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My two Senators are idiot liberals; Rosen and Cortez-Masto. No question those two dingbats want the filibuster taken away. Nevada is getting so liberal, I'm going to have to move to some other, more conservative State. That batsard Harry Gried turned Nevada from a very red State into a blue cesspool-- right under the nose of Brian Sandoval. I'm beyond sickened...
Sinema and my former boss from WV are the only reason the filibuster still stands.
Imagine if the Tyranny-crats could eliminate the filibuster. The filthy batsards would be able to pass any piece of Freedom-robbing legislation they wanted, and there'd be no way the Republicans could stop the incineration of our Liberty as a People and as individuals. The filibuster is there for a reason. That reason is to slow or stop insane legislation that would violate the Constitution. Yes, laws get passed that are unconstitutional. Someone has to stand-up and make some serious noise about it. Then begins the years-long trek through the Court system to eventually, the Supreme Court. No one knows ten or fifteen years earlier how the Justices will decide. This is why the Welfare-crats want to hurry-up and get 27 ultra-leftist members added to the Court.

I really think the passing of Rush Limbaugh has emboldened the Criminal Left Party to go all-out insane in destroying this nation. When Rush was on the radio for 30-some years, the American People were updated daily on what evil designs the Nutcase Left held for the Constitution. Upwards of 30 million people listened every day. If even 1/1000th of those listeners got riled-up enough to write to Congress, that's 30,000 letters per day being sent to the stupid smears of intestinal product in Washington-- the same smears who are supposed to represent The People. That many letters would have to be noticed. But the powerful voice of Rush has been stilled. We have Hannity, Bongino, Levin and others ... but the voice of Rush rose above all of the others and was heard by so very, very many. I surely do miss him. I discovered him in Spring 1992. Listened pretty much daily since then...
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