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Kevin McCarthy versus Hakeem Jeffries. One a student of the Constitution; the other an ardent devotee to the Communist Manifesto and to Mao's Little Red Book. No doubt Jeffries has a signed copy of Rules for Radicals, too. It totally escapes me as to how any Republican might vote for the latter. The votin' ain't over yet, but the totals are very close between the two.

Why is it that Republicans always fracture into small groups to support one candidate over another, while the Tyranny-crat Party always remains as solid toward one candidate as was the Wehrmacht in their efforts to destroy and to conquer when they swept into Poland on September 1, 1939? Maybe it's the insatiable lust for absolute power over the People by the Criminal Left Party versus the respect for the Constitution by the Republicans...
GOP has a long standing issue of being a "big tent" party, which often means it's full of people who may not have the desired loyalty to the party platform. McCarthy's loyalty is mostly to GOPe and himself. I realize there's a bigger fight going on between the MAGA side, and the GOPe, even though for us in the cheap seats they all look a lot alike. there's a very serious difference and we need to start paying attention.

Kevin McCarthy Used #FTX #SBF Stolen to Defeat Conservatives in 2022.
Which Destroyed the so-called "Red Wave."
— National File (@NationalFile) November 18, 2022

I'm as cynical about all politicians but there are some politicians that surprise even me. McCarthy is one of them. Freedom Caucus either needs to get a very good deal for thier support, or they need to keep congress shut down until someone else is nominated.
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