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So this stems from another thread. If you are home sleeping and hear a bump in the night do you go investigate? I am curious what others do.

I personally will sleep through anything and I mean anything unless it is a noise that I know doesn't belong. When that happens or my wife wakes me up the first thing I do is grab my bed side gun and check the security cameras. If they haven't gone off then I will check all the doors and windows in the house.

What are your thoughts?
For me, it depends on the situation and the likelihood of an actual problem. I've lived in places ranging from 5000+ sq ft houses to tiny apartments, and each one changes the game plan a bit. My condo is one level and just over 700 sq ft. If I know someone is in here they've either broken through the one door or climbed through a 2nd story window. Either way, with less than 100 feet from one corner of the place to the other, there's no chance of us not seeing each other within a few moments. Things were different with the two story houses and town-homes, where one could cover the stairs until help arrived (I've actually had to do that before, worked well).
You mentioned 'a noise that I know doesn't belong', isn't it incredible how quickly we subconsciously become accustomed to what's normal and what's not?
7 years ago we had a burglary at 3am in the morning as we slept. He came in through a back 1st floor window, it was open as it was summer. After he had taken a few things and set them out the back window, he tried to open the garage door, which set off the alarm.

I awoke to the alarm, grabbed my pistol and looked at the alarm to find the garage door open caused it. I grabbed my shotgun from the closet, told my wife to call 911 and shut off the alarm. I wanted it off so I could hear where he was. I opened the bedroom door, jacked a round and announced I'm armed, police have been called and to get the hell out of my house. I heard some banging around downstairs but I had a view of the stairs from the second floor where my bedroom was and knew he wasn't coming up.

10 seconds later I again announced (Yelled more like it) that I was armed and the cops are coming.

It took Pierce County 22 minutes to arrive. I waited upstairs until I saw the sheriff arrive and met them at my front door in my underwear with my shotgun in hand. His eyes were like saucers, i quickly set my shotgun down and asked what took him so long. He said that dispatch said it was a prowler call and when I informed him it was a burglary and they made entry into my home his was apologetic.

Needless to say, im thankful I can protect me and my own. I'm also glad I didn't count on the police to come and save me and neither should you.

Anyway back to the point. My bedside pistol is to get me to my shotgun...worked for me anyway.
My 10yr old son will sleep walk sometimes and the 4yr old likes to crawl out of bed and go sleep on the couch with the dog. One of them is always kicking a wall at some point during the night. If my dog isnt barking i dont bother getting up anymore. I work at home during the day and he still barks when a neighbor closes a car door ffs. As much as it bugs me im glad he does it. Hes my early warning system.
7 years ago we had a burglary at 3am in the morning as we slept. He came in through a back 1st floor window, it was open as it was summer. After he had taken a few things and set them out the back window, he tried to open the garage door, which set off the alarm.

I awoke to the alarm, grabbed my pistol and looked at the alarm to find the garage door open caused it. I grabbed my shotgun from the closet, told my wife to call 911 and shut off the alarm. I wanted it off so I could hear where he was. I opened the bedroom door, jacked a round and announced I'm armed, police have been called and to get the hell out of my house. I heard some banging around downstairs but I had a view of the stairs from the second floor where my bedroom was and knew he wasn't coming up.

10 seconds later I again announced (Yelled more like it) that I was armed and the cops are coming.

It took Pierce County 22 minutes to arrive. I waited upstairs until I saw the sheriff arrive and met them at my front door in my underwear with my shotgun in hand. His eyes were like saucers, i quickly set my shotgun down and asked what took him so long. He said that dispatch said it was a prowler call and when I informed him it was a burglary and they made entry into my home his was apologetic.

Needless to say, im thankful I can protect me and my own. I'm also glad I didn't count on the police to come and save me and neither should you.

Anyway back to the point. My bedside pistol is to get me to my shotgun...worked for me anyway.

Dang brother! Sounds like you did it all right. These are the kind of posts that help everyone.
My 10yr old son will sleep walk sometimes and the 4yr old likes to crawl out of bed and go sleep on the couch with the dog. One of them is always kicking a wall at some point during the night. If my dog isnt barking i dont bother getting up anymore. I work at home during the day and he still barks when a neighbor closes a car door ffs. As much as it bugs me im glad he does it. Hes my early warning system.

Dogs are awesome aren't they. I really need to get one again. All we have now is my wifes little dog.
. . . isn't it incredible how quickly we subconsciously become accustomed to what's normal and what's not?
I have asked reefer drivers how they sleep with that idiot reefer unit turning on and off all night. They tell me that during the first two weeks it drives them nuts but after that, they wake up when it doesn't turn on. I hate those dam-ned things so much, I'll move to another parking space if I can. They're much quieter now than they used to be, but they're still loud enough to annoy me.
The dog (100 lbs of Rhodesian Ridgeback) sets the tone of the response. In AK he just growls when the brown bears get close, I respond with a Rifle .457WW Co-Pilot or AR-10, Wolves set him off pretty well but he doesn't bark unless I don't wake up. AZ he barks at people or the trained responses. His photo at 1 year old.

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