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Yes I'm in Az. Friend is in Nevada. I shoot with him every month. No reason for him to lie! Feds were tracking sales from a company he bought 80% lowers from. He was NOT building & selling!! Personal use only! Yes 80% are legal but tell that to the bubblegums that showed up at his house. So there's your BS. Plus his name is not the average American Smith or Jones etc.
I'm not calling BS but still very confused about this. What was the company selling that was the basis for the warrant? If your buddy was like the Omish guy that sold a lot of homemade firearms or the company that sold to your buddy sold lowers with the "third hole" I could understand the basis.

I would really like some sources to read to see some of the foundation for a search and seizure, because as been stated once it happens, suing to get your stuff back will cost 10 times your stuff unless we're talking a mini-gun.
My take,
A. someone dropped a dime on him
B. the company he purchased from was under an audit and someone thought he purchased to much or to many.
C. Loose lips have gotten him in trouble.

A buddy of mine was denied a suppressor because the place where he lives, a renter and a break in prior to his residence, guns were stolen, never recovered.
So every time he applied for the suppressor up pops the old case and they decline to approve the suppressor.

Someone can not read the change of personell. At least that is our interpretation.
They had the warrant. They accused him of selling but he had every lower he bought. I don't remember the Co. name but they have been going after their lowers. It was in the news a few months back about which cos they were tracking.
I believe you 100%-- after having an ffl years ago and seeing the atf breaking the law first-hand on more than one occasion regarding my records, it's easy for me to believe.

People who think the big bad gov't needs to follow procedure & do everything in an upfront, legal manner are simply deluded. The gov't does what it wants sometimes & they don't care what you think, say or do unless you have the means to fight back or are rich
A. someone dropped a dime on him
B. the company he purchased from was under an audit and someone thought he purchased to much or to many.
C. Loose lips have gotten him in trouble.
That's why I'm interested in more info:

I can see "A" and that would be illegal manufacturer and sale of firearms.

On "B" if they were 80% lowers, so they guy bought 1,000 aluminum widgets he was going to make cigar holders out of.

"C" is same as "A" the guy was doing something illegal.

If they searched and seized, there had to be some "cause" listed on the warrant, which they have to leave a copy or there would be some follow-up action, at a minimum a warning.
also, conservatives tend to do nothing either. i vote conservative, i call and write my senators, i donate to campaigns and to pro gun lobbies. yet, on capitol hill, some conservatives do nothing. we had every opportunity for nation reciprocity and the hearing protection act but do nothing mcconnell let it die on his desk.
some of those people are rino sleeper agents. they're on dem payrolls
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