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Well, we had our meeting with BLM over land closed to shooting to make way for "improved ranges". Ot's clear this is much more an effort by government to say; "if we are forced to allow you to do this, you will do it the way we demand".

This was our presentation, which received a response of: well, tell us how you would envision this working and we will take it up after the next chunk of land we are going after, Table Mesa, another five-year project.


With AZ turning blue because of the flood of Komifornians, and the younger folks having heads full of mush, it's just a matter of time.
We here in Nevada haven't gone that far down the toilet, but the filth from Kalifonia are coming here on a daily basis in numbers large enough to cause concern. They're mostly going to Las Vegas; "up north" where I live just doesn't have the glitz and flash to attract those who seek depravity and urban blight. I'm so happy I've already got one foot in the grave. I hope I die before this entire nation turns completely into intestinal product. The senile buffoon in my White House ain't helpin' much to keep that from happening...
I don't have one foot in the grave, YET but I believe in leaving my kids something better that I came into. It doesn't seem I can in this case. The attacks on gun rights are coming from all sides. Now Bidet has issued an executive order that BLM is to make their first priority the ecology. "you are putting lead in the ground", your priority is last, right behind dirt bike and ATV/UTV riders with their smog devices.

The education system is indoctrinating their knowledge of rights out of them so there is little resistance to these idiotic changes. The media is spewing catastrophic results if they don't comply with electric cars, no incandescent bulbs, limit gas stoves, now ceiling fans, so they help mold useful idiots.

Oh well, at least I had a good run, thanks to my parents and their, truly greatest generation.
Here in New Mexico, we went from consistently being a "Swing State" to a Blue state, partially due to immigration from California and the Left Coast and somewhat lesser immigration from the fascistic East Coast. It is a sad state of affairs when those who left those states due political indoctrination and oppressive taxation come out and try to force the same kind of cr** down our throats and turn us into the very thing they came here trying to escape. The only real wall we need is one between the Left Coastal communist environs (along the base of the Sierra Nevada and northwards perhaps?) and along the Mississippi River.
I don't have one foot in the grave, YET but I believe in leaving my kids something better that I came into. It doesn't seem I can in this case. The attacks on gun rights are coming from all sides. Now Bidet has issued an executive order that BLM is to make their first priority the ecology. "you are putting lead in the ground", your priority is last, right behind dirt bike and ATV/UTV riders with their smog devices.

The education system is indoctrinating their knowledge of rights out of them so there is little resistance to these idiotic changes. The media is spewing catastrophic results if they don't comply with electric cars, no incandescent bulbs, limit gas stoves, now ceiling fans, so they help mold useful idiots.

Oh well, at least I had a good run, thanks to my parents and their, truly greatest generation.
You're a lucky bastard, there's no denying that
I don't care what biden does. I'm going to live my life free. He can say or write down anything he wants. He is a domestic terrorist. I'm still shooting on blm land I don't care.
I was at a Yavapai County dump and a forest service employee pulled in with a tandem trailer loaded to the brim with trash, old appliances, car parts and about any kind of trash you could imagine. All picked up at a local shooting site. He said they would probably be closing several sites. We have Lame-Brain Morons among us. We have a site that is well hidden and we make sure it is spotless when we leave.
Why should lame brains with guns in Arizona be any different than the Lame Brains in the White House. Give the terrorist regime 6 billion dollars and then there is Jake Sullivan who quote "The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades." unquote.

You have to wonder what these people are smoking. I am pissed because they will not share. I remember rose colored glasses this is ridiculous.
Here's the problem they can't or refuse to enforce anything unless they trip over it and it's easy. We told them, set up a hotline, set up a web site, we will call, we will take pictures. They refuse.

Their goal became apparent, when I sat in a meeting with all the other stakeholders to discuss their next venture, Table Mesa road near Phoenix. One of the stakeholders was the head of a non-profit organization that does desert cleanups on 4x4 trails and shooting sites. They were driven off of shooting sites by BLM because there was a "lead hazard". We've done cleanups after other people, they don't care.

They don't want cleanup. They want shooting areas to look like crap dumps. They can say see we don't have the budget to manage it and "they" are ruining it so we have to close it.
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