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Terrible news. My only hope is this thing is so ridiculous that there's no way it'll pass, but I've thought the same many times before.
Well two things come to mind ....1 spend tomorrow's entire paycheck on magazines and such .
2 Send more money than I already am to the NRA .
I agree that this is so ridiculous it doesn't stand a chance but like you said I have been wrong once or twice in my life .....stay strong brothers !!!
If you read the text of the bill it includes almost every semi auto rifle, shotgun and pistol ever made. And In addition banning the bump stock and hi capacity magazines as well as any weapon with a threaded barrel. All that is left is grampas bolt action deer rifle. Hopefully it is so outrageous that it will be scuttled but don't be surprised if portions make it through the cowardly politicians we have elected.
I hope not but we haven't put up much of a fight in the past hence the thousands of gun laws on the books. I hope this round of anti gun rhetoric stirs the gun owners, manufacturers and publishers of gun magazines to action. There are 100+ million of us gun owners, can't believe we have stood for this erosion of our rights for so long.
The democrats have lost their minds and power and are trying to screw this country ever which way they can. Doesn't Congress make the laws and the Senate votes on them to create the law ? I think thats how it works. Unless some secret squirrel, late night drunken vote happens by the democrats, it will be vetoed. The other thing is. How are the Feds going to know who has a semi auto anything ? Guns were never registered between friends, so who knows what happened to those guns anyhow ?
I don't think it will go through but....if it did ?
It would be a ban on sales like the last one , if they actually tried to take our guns it would be a bloody mess ! Hopefully they would come to my house first (with just slight warning) then they would not be able to get anyone to go door to door !
Don't think it will come to door to door confiscation, but if you bought a weapon and filled out a 4473 the feds know about it. Sure, they tell you they don't keep records but I'm having a hard time believing that.
Well like I said it would be a ban on new sales like the '94 -'04 but hopefully it doesn't even get that far.
It just drives me nuts , all these retards thinking a "ban" would mean that all these evil guns would magically disappear. Hey I know , let's ban cancer "poof" no more cancer... wow this really works ....ok ban liberals !
If you actually think that Trump is going to "go-down" as the (R) President to allow such ignorance to pass, I honestly believe you are strongly mistaken.

I can almost assure you that he's just "jerking-their-chains" like he's done (been forced to) previously. Let's put it this way, 1) Do you honestly believe Trump is going to outright betray the very people who elected him? (Not likely) and; 2) Despite whatever the liberally-biased media says about him, do you actually believe Trump is not an very intelligent, cagy individual who is extremely skilled in "the art of the deal?" Since he went out of his way to write a book on the very subject? (Again, Not likely).

Unless the NRA and GOA start crying foul, beyond their usual positions, I don't believe we have anything whatsoever to worry about.

Nevertheless, you are always welcome to your own opinions.

Personally, I'm not the least bit concerned.
If you actually think that Trump is going to "go-down" as the (R) President to allow such ignorance to pass, I honestly believe you are strongly mistaken.

I can almost assure you that he's just "jerking-their-chains" like he's done (been forced to) previously. Let's put it this way, 1) Do you honestly believe Trump is going to outright betray the very people who elected him? (Not likely) and; 2) Despite whatever the liberally-biased media says about him, do you actually believe Trump is not an very intelligent, cagy individual who is extremely skilled in "the art of the deal?" Since he went out of his way to write a book on the very subject? (Again, Not likely).

Unless the NRA and GOA start crying foul, beyond their usual positions, I don't believe we have anything whatsoever to worry about.

Nevertheless, you are always welcome to your own opinions.

Personally, I'm not the least bit concerned.

I'm with you. The Libs aren't smart enough to get a stupid assed law like this passed. It's all to appease the left. Hell, they don't even know what some of these guns are.
If the Democrats really believe that passing his would save lives, they are sadly mistaken. It may just start a bloody revolution in this country of the like that has never been seen. One thing for sure, there will be less Democrats than there are now. Maybe this is what it will take to wake up gun owners.
After the drubbing they took in the 1994 mid-terms, you'd have to think the Dishonesty-crats would wise-up and let our oldest laws remain standing. Praise God Trump got Gorsuch onto the Supreme Court. Liberty now has a 5-4 advantage, but we must keep our eyes on Roberts. He let KenyaKare stand; I have no idea how or why he saw that the government mandating American citizens to purchase anything was constitutional. So he's one to watch. Impeaching and removing him would be a herculean task; we'll just have to pray he rules on the law and on the merits, and not on emotion...
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