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Great news!


The liberals are filling their BVDs over this. So terrible that Americans who DON'T commit crimes with guns can now carry one where crime is rampant. I can't wait for the reports of the first citizen whom used his weapon to end the career of a lifelong criminal. I hope it's a little old lady walking home from bingo night. She's accosted by some thug whom really should be in prison. She pulls her rod, the thug's eyes get big as tea saucers, and she blasts him twice with .38 Special bullets. We later learn the deceased has a record of violent crime going back 20-some years. "God is good all the time."
terrific news
Liberals are urinating all over themselves about it. They always refer to this idiotic idea about the "Wild, Wild West." Truth is, the East Coast was far more violent than was the West Coast. These idiot liberals have taken Hollyweird cowboy movies and assigned historical truth to them. You'd have to be really brain-dead to do something that stupid...
my real question, the supreme court sent commifornia's 10 round law back to the 9th circuit to re-review it... but what does all this mean for my lovely state of colorado and our 15 round limit?
Sure didn't last long

It'll most likely get thrown out as well.. they're trying to circumvent the Supreme Court ruling… Supreme Court doesn't appreciate people attempting to subvert their rulings.
Had to happen the people who are afraid of guns will never realize it is not the gun, it is the person using the gun. If they had their head on straight they would realize this is probably a mental health issue. NOT a remove a whole product line from use.

Reading the new law, it specifically says you can not have a concealed weapon in Times Square. Not places of gathering, but Times Square. Wonder how long it will take now.
Had to happen the people who are afraid of guns will never realize it is not the gun, it is the person using the gun. If they had their head on straight they would realize this is probably a mental health issue. NOT a remove a whole product line from use.

Reading the new law, it specifically says you can not have a concealed weapon in Times Square. Not places of gathering, but Times Square. Wonder how long it will take now.
So only felons are allowed to carry concealed, as usual the victims will all be disarmed
that is one way of thinking about it. I do not consider me, my family or my property as victims. I consider the lot as laying in wait for the fool to walk into the trap.

Is the Tree House still as much fun as it used to be?
Never cared for Buffalo Chips, the owner was always wanting to fight.
The liberals are filling their BVDs over this. So terrible that Americans who DON'T commit crimes with guns can now carry one where crime is rampant. I can't wait for the reports of the first citizen whom used his weapon to end the career of a lifelong criminal. I hope it's a little old lady walking home from bingo night. She's accosted by some thug whom really should be in prison. She pulls her rod, the thug's eyes get big as tea saucers, and she blasts him twice with .38 Special bullets. We later learn the deceased has a record of violent crime going back 20-some years. "God is good all the time."
The media reports would point out that his mama said "He was a GOOD boy, nobody ever gave him a chance", and his family would point out that he was "Just turning his life around", while his family's minister would decry the loss of such amazing human potential...
The media reports would point out that his mama said "He was a GOOD boy, nobody ever gave him a chance", and his family would point out that he was "Just turning his life around", while his family's minister would decry the loss of such amazing human potential...
Yeah; we always find-out how wonderful these kids are/were-- after they've committed a violent crime. Same for this clown in Highland Park, IL. He posted crazy, nutso messages to his social media accounts months and months before the July 4 attack. He bought the rifle(s) legally at some location other than where he used them, but still within the State of Illinois.

I just don't understand these idiots who perpetrate these heinous crimes. I own about fifty guns; bought my first one in April 1983. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS EVER COMMITTED A CRIME! How is that possible if Chucky Bullschumer and Dianne "Dingbat" Feinswine perpetually argue that firearms are intelligent beings and have ambulatory capability? Yes, you read that right: Those two rectal orifices truly believe a firearm can take an intelligent decision, and then act upon that decision of its own volition. With Feinswine, it's that "protruding pistol grip" that takes control of the user's mind and compels him to commit a crime with his weapon. In my most astute opinion, Chucky Bullschumer is such an idiot, such a hater of Individual Liberty, there is no figgering-out what goes on within his diseased mind. Chucky Bullschumer so hates Liberty that he could have been invited by Heinrich Himmler to join the Schutzstaffel in 1935 Germany. Hitler might have objected, but Himmer would have assuaged those fears by affirming that Bullschumer abhors Freedom just as much (if not more) as did the Nazi Party of those days.
NVshooter I hear what you're saying, I got my first rifle, a .22 Mossberg, @ 1963 at the age of 12 or 13 and it has never committed a crime either. It's a thorny problem- posting "nutcase" stuff on the net isnt a crime, and where does presumption of guilt come into the picture? Who decides that one is a "nut case" due to something they posted (i.e. published) and so cannot buy or possess a firearm? Is it on the person to prove they arent crazy or likely to commit criminal acts while the gvt seeks to prove they are? The easy way is to make the object illegal before a problem (crime) arises.
In fairness, NYS firearm laws don't seem to have prevented many violent crimes over the years...
that is one way of thinking about it. I do not consider me, my family or my property as victims. I consider the lot as laying in wait for the fool to walk into the trap.

Is the Tree House still as much fun as it used to be?
Never cared for Buffalo Chips, the owner was always wanting to fight.
The Tree House was closed down years ago-- it was recently turned into an art gallery, Buffalo Chip's owner croaked last year, so it may be a bit different now that it's being run by his son
I do not under stand is who teaches their kid to run from the police? Like you can get away now days. Or is this flight issue just an issue with certain groups of humans?
I would like to see the mental health issue dealt with. However none of the proposed people in the libs chain have any medical degrees or the training to make such a judgement call.
[What] I do not understand is who teaches their kid to run from the police? ... Or is this flight issue just an issue with certain groups of humans?
Running from the police is something that's been taught to a certain group of humans by the same people who taught in the 1960s that tuning in, turning on and dropping out was a good thing; that the war in Vietnam was a bad thing; that no one over thirty years of age was to be trusted; that college was a "weekend picnic" to adjust young people to a lifetime of slavery at gainful employment, and that The Man was out there to stop all the fun we can have when we assault, kill, loot, burn and otherwise destroy the world our hateful, strait-laced and racist parents built for us. We're coming up on sixty years of this indoctrination by Abbie Hoffman, Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton and Jerry Rubin to name just a few who came instantly to mind. I'm sure there are plenty more; the 1960s were chock-full of these terrorist batsards. These same now have their ideologies propagated by BLM and ANTIFA-- and the Tyranny-crat Party.
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