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Got this response back from the space cadet.

Dear Mr. ,

Thank you for contacting me about support for the second amendment and gun safety regulations. As a former Navy pilot, combat veteran and retired NASA astronaut, it is an honor to continue my service to our country representing Arizona in the United States Senate. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on the issues facing our state and our country. Hearing from Arizonans helps me better serve our state, and I hope you will continue to share your perspectives and suggestions.
Too many Arizonans experience the pain and trauma that comes with gun violence. The Fatal and Nonfatal Injury Reports released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in March 2020, estimated that over one million Americans had been shot in the past decade. Arizona sees a yearly average of 244 gun homicides, 669 firearms suicides, 582 nonfatal shootings, and 553 accidental shootings. As a gun owner and spouse of a gun violence survivor, I am committed to protecting Arizonans with common-sense gun laws that improve safety and are compatible with the traditions and rights granted to bear firearms, such as universal background checks, laws to keep guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers, and increased funding for mental health programs to reduce the number of suicides by firearms.
While some argue that gun safety legislation could infringe on the rights granted by the 2nd Amendment, others assert that common-sense gun laws prevent unnecessary violence and tragedy. All Arizonans can agree that too many lives are lost to gun violence each year. As Arizona's senator, I'm committed to fighting to protect Arizona kids and communities from gun violence and will work with Republicans and Democrats to protect our rights and traditions while keeping our communities safe from gun violence.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this issue, and I hope you will continue to contact my office with any future comments or questions. I'm committed to being transparent and accountable with all Arizonans, which is why I release my public schedule at . There you can also sign up for my newsletter , receive assistance with a federal agency, and learn more about my work as Arizona's senator.

Mark Kelly
United States Senato
Senator Sinema <[email protected]>

Mon, Mar 7 at 9:28 AM

Dear Mr.

Thank you for contacting me about background checks related to firearms purchases. I always appreciate hearing from Arizonans about issues facing our state and country. It is important that we have conversations about topics that matter to you and your family, and I hope you will continue to reach out to me and share your perspectives and suggestions.

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms. At the federal level, the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968 set the minimum standards for firearms regulation. Individual states and localities may enact stricter firearms laws.

Federal law requires federally licensed firearms dealers to keep a record of all sales, report the loss of inventory and certain sales, and perform background checks on gun purchasers. These background checks are processed through the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System. The law allows sellers who make occasional sales and buyers who make occasional purchases, such as parties engaging in transactions at gun shows or online, to engage in these exchanges without the seller's license or the buyer's background check that would otherwise be required.

Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA) introduced H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, on March 1, 2021. This bill requires a background check for the sale or transfer of all firearms, including from unlicensed sellers at gun shows or online. Exceptions include firearm transfers between police officers, temporarily loaning firearms for hunting or other sporting events, gifting firearms to immediate family members, transferring a firearm as stipulated in an inheritance, and temporarily transferring a firearm for timely self-defense. Supporters of this bill argue that expanded background checks represent a critical step to combat gun violence in the United States. Opponents maintain that expansive background checks limit Second Amendment rights and would not decrease the incidence of mass shootings. H.R. 8 passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 227 to 203 on March 11, 2021. H.R. 8 now awaits consideration by the United States Senate.

The Second Amendment protects our fundamental rights as Americans, and I support those rights. I also believe there are commonsense actions we can take to increase safety and prevent needless deaths. I agree with a majority of Arizonans that people who are violent felons or dangerously mentally ill should not have access to firearms. I support legislation to expand mental health first aid training for first responders and school staff. I cosponsored legislation backing scientific research to understand the causes of gun violence in our country. I also support bipartisan legislation expanding the current background check system to cover firearm sales by licensed and unlicensed dealers, and I will continue working with senators from both parties to protect our rights while supporting measures that will save lives and build safer communities.

Thank you for sharing your view on this issue with me. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any future questions or comments. Additionally, if you would like to stay connected to our office with the latest news, legislation, and other useful information, please visit our website,
Kelly does not get it , he has drunk from leftist cool-aid and believes his position is clear. He the only politician who used to support the second amendment then rolled after the accident with his wife. Kelly tried to purchase a AR in Tuscon and the dealer stopped the process because he believed that Kelly was not adhering to the paper work he had signed for the gun purchase.

I did not believe he was right for the job in the beginning and did not vote for him. I will vote for a dead person who can not take office before I vote for the China boy blunder.
His commericals make me sick.
So basically another dishonest politician who will bend with the wind if it means getting reelected.

No, Kelly is in a different category. I don't like throwing all politicians in the same barrel with every other politician because some are knowingly and purposefully much more demonic liars than others. Kelly is three layers under the barrel which the other might be at the bottom of.
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