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Interior to move most of Bureau of Land Management's D.C. staff out west as part of larger reorganization push

"The Washington Post and the news website E&E reported the agency will formally announce the new HQ on Tuesday. The Post said nearly 80 BLM employees will move west.

While Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and former secretary Ryan Zinke have spoken favorably about the move, E&E reports it's not sitting well with many BLM employees.

Some environmental groups and other Western politicos have also objected to the move. National Wildlife Federation associate vice president Tracy Stone-Manning said in a statement it is "expensive and unnecessary." Arizona Rep. Raúl Grijalva, a critic of Bernhardt and the proposed relocation, said in a statement that the Grand Junction move would only accelerate the agency's "agenda" of "handing over public lands to fossil fuel companies at record speed."

My thoughts-
***While the initial cost of the moves are large the low cost of living (future hiring / wages) and lower travel costs to much of the BLM holdings will more then make up for it.. Auto Company's have been moving out out So Cal to Texas and Tenn. For these very reasons.

Why didn't the Congressman from Mexico lobby for the headquarters in AZ, since he has helped to run off much of the business in Tucson! Would have been nice the have it in Prescott or Flag. Oh yeah it's all about control for Liberals, now it will be harder for them to taxi down the street in DC and influence the PUBLIC LANDS decisions.
It will be hell to pay if Grijalva's influence on the city Tucson helps them decide to be a sanctuary city this fall! I was close enough to hear the gun fire (AK variant) when the smugglers were killed near Marana High School***

These look like all lefties who don't want to move, well, too bad. Force them to move like they do with other government jobs. Maybe cut a few high paying jobs we don't need etc.
I can understand the reluctance to pick up and move ( done it many times) BUT the don"t know how lucky they are to get out of the swamp And their home values are probably twice what they'll pay in Grand Junction
Once they leave the DC "bubble", they are exposed to normal people again. I am not sure if that will help their decisions much, but at least they will be much more "available" for comments, or lynchings, what have you.
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