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Our favorite enviro-whacko organization as filed to re-introduce grizzlies to the following states: Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Specific locations mentioned include California's Sierra Nevada, the Selway-Bitterroot in Idaho and Montana, and the Grand Canyon.

[Update] Enviro Group Intends to Sue, Wants Grizzlies in 12 Lower 48 States | Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (

Keep in mind, the CBD is con game that uses the Equal Access to Justice Act to file frivolous lawsuits such as this to make money. The Equal Access to Justice Act was passed during the Carter Administration and the peanut farmer signed it into law. It allows organizations or individuals to sue the federal government for redress of grievances and still get paid legal fees even when they lose. The CBD has raked in tens of millions of dollars in legal fees by suing the government over and over again. It is primarily a group of lawyers here in Tucson that is richer than the state.
Here in Northern Az we already had wolves reintroduced and have had run ins with them in broad daylight and right in the middle of town, some of the local officials have said its a non issue, but when we have photos of them at fences in packs and walking down the street at 13:00 in the afternoon, it's a problem, can't wait to have grizzlies here doing the same.
The problem is, the large urban population centers believe life in the natural world is just like Walt Disney said it is. Get brain-dead college kids involved in voting on issues like this and the outcome is pretty clear.
They believe the lies they are told by the their professors and that it is "right" for them to commit perjury to register to vote in elections where they are not citizens.
They believe the lies they are told by their professors and that it is "right" for them to commit perjury to register to vote in elections where they are not citizens.
I have had the displeasure of talking to this type of idiot, but only a few times. They're very much like the ones who absolutely believe in UFOs, government conspiracies against the People and the fools who support & believe in "climate change." It's impossible to talk any sense into these wackos. They're almost always young, easily convinced of whatever is the argument (because of their tender years) and they cling to the idea that you are wrong and dangerous because you do not agree with them. They can be some truly sick pieces of sewage solids...

EDIT: Whenever I see the word "diversity" in something, I know I'm going to be looking at a pile of what bulls leave on the ground behind them...
Free Democrat grizzly-bear weenies for everyone!!

I wouldn't mind seeing about a thousand Siberian wolves and brown bears from Kamchatka dropped into downtown Denver, LA, SF, Portland and Seattle. I bet the re-introduction plans would change real quick.
Arizona has some wild areas left, but a bit of reading on the grizzley says its average range is 70 square miles. Not very many places that the wild is that large in the lower 48. I would hate to have to carry my guide gun for walks.
I would hate to have to carry my guide gun for walks.
These nutcases who want to do these brain-dead things never consider the impact of their wacko ideas on people. They live in some sort of fruitcake fantasy world where bears can dance and talk, tigers are gentle as kittens and crocodiles are playful as puppies. These freakazoids believe the Earth has feelings, and that it's trying to communicate with us-- trying to tell us to stop using fossil fuels and to "Go Green." They hold these idiot notions because they have too much time on their hands; they are not at work and engaged in the struggle to stay alive from day to day. Their Depression-era parents gave them too much. They are the product of the "tune in, turn on, drop out" culture of the later 1960s and early 1970s. They were long-haired potheads fifty years ago; they're now the elected leaders of the country. Imagine what The Founders and The Framers would say if they saw what these clowns have done to the jewel they gave to us so many decades past...
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