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The senile buffoon in our White House has again called for the dilution-- if not the outright elimination-- of our Second Amendment Rights. I'm reading articles today (one day after the fool's 2023 State of the Union Address) that the stupid batsard wants "assault weapons" banned. Let us not forget: This kcufbmud graduated in the bottom eleven percent of his law class. That means he failed to learn 89% of what was taught. Therefore, it's not surprising that he doesn't understand that the Second Amendment is God's promise to me that I do not have to stand there and be murdered by a violent criminal-- nor by a criminal government.

The image below is what eventually obtains when law-abiding citizens are disarmed by a government that cares naught for Individual Liberty. The message in this photograph is probably too difficult for the Delaware Dimbulb to understand, but I post it regardless...

Smaller German soldier.JPG
Jellybrain Joe says that Americans will need more than an AR-15 to defeat the F-15s of the US military. Again, the fool seems not to know that our military is sworn to the Constitution-- not to a brain-damaged pretender to the Presidency. There are 100 million Americans who own all manner of firearms. I'm not too smart, but I do not believe our military would kill their mothers, fathers, sons and daughters because a blithering, blathering, senile imbecile has outlawed a portion of their Freedom as so delineated under the Bill of Rights.

The first step toward tyranny taken by every tyrant is to disarm the population. Boe JiteMe has to be taking advice from Mao and Stalin-- both of whom were prodigious murderers of the disarmed. Freedom is fragile and is forever under constant attack. The enemy is in our White House-- and is supported by the Criminal Left Party and the Criminal Left Media.

I tend to believe if The Framers were ever to witness an AR-type rifle being fired until the magazine was empty and a full one subsequently locked into place in just a few seconds, they'd be massively-impressed and unanimously say that The People must have such a rifle to hold back the tide of tyranny that only government can provide. The Framers knew there would be crimes committed with firearms that had fallen into criminal hands. That's why they gave us laws against the illegal use of guns. They saw Essential Liberty as a greater blessing than "a little safety and security," to paraphrase Benjamin Franklin.

Imagine, if you can, the great and wonderful feeling it must have been for Americans once the Constitution was ratified and the government was then the servant of The People-- not their master. We've lost that supremacy to several decades of liberalism that has "made normal" the craziest, most stupid and irresponsible public behavior by adults who should be setting good examples for their descendants. Liberalism is a cancer that destroys everything it touches. Witness the Chinese spy balloon that overflew our nation for eight days until brain-dead Joe ordered it to be shot down. Imagine if the Third Reich flew a spy balloon over the US in 1943. For how many seconds after learning of it would FDR wait before he'd order it shot down? Imagine if Trump was faced with the same situation. I think he'd have ordered it downed as soon as it crossed into US airspace. But not the Senile Buffoon-in-Chief. Xi probably called him on a secure line and told Joe not to destroy the balloon else Crackhead Hunter would be out of a job and the "10% to the Big Guy" would come to an end...
Everyone that plays the stupid game: "you need more than and AR15 to defeat F-15s"either doesn't know crap or they forgot a lot.

  • Camel Jockeys in Afghanistan defeated the Brits, the Russians, and the USA
  • Our military cannot run without civilian support
    • Making munitions
    • Transporting vehicles
    • Supplying fuel
  • The military can't knock out our power grid, but small group of civilian linemen can hobble every military base in the US
  • Truck drivers can refuse to transport fuel, munitions, armament, parts, etc., and reroute materials for civilian use
  • Railroad workers can disrupt and destroy military shipments
  • HAM radio operators can maintain communications if the military hobbles themselves by shutting down cellular traffic.
  • They don't count on higher level units like Seal Teams, Berets, Sniper Scouts, who take their oath to the constitution seriously and will participate in the defense of it.
  • They don't count on the rank-and-file military desertion levels when faced with
    • Fighting elite units who refuse to violate their oath
    • Fighting against uncle Charlie and aunt Martha rather than nameless enemies that look different.
    • Fighting against overwhelming numbers that they will have to kill rather than expect surrender.
    • Not use stand-off weapons such as bombs, artillery, etc. but face their enemy one-on-one
It is the most stupid thought ever, but I expect no more or less from Pedo-Joe.
Liberty calls for less Boe JiteMe….

The US has always sucked at fighting against guerrilla forces, let alone one that's comprised from and embedded among the populace.

AR15's will work just fine against the logistics chain, snarling up traffic so military industrial complex workers can't make fuel, ammo, bombs, missiles, and control the air traffic… choke off food supplies, and even extended family members if needs be.

The dumbasses sitting in "high offices" fail to realize that they only govern (not rule) by the consent of the people…. lose the people, lose your life.
Everyone that plays the stupid game: "you need more than and AR15 to defeat F-15s"either doesn't know crap or they forgot a lot.

  • Camel Jockeys in Afghanistan defeated the Brits, the Russians, and the USA
  • Our military cannot run without civilian support
    • Making munitions
    • Transporting vehicles
    • Supplying fuel
  • The military can't knock out our power grid, but small group of civilian linemen can hobble every military base in the US
  • Truck drivers can refuse to transport fuel, munitions, armament, parts, etc., and reroute materials for civilian use
  • Railroad workers can disrupt and destroy military shipments
  • HAM radio operators can maintain communications if the military hobbles themselves by shutting down cellular traffic.
  • They don't count on higher level units like Seal Teams, Berets, Sniper Scouts, who take their oath to the constitution seriously and will participate in the defense of it.
  • They don't count on the rank-and-file military desertion levels when faced with
    • Fighting elite units who refuse to violate their oath
    • Fighting against uncle Charlie and aunt Martha rather than nameless enemies that look different.
    • Fighting against overwhelming numbers that they will have to kill rather than expect surrender.
    • Not use stand-off weapons such as bombs, artillery, etc. but face their enemy one-on-one
It is the most stupid thought ever, but I expect no more or less from Pedo-Joe.
Your post is massively fabulous! Wonderful reading. Will never happen, but Pants-on-Fire BiteMe needs to read what you wrote.
I personally do not like the AR-15, I bought and harbor the daddy of the little boy gun, the AR-10. I can take down any North American game animal with the 10. To be honest some of the Bears I would have a backup shooter, just in case I was not prefect in the kill zone. My back up is a BLR in .308.

For intelligent people I do not understand how these loons figure that once all the black rifles are gone then they will be safe. One dip shiit proposal has my Ruger 10-22 as an assault rifle, because of the high capacity magazine.

Maybe we will have to update this picture

For intelligent people I do not understand how these loons figure that once all the black rifles are gone, they will then be safe.
They are the same braintrusts who said once alcohol can no longer be consumed in the United States, crime and depravity will be gone like smoke in the wind...
Everyone that plays the stupid game: "you need more than and AR15 to defeat F-15s"either doesn't know crap or they forgot a lot.

  • Camel Jockeys in Afghanistan defeated the Brits, the Russians, and the USA
  • Our military cannot run without civilian support
    • Making munitions
    • Transporting vehicles
    • Supplying fuel
  • The military can't knock out our power grid, but small group of civilian linemen can hobble every military base in the US
  • Truck drivers can refuse to transport fuel, munitions, armament, parts, etc., and reroute materials for civilian use
  • Railroad workers can disrupt and destroy military shipments
  • HAM radio operators can maintain communications if the military hobbles themselves by shutting down cellular traffic.
  • They don't count on higher level units like Seal Teams, Berets, Sniper Scouts, who take their oath to the constitution seriously and will participate in the defense of it.
  • They don't count on the rank-and-file military desertion levels when faced with
    • Fighting elite units who refuse to violate their oath
    • Fighting against uncle Charlie and aunt Martha rather than nameless enemies that look different.
    • Fighting against overwhelming numbers that they will have to kill rather than expect surrender.
    • Not use stand-off weapons such as bombs, artillery, etc. but face their enemy one-on-one
It is the most stupid thought ever, but I expect no more or less from Pedo-Joe.
He's a plagiarizing, brain-dead blowhard.
Never forget this: Boe JiteMe finished 76th in his law class of 85 students. That's in the bottom eleven percent, meaning he failed to learn 89 percent of what was taught. The stupid batsard would probably lose a debate about law to an octogenarian woman who reads a ton of Agatha Christie murder mysteries.

When I went to school, a grade below 60 was an F. Accumulate enough F grades, and the university will throw you out so as to put another student with the energy and ambition to learn in your place. So why was Boe never kicked-out? Did he have a "legacy" at the institution-- his father, uncle or grandfather-- so he was accepted and never expected to excel academically?

Not a surprise that Boe never worked in a law office: The kcufbmud couldn't bring anything to a private law firm because he didn't know a dam-ned thing about law. He went into politics because he'd only have to bullschumer his constituents once every two years for the House, and once every six years for the Senate. The only thing Boe JiteMe has ever done in Washington is to open his pay envelope every two weeks. Other than that, he's pretty much a potted plant..
I am still hoping someone with conservative values stands up soon and makes a run for the presidency. With the interest rates climbing and the little people being strangled and priced out of a decent living. I do not believe the country and take another 4 years of biteme.

"President Joe Biden said Thursday that the U.S. is developing "sharper rules" to track, monitor and potentially shoot down unknown aerial objects, following three weeks of high-stakes drama sparked by the discovery of a suspected Chinese spy balloon transiting much of the country."

God help us when the intellectually challenged are in the pot for developing "sharper rules"
Never forget this: Boe JiteMe finished 76th in his law class of 85 students. That's in the bottom eleven percent, meaning he failed to learn 89 percent of what was taught. The stupid batsard would probably lose a debate about law to an octogenarian woman who reads a ton of Agatha Christie murder mysteries.

When I went to school, a grade below 60 was an F. Accumulate enough F grades, and the university will throw you out so as to put another student with the energy and ambition to learn in your place. So why was Boe never kicked-out? Did he have a "legacy" at the institution-- his father, uncle or grandfather-- so he was accepted and never expected to excel academically?

Not a surprise that Boe never worked in a law office: The kcufbmud couldn't bring anything to a private law firm because he didn't know a dam-ned thing about law. He went into politics because he'd only have to bullschumer his constituents once every two years for the House, and once every six years for the Senate. The only thing Boe JiteMe has ever done in Washington is to open his pay envelope every two weeks. Other than that, he's pretty much a potted plant..
Pretty sure Brandon coined the phrase, "D's get degrees".

For intelligent people I do not understand how these loons figure that once all the black rifles are gone, then they will be safe...
Dan Bongino reported that Americans own 393,00,000 guns and that an actual invasion by Chinese troops is not much of a possibility as it's been presented in movies and television. With that many guns in the hands of private citizens, both Washington and Peking have to give serious thought about the subjugation of a Free People. The Framers codified the Second Amendment such that the American People can remove a tyrannical government. The Second will work just as well to keep foreign invaders from instituting one within United States' borders.
I believe it was JFK who helped create the Navy Seal Teams as we now know them to be. Because he believed most all future wars would be small based, guerilla type conflicts. Requiring small forces of highly trained, skilled men.

Not massive armies that fought along lengthy battle lines, like in WW I. The fact we almost came to nuclear war with Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis made him adopt that type of thinking.... He was right. No country wants MAD, (Mutually Assured Destruction).
Dan Bongino reported that Americans own 393,00,000 guns and that an actual invasion by Chinese troops is not much of a possibility as it's been presented in movies and television. With that many guns in the hands of private citizens, both Washington and Peking have to give serious thought about the subjugation of a Free People. The Framers codified the Second Amendment such that the American People can remove a tyrannical government. The Second will work just as well to keep foreign invaders from instituting one within United States' borders.
In the Second World War with Japan I believe it was Yamamoto who said, "You cannot invade the mainland of the United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass".
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