got out of the left seat and went aft to do housework. Of course, the RV ended-up leaving the highway and crashing into the ditch. The woman sued the RV dealer and the salesman on grounds that the RV did not "drive itself." If I was on the jury, I'd vote to not support her case. You'd have to ask yourself how exponentially-stupid a juror would have to be to vote in support of her case. I'm sure there were some.

My parents taught me that it is me who is responsible for my behavior. My mom was born in 1923; my dad in 1930. I was born in 1957. I'm a Boomer; but my parents are not. They instilled within me the ideals that were prevalent in their growing-up days. Today's young people know so much less than we who were born and raised in the '50s and '60s. I fear for the future of our nation with kids (who will eventually become adults) whose time is spent playing X-Box or tracking every movement of the Kardashians.
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