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From what observers like Dan Bongino and Laura Ingraham are saying, the raid is becoming an embarrassment to the FBI and the DOJ. These clowns went forward with no hard and fast items for which to look. How can they be so sure about for what they're looking when they go through Melania's closet? Now we're hearing the Keystone Kops in Washington went there to look for documents that had something to do with nuclear codes. I guess the dimbulbs at FBI and DOJ are worried that the 24-hour per day, seven-day per week Secret Service protection around Trump isn't sufficient to safeguard some documents that may be there-- or not. Our nation is being helmed by idiots. By people who abhor Freedom.

Has anybody heard that bravo-itch Letitia James talking about Trump and his business practices in New York? Her words are so acid and so hateful, I dare say if the harlot were to speak such words toward a half-inch plate of AR-500 steel, the heat of her hatred for Trump would burn a hole in the plate. Truly a sick, twisted and angry whore...
The children(dumbocrats) fear Trump. They will do anything to hang a tag on him that will prevent him from running again. ANYTHING.
The nuclear codes are changed daily, and kept in the "the football" which is surrounded by SS and Military men with guns. Good luck getting that brief case.

I had thought that I would not vote for Trump again. Now I am beginning to think it would be good for us.

I just want to know who is driving this crazy train. It sure is not Mr Sunglasses.
I thought about the nuclear codes, too. If there were any codes on the papers in the fifteen boxes of documents, they'd be nineteen months old by now. The Secret Service is surrounding Trump 24 hours a day. How could anybody with malintent ever get close enough to him to get a grip on the documents?

I just saw something about the raid being based upon the Espionage Act. I know the definitions of very few words, but is not espionage the willful and intelligent selling of national secrets to a known enemy? Anybody who believes Trump would ever do that is severely cracked in the head. I see these idiot liberals writing that "Trump and Putin are bestest buddies," et cetera. Trump knows exactly who is and what is Putin: A Communist. Difficult for me to believe the consummate capitalist would be tight with a Communist who kills his political opposition. Think "Yeltsin," here.

My opinion is that Mr. Sunglasses is being controlled by an unnamed Kenyan Marxist, Himmlery Rotten Klantoon and George Soros. Who else would stand to gain so much if the United States suffered grievous damage?
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