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Phone, Laptop?
I had emails coming to my phone, but it became so clogged that I had to put an end to that. I'd delete them on my phone, but they were still on my computer. Was just too much bullschiff to suffer, so I don't do much websurfing on my phone. Always seems like wherever I am, the transfer speed is always slow as frozen molasses...
There is a vintage Samuel Colt rifle, the revolving carbine, that is pretty cool. Good for riding horses and shooting.

My top pick just might be the Monitor, an automatic 30-06, similar to but slightly better than the Browning BAR. There's a nice cameo of the monitor in the movie, The Highwaymen, where the Texas Ranger played by Kevin Costner, walks into a gun store and the rest you should really watch.
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I've been pretty busy over-all with some health problems over the last year and a half, I'm kinda slowly re-activating some of my doing stuff accts. Was talking to one of the mods from NWFA on the phone today, figured I'd check in to both NWFA and SWFA. Now that the COOF paranoia seems to be tapering a bit, I'd like to start to get back out doing stuff. and local forums are way better than social media for organizing that kinda thing.
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