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My family is moving to OR once they get some things in order, and I hope to go to college up there once I finish community college. The stuff in this state is getting difficult to deal with, especially after I took a trip through Oregon on the way to see a friend at Whidbey Island, WA. The cash-and-carry long gun laws are just so foreign to me, it was wonderful to see.

And that Cabela's in Eugene...:)
Oregon is run by Socialists, it looks great to one from Commiefornia, so does WAaaa. OR is a Class III State that allows switchblades and WA now allows Supressors but ID is the place to be!
I'm resurrecting this thread because what is currently happening in the McSally / Sinema Senate race is a perfect example of what I warned about. Sinema is currently leading McSally by a very narrow margin. (Under 2,000 votes with over 300,000 yet to be counted.... 11/9/2018). Because a large portion of those 300,000 votes are early voting ballots, Republicans are hopeful they will help McSally pull ahead in the final stages. We will see.

But it doesn't change the fact Sinema is a far left communist who as it stands, is very close to winning in a state that used to be solid RED. If she wins, she will vote for every new gun control bill that comes her way. And for every pro immigration bill as well. And remember, it is VERY DIFFICULT to unseat an incumbent Senator once elected. Which means Arizona will be stuck with a far left communist representing this state, for what could be years to come. Let's say a little prayer that doesn't happen.

But what ever happens they should FIRE every single person connected with Arizona elections state wide. It is absolutely ludicrous for it to take this long to count votes! Arizona is the worst state in the nation when it comes to tallying votes on election day. All the time, every time. Even Montana, who had an much tighter Senate race, was able to conclude the vote count in just 24 hours.
It galls me that this Sinema broad can even get a single vote considering her stance on the Taliban and Americans joining them to kill other Americans. McSally served six combat tours in IRQ and AFG. The two could not be more diverse. Why and how has the American electorate become so dam-ned stupid?
It galls me that this Sinema broad can even get a single vote considering her stance on the Taliban and Americans joining them to kill other Americans. McSally served six combat tours in IRQ and AFG. The two could not be more diverse. Why and how has the American electorate become so dam-ned stupid?

That is both what scares me, and is the $64,000 question. These people are insane.
It galls me that this Sinema broad can even get a single vote considering her stance on the Taliban and Americans joining them to kill other Americans. McSally served six combat tours in IRQ and AFG. The two could not be more diverse. Why and how has the American electorate become so dam-ned stupid?
Arizona is a state with 2 population bases, one on Phoenix, the other in Tucson. Phoenix, being the primary area with over 3 million people is full of Anti-gunners, welfare grabbers, hippies, etc. Tucson with about a million people is full of illegals, more welfare grabbers, sanctuary citizen dwellers and more Anti-gunners. The fools from the south vote for people from the north, because any body from the south doesnt have as much funding and media support as those from south. McSally, being from the south, has even limited support from the local residents because they vote for the liberals from the north. She left an empty congressional seat which was won by Ann Kirkpatrick, a carpetbagger from the north who MOVED TO TUCSON SO SHE COULD GET A JOB after losing her election bid in PHOENIX. Too many retirees in S. AZ, mostly MidWest snow birds, carrying their liberal idealogy with them. Its only natural, they vote to give illegals all the money they dont deserve, and elect the politicians who will do it.
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