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I've heard of this many times before, and I know I could Google it, but I'd like to hear some local opinions and explanations.
You'll love this. It's essentially a hollow alluminum cylinder that goes around the magazine release so you can only drop the mad by sticking a this tool (like a bullet tip) into it. It satisfies the fixed magazine requirment so it's not an assault weapon.
Believe me, if I had the funds to move, a job waiting for me, and admission to another college I would leave in a heartbeat for free America. Unfortunately that is not the case. Until then, if I have to neuter my firearms temporarily to avoid a felony conviction for illegal possession of an assault weapon, that's what I've got to do.
The laws there are absolutely insane. I looked into buying a shotgun while I lived there. You can only have one "feature" on the gun if it's semi-auto. Put a pistol grip on an 18" shotgun and it's a short-barreled shotgun. Put a folding stock with a separate pistol grip on it and it's a "Assault Shotgun". I kid you not.

They outlawed all AR's, AK's and anything that looks like them in the late 80's or early 90's. Things have changed a little since then and some folks do own AR's. It's very complicated though, and when any minor error is a violation of law, well, not everyone is going to bother trying. Lots of other long guns are designated "Assault Rifles" and are banned. One of their legislators actually admitted that they just went through catalogues and picked the banned models based on their physical appearance. They literally banned the scary looking guns.

You can only own handguns that are on the state approved list.

Concealed carry requires a permit that can be refused for any reason ("May Issue" as apposed to "Shall Issue"). If you live in or near any large city and are not in bed with an official you have little to no chance of getting approved. Open carry of a loaded handgun is prohibited. Some citizens began carrying unloaded firearms in strict compliance with the law (IIRC you had to have no magazine in the gun). This was a bit much for the tender sensibilities of the state officials, so they banned that too recently. This puts the state in a precarious position legally, as there is essentially no longer a way for a commoner to exercise the "bear" portion of RKBA. It looks like California is now in violation of the Second Amendment per the U.S. Supreme Court's recent Heller and McDonald decisions. I'm sure the Second Amendment Foundation will get around to suing them sooner or later, but I'm not sure they're done with Chicago yet.
Concealed carry requires a permit that can be refused for any reason ("May Issue" as apposed to "Shall Issue"). If you live in or near any large city and are not in bed with an official you have little to no chance of getting approved. Open carry of a loaded handgun is prohibited. Some citizens began carrying unloaded firearms in strict compliance with the law (IIRC you had to have no magazine in the gun). This was a bit much for the tender sensibilities of the state officials, so they banned that too recently. This puts the state in a precarious position legally, as there is essentially no longer a way for a commoner to exercise the "bear" portion of RKBA. It looks like California is now in violation of the Second Amendment per the U.S. Supreme Court's recent Heller and McDonald decisions. I'm sure the Second Amendment Foundation will get around to suing them sooner or later, but I'm not sure they're done with Chicago yet.

There's a lot to this, california is a place of serious confusion, on the one hand it's a liberal paradise, yet all the people who liberaled up this state fled when all the illegal aliens showed up, and are moving into places like bellevue and portland.

They enact stupid laws, and ban guns by fiat calling them assault weapons, which leads to funny things happening, like manufacturers changing model numbers and getting around the ban. Back in 1999/2000 they enacted a few "feature bans" very similar to the federal AW ban that sunset in 2004, however, after years of being made fun of for "drive by bayonettings" they dropped the bayo lug as a feature.

Frankly though, I think california is probably going to get a huge smack down once the SAF gets done setting the groundwork with Chicago and DC. When the idiots in the legislature proposed the open carry ban, CRPA and a few of the other organizations down here pretty much said "I double dog-dare you" and they did, so hopefully soon that will get tuned up properly.

But then again, I'm about ready to head for greener pastures because the business climate here is more toxic than a chlorine railcar derailment in love canal.
I've lived in California. A 2A paradise compared to NY. At least there I could buy a pistol and keep at home or my place of business without a permit. The CCW issue is about being in the right county. Sf for example does not issue private citizens CCW permits. They tried to ban pistols outright in SF but the NRA took care of that. Other counties are shall issue. Oce a permit is issued, you can carry state wide. In NY, you need a separate license to carry in New York City. Outside SF, Oakland and LA, California is pretty conservative.
Whoa.... so I take it California is no longer part of the United States and
doesn't recognize the Constitution or the 2nd Amendment any longer.
And no one fought back??
Or has it become the American Gulag.
Can't believe the stupidity of those laws.
taku ... relax I do not think it is as severe as some folks promote. In California it is the local city police chief, or county sheriff that issues the CCW permit. As noted above a few cities in the large metropolitan areas pretty much do not think anyone has a good reason to carry a gun. I am not sure that the need to have a good reason to carry a gun still applies in California as Sacramento County use to be one of the counties that would not issue to the commoner. Today I hear it is pretty much 'Shall issue', as are most counties. I do not think the constitution mentions 30 round magazines. Folks that think they need to carry a dozen 30 round magazines get their short in a tight wad when California bans such magazines. Ten round magazines are okay in California, but the fearful horde believe it is their constitutional right to carry thirty round magazines and it is a conspircy in California to deny them their rights. I think they might be fortunate that California has not limited them to flintlocks, as existed at the time of the signing of the constitution. It seems simple to me, the more people there are, the more guns become more of a problem than a benefit. Simply because people are essentially no dam good ... they lie, steal, cheat and kill other people ... sometimes just because they are bored.
Taku, beleive me when I say we faught every step of the way. We still fight. It's just a losing battle.

Yeah, I watched the NRA fight the legal battles there and even sent a few letters myself. My comment was just being facetious. We have some relatives down there, and they wonder why we never visit.
I tell em the same thing I tell family in BC. Because of their stupid anti gun laws.
taku ... relax I do not think it is as severe as some folks promote. In California it is the local city police chief, or county sheriff that issues the CCW permit. As noted above a few cities in the large metropolitan areas pretty much do not think anyone has a good reason to carry a gun. I am not sure that the need to have a good reason to carry a gun still applies in California as Sacramento County use to be one of the counties that would not issue to the commoner. Today I hear it is pretty much 'Shall issue', as are most counties. I do not think the constitution mentions 30 round magazines. Folks that think they need to carry a dozen 30 round magazines get their short in a tight wad when California bans such magazines. Ten round magazines are okay in California, but the fearful horde believe it is their constitutional right to carry thirty round magazines and it is a conspircy in California to deny them their rights. I think they might be fortunate that California has not limited them to flintlocks, as existed at the time of the signing of the constitution. It seems simple to me, the more people there are, the more guns become more of a problem than a benefit. Simply because people are essentially no dam good ... they lie, steal, cheat and kill other people ... sometimes just because they are bored.

And, they find ways to deprive others of their rights.
Believe me, if I had the funds to move, a job waiting for me, and admission to another college I would leave in a heartbeat for free America. Unfortunately that is not the case. Until then, if I have to neuter my firearms temporarily to avoid a felony conviction for illegal possession of an assault weapon, that's what I've got to do.

I'd be happy to provide sanctuary for any firearms that are not California legal at my house!! :rolleyes: :D
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