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You don't understand. Civil disobedience, when it is done by conservatives, will be painted as right-wing terrorism and will accomplish nothing.
So you honestly believe you are actually going to have a choice in the matter?

If you registered to vote in a Republican primary?

Since This is a GUN SITE it will be taken down. Or you didn't notice the purge that started today?

You don't get a voice in the matter.

You have a gun?

They will continue to move the goal posts until

When they come to your door and demand your firearms - you can call it whatever you feel like calling it. it will be civil disobedience, but you may be killed just the same.

Do you not understand the fact that Conservatives will basically be issued a gold star that must be worn before you are loaded into a cattle car and never seen again? They will do it financially and economically, but your life will be ruined just the same. If you don't have your vaccination card on you - you will be considered a right-wing terrorist and hauled off.
Sorry to say I agree.
Forget that oath keeper nonsense. If it's a pay check and they have to put you and I on the ground and take our property, they will.
Everybody has to make their choices and live with them.
Citizens, LEOs and Politicians.

I've been an honest, hard-working, tax-paying, productive member of society my entire life. I've exercised my rights to vote, own and carry a firearm, and did my civic duty as a juror many times. If I am now considered a terrorist and criminal simply for exercising the exact same rights - simply because a regime change?

Well, then we all make our choices.
And every choice has a consequence.

If they intend to prosecute people for being model citizens their entire life - then they should also understand that the strength of character and moral discipline that allowed that behavior will also not allow me to roll over and take it. I will in fact fight for my rights and all those other people in this country who possibly cannot fight this for themselves.

I've made my choice.
Everybody has to make their choices and live with them.
Citizens, LEOs and Politicians.

I've been an honest, hard-working, tax-paying, productive member of society my entire life. I've exercised my rights to vote, own and carry a firearm, and did my civic duty as a juror many times. If I am now considered a terrorist and criminal simply for exercising the exact same rights - simply because a regime change?

Well, then we all make our choices.
And every choice has a consequencquence
If they intend to prosecute people for being model citizens their entire life - then they should also understand that the strength of character and moral discipline that allowed that behavior will also not allow me to roll over and take it. I will in fact fight for my rights and all those other people in this country who possibly cannot fight this for themselves.

I've made my choice.
I agree with everything you said, but just one question... Back when Beto O'Rourke got on his high horse about confiscating the guns from law abiding citizens and everyone else that he decided shouldn't have a gun, MOST Law Officers and Military stated that they would not comply. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am so I don't spread false information, but even most high ranking Law Enforcement officials along with Military followed suit with a Non compliance stance for the taking of citizens' firearms.. I hope I remembered this correctly..
I agree with everything you said, but just one question... Back when Beto O'Rourke got on his high horse about confiscating the guns from law abiding citizens and everyone else that he decided shouldn't have a gun, MOST Law Officers and Military stated that they would not comply. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am so I don't spread false information, but even most high ranking Law Enforcement officials along with Military followed suit with a Non compliance stance for the taking of citizens' firearms.. I hope I remembered this correctly..
Those LEOs and Military get to make their own choices. History remembers those who choose correctly, just as it remembers those who did not.
I agree with everything you said, but just one question... Back when Beto O'Rourke got on his high horse about confiscating the guns from law abiding citizens and everyone else that he decided shouldn't have a gun, MOST Law Officers and Military stated that they would not comply. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am so I don't spread false information, but even most high ranking Law Enforcement officials along with Military followed suit with a Non compliance stance for the taking of citizens' firearms.. I hope I remembered this correctly..
The military and sworn LEO's will comply and follow orders. It's what they are sworn to do, and it is who they are. "Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" comes in a slow second to following orders and the chain of command.
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The military and sworn LEO's will comply and follow orders. It's what they are sworn to do, and it is who they are. "Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" comes in a slow second to following orders and the chain of command.
Pease do not interpret this as a challenge to anyone or intentionally starting a argument, that is NOT my goal!!! That being said...., Thank you for the clarification on that I am very familiar with "Following Orders and Directives", however, since I asked that question I did some research and found ( Through a couple of acquaintances of mine ) that there were in fact some High ranking top Military Officials, Several Sheriffs', Several Federal Officers, and Many, Many Local Law Enforcement departments that ( During Beto's Wanna be rants & raves about grabbing everyones' firearms ) have refused to follow that specific order if it were to come to fruition.
Maybe we should start a thread concerning when we think Joe BiteMe will be (secretly) ordered out of orifice by a Kenyan Marxist behind the curtain...
I think Crusty Joe must have taken the oath to the Constitution more than anyone alive. For sure he has broken that oath more than anyone alive. What kind of man can take an oath to defend and honor our Constitution and go straight to destroy it? A dirty treasonous Constitution hating tyrant well deserving a short rope. This man cheating his way into the White House I am in a state of war with this rabid tyrant. I will obey no law he makes that go against the Constitution as my duty is to do everything in my power to make life for him and his Communist Vice whos own father disowned her Hell. This isn't a president and we are a bad joke allowing this criminal to do this to America
Biden has been flapping his gums in politics for the last 47 years. And in that time he has managed to be on the wrong side of most every issue..... Including gun control. (If it were left up to him, we would still have Bin Laden running around, and be firing shotguns into the air from our balconies, every time we got scared). In those 47 years he has managed to accomplish NOTHING. So yeah, now he'll do even more talking, and accomplish much the same thing doing it.

Remember, Obama had both the House and Senate his first 2 years in office, and he couldn't even get enhanced background checks passed. Trump had it and he couldn't even get funding for the wall. All because of that little A$$ wipe Paul Ryan. So having all 3 branches of the government under one party is not an end all, cure all for the party in power. Far from it.

Add to that fact gun control has proved itself to be very toxic for the Democrats. The risk has always outweighed the reward most every time they tried to implement it. Remember what happened to Clinton in the 1994 mid term elections, after he rammed through both the Assault Weapons Ban and the Brady Bill. Biden will accomplish much the same. The Democrats ALWAYS manage to self destruct after going for gun control.
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