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As a Nevadan and 2A advocate, I watch in horror as our once Conservative state becomes a progressive arm pit. This is just another effort by our new Democrat overloads to take away our rights and there doesn't seem to be much that can be done. Where these Dims came from I have no idea. Some blame the fleeing CA population, and some the Las Vegas unions. None of it makes sense to me. I just hope for a reversal in the coming elections. If anyone knows why this really is happening, I welcome your thoughts.
To me this is all about culture and it seems popular to cast all guns as the problem. When a society will blame a tool and not the perpetrator of the crime, when the Media is all to happy to jump on that bandwagon and we as gun owners fail to get involved with our reps and let our voices be heard, it's a recipe of more of the same.
I get that we're all busy, have full time jobs and mainly just want to be left alone by our Government, but if we look at past results, has our inactivity as a community worked?
I understand your point, and agree that it's imperative that our voices be heard. I've made it a point to call my representatives as well as work with the NRA-ILA and NAGR. My rep said in one of his replies that "there isn't anything he can do." The only thing that will fix this mess is getting these Democrats out of office. They impose their will, not the will of the people on everything they touch. They are all about removing our freedoms. They want to control and they think that they have been given a mandate to dismantle the constitution and reign over us. I'm frustrated by the lemmings that fall for their lies and propaganda. I hope that their actions will expose this and that the people of Nevada, and the country at large, will see them for what they are - tyrants.
I appreciate your passion, however I'd be careful to say that only the Dems are the issue as we have many Repubs that are squishy on the 2A. Which is why at this site we just call them all Anti-Gunners and leave the "Labels" at the door.
When you start seeing the free states falling into the abyss its a sad sad day!! I will say this again but it is just a matter of time before this great nation has a civil war and hits the reset button.

God help us all and may I be still young enough to join the fight if it comes to that.
When you start seeing the free states falling into the abyss its a sad sad day!! I will say this again but it is just a matter of time before this great nation has a civil war and hits the reset button.

God help us all and may I be still young enough to join the fight if it comes to that.
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When you start seeing the free states falling into the abyss its a sad sad day!! I will say this again but it is just a matter of time before this great nation has a civil war and hits the reset button.

God help us all and may I be still young enough to join the fight if it comes to that.

You can spot for us at the very least :s0112:
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