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The "Powers that Be" have no problem using fossil fuels for what they want to do with them. They have a problem with what you want to do with them. John Effing Kerry flies all over the world in private jets to tell assembled throngs to quit using fossil fuels. It's "OK" for him to do that, but not OK for you to pile your kids and wife into your station wagon with its V-8 engine and head-out for a weekend in the woods where you'll cook burgers and 'dogs over an open flame and light-up a Coleman lantern for light. Yup, you're a danger to continuing mammalian life on Earth-- and John F. isn't...
The entire 'green new deal' is nothing but a control objective. The so called elites will continue doing whatever they desire, we peons will be locked in our house{if you still even have one}.
The latest, are calls to declare a 'climate emergency', allowing these elites to implement whatever regulations they want on we the peons, without any due process whatsoever.
Do as I say, not as I do mentality.
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