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Got this from the Sportsman's Alliance-
Following through on their commitment to environmental radicals that it would ban lead on federal public land, today the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) released proposed regulations that begin this process on National Wildlife Refuges across the country. The Biden Administration's proposal lays the groundwork for additional lead prohibitions on refuges and provides a precedent that will be utilized to ban lead ammunition and tackle on all public lands where hunting and fishing occur.
Filed in the Federal Register on June 8th, the USFWS commits to a lead ban on any new hunting opportunities on National Wildlife Refuges across the country. The USFWS also proposes to ban lead ammunition on existing hunting areas on 18 refuges located in California, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Maine, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Finally, the proposal includes a new study on the impacts of lead ammunition and tackle on wildlife refuges.
The study would seem to be unnecessary as the Biden Administration has previously announced its intention to return to the "Dan Ashe Rule." Ashe, who served as Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service under President Obama, issued an order banning lead on all National Wildlife Refuges the day before President Trump was sworn in as President. The order was rescinded by newly appointed Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke on his first day on the job. With clear evidence that the Biden Administration has already made up its mind, it is unclear what purpose the research would serve other than as hand waving bureaucracy at its finest.
"The proposed lead ban on refuges kicks open the barn door to banning lead ammunition and tackle on all federal land, including National Forests, Bureau of Land Management Lands, National Preserves, and other areas," explains Todd Adkins, Vice President of Government Affairs for the Sportsmen's Alliance. "It provides a legal basis for radical animal rights and environmental groups to sue the federal government to force additional lead bans. In effect, President Biden is handing extremists a howitzer to fire at the Federal Government until the use of lead in ammunition and tackle for hunting and fishing is banned everywhere."
The problems don't stop with federal land. Because the USFWS distributes excise tax money from the purchase of firearms, ammunition, archery equipment and fishing gear to state fish and wildlife departments, the agency might attempt to force states to adopt similar bans on state public land. It is not unforeseeable to envision USFWS using its leverage the way the federal government once forced states to adopt seatbelt laws, alcohol age minimums and more.
"The most stunning and even insulting thing about this proposal is that it has been done with no consultation with the very people, hunters, anglers and trappers, who pay the lion's share of conservation funding in the United States," said Adkins. "Without these people there wouldn't be recovered wildlife populations and abundant public land for all Americans to enjoy. This decision is beyond offensive to our greatest conservationists, American sportsmen and women."

Sportsmen can send written comments opposing the proposal until August 8th, 2022. Comments may be submitted:
Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: In the Search box, type in FWS-HQ-NWRS-2022-0055, which is the docket number for this rulemaking. Then, click on the Search button. click on the Docket tab. On the resulting screen, find the correct document "2022–2023 Station-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations" and submit a comment by clicking on "Comment."
Or submit by U.S. mail or hand delivery: Public Comments, Processing, Attn: FWS-HQ-NWRS-2022-0055, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS: PRB (JAO/3W), Falls Church, VA 22041–3803
This collection of imbeciles associated with our White House makes a Three Stooges two-reeler about as funny as drying paint. These clowns see to be making every effort to restrict, reduce or eliminate Americans' Freedom. I doubt Joe BiteMe got the number of votes reported. If he actually did, this nation is on its way out. I look at this fool in my White House and I'm so happy I have no kids to who I would leave this country...
Lead is poisonous. It can enter your body through your skin. I kills living things. Copper bullets for rifles and Pistols and Bismuth for your shotgun. It is better in every way. Copper is lighter than lead, so it has a higher velocity, often leading to deeper penetration than lead.
Lead is poisonous. It can enter your body through your skin. I kills living things. Copper bullets for rifles and Pistols and Bismuth for your shotgun. It is better in every way. Copper is lighter than lead, so it has a higher velocity, often leading to deeper penetration than lead.
So is copper if ingested. I can see you drank the Kool-Aid. This is not about reducing lead on NWR's, it's about stopping hunting on NWR's and eventually all federal lands. It ties in with the push to re-introduce the large predators nationwide, another idea the CBD is wholeheartedly behind. If you have predators, why do you need those nasty human hunters? If you eliminate hunting, why do you need guns?
" So is copper if you ingest it" What the hell does have to do with anything.... Yea, and it you drink two gallons of water in five minutes you will die. That is the most irrelevant statement of the day. . Chicken little said the sky is falling, well it is still up there. The planet and all that live on it, will be better with less lead. You need to get out of your bubble and look at the big picture. I no longer buy lead bullets, or lead shot.
This was my first and last post. There is a reason this forum is shedding members. Never again, there are better places to talk firearms and hunting. Hasta la vista.
Lead is poisonous. It can enter your body through your skin. I kills living things. Copper bullets for rifles and Pistols and Bismuth for your shotgun. It is better in every way. Copper is lighter than lead, so it has a higher velocity, often leading to deeper penetration than lead.
My Dad owned a gas station when I was a youngster & handling lead tire weights for years never hurt me in any way--my bet is the State of California thinks lead causes cancer just like they think graphite does. Did anybody ever get cancer from using a pencil?

Actually lead is not the poison you would think! The poison is Lead Oxide.
That would be the white powdery substance that forms on lead when its left to "Oxidize". The white powder [ in the old days called White Lead] is what is mixed into paint to make it stick to most anything and wear resistant. We still us lead based paints on things like battle ships and the stripes on roadways. [ sticks to anything and resists wear]
I have worked with lead all my life , as a plumber, as an engineer, and as a bullet caster. In my working years I had to take blood tests every other year and never showed raised levels. My blood levels remained about the same as a person who lived near a major high way but had no other exposures.

The only people I know that got high counts were painters and welders who also smoked. They would sand or grind off the lead paint , get the dust on their hands and transfer it to their mouth as they smoked.
This lead bullet BS is just that BS.

If you want to be safe around lead, Don't eat, drink, or smoke with dirty hands. Keep your hands away from your face, and wash your hands with a High Phosphate soap. The soap used in dishwashers works best.
And one more point. Lead is not absorbed through the skin. My youngest son is a Xray tech. You would not believe how many people are walking around with lead bullets and fragments in them. DR
" So is copper if you ingest it" What the hell does have to do with anything.... Yea, and it you drink two gallons of water in five minutes you will die. That is the most irrelevant statement of the day. . Chicken little said the sky is falling, well it is still up there. The planet and all that live on it, will be better with less lead. You need to get out of your bubble and look at the big picture. I no longer buy lead bullets, or lead shot.
This was my first and last post. There is a reason this forum is shedding members. Never again, there are better places to talk firearms and hunting. Hasta la vista.
Any metal on the periodic table after iron can be toxic if delivered in a significant enough dose, if exposed to the proper chemistry, usually for lead this is water soluble acetates, nitrates, etc. It's oxides are nearly impossible to dissolve in water, and as far as metals go is fairly inert. Copper, being heavier than iron is also a toxic heavy metal, copper sulfate will kill you just as dead as lead acetate. In both cases, copper and lead both passivate when exposed to the environment and tend to stay in their metallic form for very long periods of time. This is why we're still able to dig up quantities of lead from greek and roman sites.

This forum isn't really dying, it just never took off the way NWFA did. Thanks for your 4 posts...
I have not had as much lead exposure, but as a Boomer I have had a fair amount of contact with lead and lead based products. I am fine. I am Fine. Iam fine. I am fine I said said said..

Nothing to report, maybe it bothers me in some way, but I quit smoking in '86 and the Doc's still give me a raised eyebrow.

I Will shoot what I have period.
So…. Waterfowl steel and bismuth I understand, LOTS of pellets get expended because there's more target opportunities as there's FLOCKS of birds, and the waterfowl ingest the pellets from the bottom of the waterways when they feed. I'm even for using steel/bismuth for upland bird hunting.

Other game hunting (large and small), not so much… it's not like every hunter is shooting scores or hundreds of projectiles every time they go out, it's not a shooting range backstop where lead can concentrate…. most hunters won't even get a shot off during hunting season, and those who get a target opportunity will only fire 1 round maybe 2 rounds…. if they're doing it right.

TPTB know all this, the only logical conclusion is they're attempting to big down the 2A…. AGAIN.
I have not had as much lead exposure, but as a Boomer I have had a fair amount of contact with lead and lead based products. I am fine. I am Fine. Iam fine. I am fine I said said said..

Nothing to report, maybe it bothers me in some way, but I quit smoking in '86 and the Doc's still give me a raised eyebrow.

I Will shoot what I have period.
You guys grew up with leaded gasoline, something that has still left massive amounts of pollution everywhere.

There was a shooting range that was closed down to "lead polluted run off" they started doing a bunch of environmental tests, and found it wasn't the shooting range, it was the parking lot that had been in use since the 30's and all the cars, exhaust, and spilled gasoline from that time was the source of the pollution.
The BiteMe Joke-ministration ought to make moves to ban itself. Too bad for the American People that the Constitution does not bar extraordinarily stupid people from winning the White House. It's our job to keep the terminally brain-damaged out with our intelligent votes. "Intelligent." That's the problem. There are so few intelligent American voters. My proof is in what's stinking-up our White House in these very days...
If the Bozo can pull off the school loan freedom deal, the youth may forget the high price of everything and vote for him. I have never been in a catagory that gave me anything so I am jaded when it comes to freebys
If the Bozo can pull off the school loan freedom deal, the youth may forget the high price of everything and vote for him.
That's the entire idea about forgiving college loans. It's pretty much the same thing as LBJ sending those welfare checks into Black homes-- to buy the 1964 General Election. You go to college to learn a few things; maybe you'll get lucky and learn that there's no free lunch. You may have your college loans forgiven, but somebody has to pay the several trillion in loans out there. I'm no economist, but I'd suspect those loans will be repaid by higher income taxes on Americans for decades to come. So... who really benefits?
So is copper if ingested. I can see you drank the Kool-Aid. This is not about reducing lead on NWR's, it's about stopping hunting on NWR's and eventually all federal lands. It ties in with the push to re-introduce the large predators nationwide, another idea the CBD is wholeheartedly behind. If you have predators, why do you need those nasty human hunters? If you eliminate hunting, why do you need guns?
We need guns to protect us from the corrupt government..........
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