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Wow, there's a lot out there, a lot of good, and a lot of crappy. is the website, and if you haven't done so yet, I urge you to both join AZCDL and register on the Right To Speak system - AZCDL will help you do that.
For example HB 2361 THROUGH HB 2367 are all attempts are limiting your firearms rights, including 2365, the Severe Threat Order of Protection, i.e. red flag.
Please note the "good/Bad" are solely my personal opinion, and I invite you to read each bill in full on the website to make your own determination. Also, this only applies to all bills submitted and listed on the website as of 22:30 AZ time on 1/23/2022.

HB2166 - TPT; use tax; exemption; firearms Good
HB2193 - state law; local violations; repeal. Bad
HB2198 - employee termination; COVID-19 vaccine; compensation Good
HB2237 - same day voter registration; prohibition Good
HB2242 - voter registrations; validation requirement Good
HB2251 - lasers; assault; peace officers; penalty Good
HB2291 - schools; prohibited instruction; civil penalty Good
HB2296 - government-issued voter identification; requirement Good
HB2304 - prohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory Bad
HB2316 - misconduct involving weapons; public places Good
HB2317 - appropriation; border fence construction Personally I am all for this one
HB2361 - firearm purchases; waiting period; offense Bad
HB2362 - firearm dealers; firearms transfers; requirements Bad
HB2363 - firearm sales; permit verification; requirements Bad
HB2364 - patient information; gun safety; appropriation Bad
HB2365 - severe threat order of protection REALLY BAD
HB2366 - firearm sales; transfers; background checks REALLY BAD
HB2367 - firearm; ammunition storage; civil penalty Bad
HB2402 - automatic voter registration; same day. Bad
HB2414 - misconduct involving weapons; school grounds Good
HB2447 - firearms; universities; community colleges; campus Good
HB2448 - firearms safety; training; schools Barely good, but a step in the right direction
HB2469 - early ballots; polling place; tabulation Good
HB2472 - businesses; firearms; unlawful acts Good
HB2473 - firearms; contracts; prohibited practices Good
HB2489 - provisional concealed weapons permit Good but weird, making 18-20 year olds have a permit, only good if morphs into 18-20 years olds getting Constitutional Carry
HB2492 - voter registration; verification; citizenship Good
HB2498 - COVID-19; vaccination requirements; prohibition Good
HB2514 - day of racial healing; observed Ridiculous
HB2571 - early voting; limitations; hand count Good
HB2577 - voter identification; ballots; delivery; process Good
HCR2013 - firearm sales; transfers; background checks Bad
SB1008 - elections; recount margin Good
SB1032 - border fence construction; appropriation Good
SB1033 - riot; unlawful assembly; classification; liability Good
SB1037 - prohibited weapons; muffling device; repeal Good
SB1057 - no fly lists; due process Good
SB1058 - drive-up voting; prohibition Good
SB1123 - disruption; educational institution; concealed weapon Good
SB1124 - concealed weapons permit; fee; applications Good
SB1125 - firearms and equipment; regulation Good
SB1177 - concealed weapons permit; renewal application Good
SB1186 - death certificates; gender Idiotic
SB1220 - property; firearms clauses; agreements; prohibition Good
SB1226 - immigration; law enforcement; repeal Bad
SB1251 - armed robbery; deadly weapon; classification Good
SB1252 - justification; physical; deadly force; sentencing Interesting, calling it good
SB1260 - registrations; early voting; move notice Good
SCR1008 - Antifa; domestic terrorist designation And hell yes.

Again, my personal opinion only, but I think you will probably agree on the majority of them.
That was about 2 hours of surfing the bills...I MIGHT have missed one or two, but I doubt it.
There are a LOT of voting integrity bills and even more being filed.
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