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What are you going to do?

  • disarm and bow down

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • fight the tyrants tooth and nail

    Votes: 18 100.0%

  • Total voters
There are some democrats in Arizona that are trying to force an assault weapons ban. An assault weapon to them is any gun they don't like. We are to protest? It's gone a lot farther than protest. I don't know what others think about this crap but I will never give up my Liberty Teeth. Crime for 15 years has been dropping. So there can only be one reason these democRats want our guns and it's not to save us. If they want to save anybody they should save those innocent babies born alive after a botched abortion instead of supporting to leave them to die.

I will not turn in, sell them, register, or give them what I own and is my right. Yes it is worth dying for. I don't think any of the 8 million super gun owners will think different. What we have seen from this party the last 10 years they are not the other party. They act and talk like they are the biggest threat to or freedom in the history of this nation. When I though hillary had a chance of becoming president I searched for a country that trust it's citizens with firearms. There are none. Oh you can own a firearm in some nations but be prepared to dance through hoops to get one. democRats are way to stupid to realize they are not going to rule us as tyrants and one day soon they will lose. We are not British or Australians. We are Americans and this one has had enough of these people to stupid to realize they will never be ignorant.

democRats Ya can't live with them and ya can't kill em.........yet. Do a web search on "Leaderless Resistance"
The Virginia Senate voted-down the Governor Blackface-supported idiocy of his "I say they're illegal because I do not like their cosmetics" bullschumer because they read the writing on the wall. They also saw thousands of Virginians stand-up and voice an opposing opinion. That may be all it takes-- just make some noise in the defense of your Liberty. So many assume the next guy will do it. Imagine if "the next guy" had not picked-up his musket in 1775 and did not do his part in those dangerous days...
I am a Native-American because I was born here to immigrants who came here for Freedom and opportunity. I am a very senior law enforcement retiree. I will never succumb to tyrannical dictators. It's not just about guns, but anything emanating from the United States Constitution. Look at world history. America supported and praised those oppressed by dictators around the world, dropping weapons to freedom fighters who wanted to liberate their own nations. France and Ukraine are just two examples. There is talk of another armed revolution. I believe that is unnecessary IF we all continue pressure on political traitors, left-wing media and the young who have not been taught history accurately and who have been wrongly influenced by their parents and teachers. We need to stop rolling our eyes and shrugging our shoulders. We need to be HEARD, individually, collectively and Peacefully!
Freedom isn't free, It takes hard men to stand up for it and to fight for it, to keep it, and keep it safe!
It may be grotesque to many genteel folk, but I can assure you, with out our freedoms afforded by our 2nd, this country could not have survived as long as it has! It's under attack because the party of power wants to crash the system and install a new one, nothing that would benefit you and I, but Them, and as long as We the People, retain the arms of freedom to appose them, they are powerless to implement their designs!
I swore an Oath, and that Oath has no expiration date on it, as long as I draw breath, I will fight to remain free!
I've taken that oath four times and never wavered. Communists, socialists and "Democratic Socialists" (see who's running on the Left.) want your guns along with tyrannical politicians, despots and dictators. World history has shown the United States* of America to be the flag bearer of Freedom. We must NEVER lose that stature!

* Using only "United States" can cause a problem in/with Mexico because they consider themselves the United States of Mexico (Estados Unidos de Mexico).
What I own that they'd want, are undocumented. They won't be coming door to door, as they'd have a Civil War on their hands and they can't win that.

They'll attempt to make every so difficult that most of the younger folks will cease to see the juice isn't worth the squeeze. I've done my part in attempting to keep my kids knowledgeable about what Rights are and why they're worthy of exercising. My guns if I had any would go to another in my family that'd pick up where I left off once my time on this earth is done.
I am a Native-American because I was born here to immigrants who came here for Freedom and opportunity. I am a very senior law enforcement retiree. I will never succumb to tyrannical dictators. It's not just about guns, but anything emanating from the United States Constitution. Look at world history. America supported and praised those oppressed by dictators around the world, dropping weapons to freedom fighters who wanted to liberate their own nations. France and Ukraine are just two examples. There is talk of another armed revolution. I believe that is unnecessary IF we all continue pressure on political traitors, left-wing media and the young who have not been taught history accurately and who have been wrongly influenced by their parents and teachers. We need to stop rolling our eyes and shrugging our shoulders. We need to be HEARD, individually, collectively and Peacefully!
When my girls were in grade school I started reading their history and social study books. One said the Second Amendment gave the state the right to form a militia. Another said the Second Amendment is no longer used since the forming of the National Guard. Both times I made a bee line to the school telling them I didn't approve of them filling my girls heads with lies.

Now my grand kids have reached school age only now they have no text books. It's all computers and they have homework once in a blue Moon. How do the parents know what they are feeding these kids and why all of the sudden this crazy talk of Socialism? There is no such thing as a democrat socialist, just socialism that has failed every time. To believe these democrats the only reason socialism has never worked is because they were not the ones running the show.

These past 4 years these democrats have used every trick in the book to overthrow an American election while their acts of treason is ignored. They send billions in cash to a country with more American blood on it's hands than all others. They sell our uranium to the last country on Earth they should be selling it to. Then the company that buys it 'donates' over $110 million to the Clinton foundation. It isn't rocket science that it takes to figure hillary ran a private server to cover her pay to play treason. Yet she walks free while our president, who has only done good for this nation, is under attack 24/7.

Every night on our news we have pelosi or another democrat doing nothing but slandering our president. The civil war has already been started by these lying tyrants. It's just the shooting hasn't started yet. When it will start is anyone's guess. I do know, as sure as pelosi will be sporting a beard after her next face lift, they will be crushed.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the the blood of patriots and tyrants."
I gave an oath to protect this country from things both foreign and domestic. That oath never goes away.
I wish our political leaders took that oath as serious as you. Raul Grijlva is my representative in District 3 in Arizona. He is for animal rights, full term abortion, wide open borders, and there has never been an anti Second Amendment bill he hasn't supported. He wins re-election by less than 2,000 votes in a district where a La Raza group registers illegals to vote.

I use to write him. At first I would remind him of his oath and duty to the Constitution. It progressed to me now reminding him of my duty and oath to the Constitution. Raul is the only piece of dog lawn decor I know to boycott his own state helping prove 1. most voters are as dumb as a box of rocks without the sense to rattle when shaken. 2 It's deeper than the two Left Coast. 3. If the House was so importation for the Republicans to retain last election why did they let this easily defeated clown get re-elected?

Raul calls Arizonans living along the border cockroaches and wants them disarmed and jailed. It's bad enough these people leave their refrigerators outside their homes to keep their doors from being kicked in in the middle of the night. He is also a member of MEChA, a group for the violent take over of West and South Western United States. He is also co-chairman of the progressive caucus In other words 'he is your typical democrat'. What would you call Raul hanging and rotting from a tree as warning to anyone wanting to take his place? Justice.

Well when I get to AZ you all will have to more votes. Hopefully we can keep the state leaning the right way. If I had the money I would run for office but I'm just a poor broke vet that will be looking for a job:(
Well when I get to AZ you all will have to more votes. Hopefully we can keep the state leaning the right way. If I had the money I would run for office but I'm just a poor broke vet that will be looking for a job:(
You might be broke which is temporary, you're spirit is strong and any pro-Constitution state would be glad to have you.
we passed a law saying you cant change any 2nd am and you cant ban anything you folks need to buy some tin foil your man 29.95 one size fits all.get real cant change what is.
The problem as I see it is that there are too many people who think the 2nd A says......

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless I say it's reasonable.

There are too many Azzholes who say that they support the 2nd A and yet have no problem banning your assault weapon, high capacity magazine, bump stock*, pistol grip, etc....

Note who a lot of them are/what's their group's policy/agenda.....

Preventing Gun Violence
With 33,000 Americans dying every year**, Democrats believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence. While responsible gun ownership is part of the fabric of many communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. We can respect the rights of responsible gun owners while keeping our communities safe. To build on the success of the lifesaving Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, we will expand and strengthen background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws; repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) to revoke the dangerous legal immunity protections gun makers and sellers now enjoy; and keep weapons of war—such as assault weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines (LCAM's)—off our streets. We will fight back against attempts to make it harder for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to revoke federal licenses from law breaking gun dealers, and ensure guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists, intimate partner abusers, other violent criminals, and those with severe mental health issues. There is insufficient research on effective gun prevention policies, which is why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must have the resources it needs to study gun violence as a public health issue.

Taken from:

I see who/what YOU are......

Sure, there might be an exception in that group.

Whatever, you're still free to vote your conscience.

Aloha, Mark

PS....*Yup, TRUMP.

But he is better vs the other candidate from that other party. :eek: Yup, it could be said that I voted for the "Lesser of EVILS". You can too.
I wish our political leaders took that oath as serious as you. Raul Grijlva is my representative in District 3 in Arizona. He is for animal rights, full term abortion, wide open borders, and there has never been an anti Second Amendment bill he hasn't supported. He wins re-election by less than 2,000 votes in a district where a La Raza group registers illegals to vote.

I use to write him. At first I would remind him of his oath and duty to the Constitution. It progressed to me now reminding him of my duty and oath to the Constitution. Raul is the only piece of dog lawn decor I know to boycott his own state helping prove 1. most voters are as dumb as a box of rocks without the sense to rattle when shaken. 2 It's deeper than the two Left Coast. 3. If the House was so importation for the Republicans to retain last election why did they let this easily defeated clown get re-elected?

Raul calls Arizonans living along the border cockroaches and wants them disarmed and jailed. It's bad enough these people leave their refrigerators outside their homes to keep their doors from being kicked in in the middle of the night. He is also a member of MEChA, a group for the violent take over of West and South Western United States. He is also co-chairman of the progressive caucus In other words 'he is your typical democrat'. What would you call Raul hanging and rotting from a tree as warning to anyone wanting to take his place? Justice.

Met him once, standing under an Mexican flag, I wanted to throw up.
I believe the man is a racist against white people. Would never vote for him but I would take him along snipe hunting.
The last two elections I have hung wanted posters on this little clown. The 'stupid' and the 'something for nothing' voters will be the end of this nation. You would think he was elected by Mexico.
People are stupid and then there are people that are real stupid. Proof to this is the Democrat party. Look at New York, who pay the highest tax in the nation on union projects with no end costing billions over cost. The state was totally unprepared for this virus and according to democrats it's some how Trump's fault. Even now this party has used this national emergency to 'get Trump'. Business as usual for the party that can not except the vote of the people.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure why this party wants their so called assault rifle ban. When you look at the low number of murders by these weapons their agenda becomes clear. They are lying tyrants and only those weapons stand in their way to reach their full potential. The media is no better. The only question is when the SHTF is which of these two S will be the first to hit that fan.

The media saying Trump is lying about this virus. Why would he lie? What could he possibly gain? Like I said these democrats are really stupid. After a while even stupid people get a clue. Take obama, he has murdered more innocent Black human beings than any president in our history. According to the South Africa Lawyers Association he has killed thousands, including 500 children all across Africa. I never knew we were at war with any nation in Africa. That includes Libya where he murdered 130,000 of the ones he told us he had to save. His administration sold our uranium to Russia, he sent billions in cash to Iran, ignored enforcing our laws while making up laws as he went along, murdered Americans without trial, allowed Americans to die while recalling their rescue. It's called treason and obama should have already rotted from the rope.

Since LBJ helped kill JFK democrats have been a treasonous bunch of pure scum. When Israel attacked the USS Liberty when Johnson found out it was Israel he recalled our jets flying to save the ship. If a Russian ship hadn't came on the seen to witness the attack all on the Liberty would have been loss. Look at history, it shows these democrats since LBJ have chose the worst piece of dog lawn decor to run for president. Weather it's a Communist, a treasonous murderer, or a deranged, half crazed office for profit criminal, the worst of the bunch.

There is only one solution that isn't full civil war. We change the requirement to vote from age to IQ. It would end this party today and these traitors would start being jailed tomorrow. But both parties using the real stupid for a vote this is a pipe dream. Keep your powder dry.
It certainly can not be easy to stand up and tell the American people information where the target/truth is moving.Which Trump does daily. When the target moves the media immediately attack. Personally the retards that show no respect for the office would have lost their press passes and then when their bosses bubblegumed, investigate the licence to broadcast. Wanna play? The docs that say we will know when it is over might be the only ones that have told the truth from the beginning.
People are generally intelligent singly. In small groups the IQ level falls, in large groups you get the herd mentality. Not pack which implies cooperation for a goal, herd looking for someone to push them in a direction even if it a cliff. Think lemmings.

I would like to think that we are as smart as the founders that wrote down the words that we follow today. I fear we are not. Some how some way we have lost our way. NY is just another example of the idiotocrats wanting someone to take care of them. They flunked civics class or were out to lunch when the concept of states rights was presented. Now it is Trump's fault. Thank our lucky stars and all that is holy Mrs Criminal is not in the office.
Thank our lucky stars and all that is holy Mrs. Criminal is not in the office.
I suspect that if Himmlery Rotten Klantoon was in the Oval Orifice, the Constitution would have been packed-away, some sort of military law would have been implemented and we'd all be told we'll get our Constitution back when it's safe for Americans to be Free, again. I'll not bother to ask when y'all think Himmlery would come to that decision...

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