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Got an email about this and pulled this page up.

With any luck slow joe and crew will be to busy being incognito over AGF. To do much about this.

I wonder if anyone remembers how well the drug czars worked out. When Harry J. Anslinger was appointed way back when which lead to the

Loosing anyone from violence for any reason is a really bad thing. But to pick on a path proven not to work in the past just goes to show someone is not paying attention again.
Excellent link, thanks.
They are all about control from the top down. Our countries history proves that the citizen soldier is a force to be reckoned with. If they get our guns then we are more manageable.
I saw a blurb on TV where they are still hashing the attack on the capitol. What I want to see is the information that has been rumored that they knew and did nothing to create the issue.

Still want to see the final report on the Maricopa County vote recount.
Excellent link, thanks.
They are all about control from the top down. Our countries history proves that the citizen soldier is a force to be reckoned with. If they get our guns then we are more manageable.
I saw a blurb on TV where they are still hashing the attack on the capitol. What I want to see is the information that has been rumored that they knew and did nothing to create the issue.

Still want to see the final report on the Maricopa County vote recount.
I remember seeing guards waving the protestors right on in, yet you hear or see nothing of that in/on the MSM... go figure hmmmm? :s0092:
the problem is even when they validate the fraud there is no mechanism that I am aware of to get rid of the cheaters.
We have to wait until another election cycle. During that time with any luck the people to helped the fraud elected or appointed all over the USA will be indited for voter crimes and put behind bars and stripped of public service.
I looked at that Colorado Politics newsletter-- or whatever it claims to be. Looks to me like it's one bunch of idiots trying to communicate with a second bunch of idiots. It's possible for intelligent and stable people to deal with one or two idiots. It becomes difficult to do so when the idiots read and make effort to institute the Cloward-Piven Strategy. What we have in Congress today are many who believe in and who want to enact the Cloward-Piven Strategy against so many facets, characteristics and customs of our nation that has made the United States the greatest nation God ever put on the face of the Earth. America is not perfect but it's so dam-ned close that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens per month try to sneak into a nation wherein Tyranny-crats burn our flag and call it "Free Speech."
Thanks nvshooter, I was blissfully unaware of the CPS.
I was never big on reading political ideologies when I was younger and when I got into the electrical trade it consumed me.

Now I have a term for what is happening to our country.
Wish that it was not so.
The AZ audit did find a LOT of fraudulent ballots, but the Governor was right to say it cannot be decertified - there is NO mechanism to do so. The only legal recourse we have is impeachment or wait to vote him out. With the current makeup of Congress, I cannot imagine any impeachment hearings beginning. And with Dominion being firmly ensconced in many states, I have my doubts about the 2022 elections changing possession of the House and Senate, as much as fury grips this nation over the flagrant damage to our fair country, and the willful and blatant disregard of the rule of just law. They believe, perhaps correctly, that they shall never be held accountable.
The AZ audit did find a LOT of fraudulent ballots, but the Governor was right to say it cannot be decertified - there is NO mechanism to do so. The only legal recourse we have is impeachment or wait to vote him out. With the current makeup of Congress, I cannot imagine any impeachment hearings beginning. And with Dominion being firmly ensconced in many states, I have my doubts about the 2022 elections changing possession of the House and Senate, as much as fury grips this nation over the flagrant damage to our fair country, and the willful and blatant disregard of the rule of just law. They believe, perhaps correctly, that they shall never be held accountable.
Call the snipers
It's time to get involved in the election process itself. Volunteer to be a poll watcher and especially to watch the counting process. Take written notes and report any abnormalities immediately to law enforcement authorities so there is a record that isn't in the political arena. Talk to the media about what you saw and experienced. If necessary, file an affidavit.
The AZ audit did find a LOT of fraudulent ballots, but the Governor was right to say it cannot be decertified-- there is NO mechanism to do so.
Most likely because when the law was written, nobody had any idea that ardent followers of Lenin, Stalin and Mao would one day ascend to levels of power that could alter the true outcome of an election.
They believe, perhaps correctly, that they shall never be held accountable.
As long as the Criminal Left Media fully supports the serial violations of our Constitution by the Criminal Left in Washington, I fear you will be correct until helsinki freezes over. It's amazing how far our nation has fallen in less than a year.

Hannity says there are 400,000 Haitians headed to our borders during the month of October. There are tens of thousands more from a multitude of countries also on the way over the coming months. Our borders will be pretty much erased and our nation will cease to exist as a sovereign country. No doubt all these illegal aliens will make a bee-line to the welfare office and will be made instant citizens by a Congress and a White House that has no use for the Constitution. Every American soldier who ever served and all those who have died in defense of Liberty will have sacrificed for nothing. Such a thought brings tears to my eyes. God gave to us this nation, and Joe BiteMe gave it to an ocean of illegal aliens-- within our lifetimes. Unbelievable, isn't it?
That's the Alinsky theory in action. Overload the social welfare state till the populace demands a police state to control the chaos and voila- you have another 3rd world socialist oligarchy. Of course, the oligarchs that are funding all this are not affected at all. You know, if those billionaire oligarchs really wanted to do something to help, they would be building hospitals in poor areas, developing homes for the under privileged, paying stipends to the working poor and funding better education programs instead of pushing billions into "fundamentally changing America."
Millions upon millions of firearms in the hands of good citizens, while the destruction of our country continues - without so much as a loud phart in the general direction of those responsible.
Millions upon millions of firearms in the hands of good citizens, while the destruction of our country continues - without so much as a loud phart in the general direction of those responsible.
I've never appreciated dinos more than now--only thing keeping leftists from taxing pig & cattle farts, making meat & dairy unaffordable for everyone but the rich
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