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For NFA stuff the short story is that SBR, SBS, and AOW are OK as long as they are C&R eligible and not "assault weapons" (which many are). Machine guns and DDs are technically legal, but are at the sole discretion of the DOJ, so only a few well-connected and highly regulated companies (that rent to the entertainment industry) can have them.​
For anything more specific, a good lawyer with some serious CA gun-law experience is going to have to get in on this.​
I've seen some nice SBR C&Rs, mostly pistol/buttstock setups (Broom-handle Mausers, Lugers, and some Colt SAAs, and one really sweet Browning High Power) and a few SBS coach guns. That's about as exotic as it gets here without crossing the grey line of legality.

Now illegal NFA toys I've seen a lot of. My dad was a bomb-tech back when he was active, so he got sent in to all the "arsenals" to make sure any explosive goodies were disposed of. Mostly militant anti-government types. I remember one call he went to had a stockpile of LAW rockets and .30 cal machineguns (M60s IIRC). Cool pictures.

Then there was the group that tried to blow up Suburban Propane in '99, which would have leveled a 3mi radius (and that was the conservative estimate) and been the biggest terrorism attack in US history by a long shot. That's a big DD.
If the machine sends a bullet downrange at high velocity and said machine is legally-owned by an honest citizen, it's illegal in Kalifonia. The previous stipulation does not apply to violent criminals...
No reason to create a thread about Kalifonia's firearms laws. They change by the day, so what's legal today is illegal tomorrow. That is, unless he who possesses the firearm is a criminal. It's always "legal" within the mind of a criminal that he possess a firearm or some sort of offensive weapon. Because there are so many criminals in Kalifonia and so few police, the State's government just lets the crooks run wild while destroying the Liberty of the law-abiding citizenry. The State knows the law-abiding will abide the law; it also knows the criminals will not. But firearms law in Kalifonia is not about controlling crime in that State. It's about the destruction of a God-given Right. Lenin would love Jerry Moonbeam and the Kalifonia government...
No reason to create a thread about Kalifonia's firearms laws. They change by the day, so what's legal today is illegal tomorrow. That is, unless he who possesses the firearm is a criminal. It's always "legal" within the mind of a criminal that he possess a firearm or some sort of offensive weapon. Because there are so many criminals in Kalifonia and so few police, the State's government just lets the crooks run wild while destroying the Liberty of the law-abiding citizenry. The State knows the law-abiding will abide the law; it also knows the criminals will not. But firearms law in Kalifonia is not about controlling crime in that State. It's about the destruction of a God-given Right. Lenin would love Jerry Moonbeam and the Kalifonia government...

Absolutely right, Californy law empowers criminals if anything
No self respecting criminal is gonna unload his gun & then carefully store the ammo/mags separately from the gun & carefully lock everything up* where it won't accidentally allow him to use it to defend himself in case of emergency:eek:

*while transporting firearms in vehicle
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