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I don't trust any liberal to defend the Constitution. To liberals, the Constitution is an obstacle that must be gotten over, gotten around or busted right through to get the reinstitution of Stalin's Soviet Union in the United States. The Constitution limits the power of the federal government. For that, liberals harbor a seething hatred for it. Read the following. Look at who said these things. I have no doubts that any of these three would be perfectly comfortable in a Schutzstaffel uniform. Especially Chucky Bullschumer. That batsard is obsessed with expanding governmental power over the People. He is most likely the most dangerous elected figure in American history.

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While we need all the thems we can get to bolster our cause, an extra grain of sand here or there on the beach has little impact. Especially considering the more clout a rethinker possess, the more their ilk will eat their own to shun, marginalize, or squash them, to preserve their agenda.
Possibly more significant to them (and us) and other fence riders could be coming to realize they eventually reap what they sow showing their past voting actions have far reaching consequences well beyond their stand with the party intentions.
Hopefully, someday, folks will actually embrace our founding fathers admonition on the critical need to stay active, and current in politics by discussing, and pondering over people, and issues, before casting their vote and not just yielding to group or party mentality by proxy.
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