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I'm curious what you all think about US Senator Martin Heinrich's GOSAFE Act in the US Senate (introduced in November of 2023). The full title is the Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion Act (the GOSAFE Act).

The bill reads like so:

S.3369, the Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion Act, or the GOSAFE Act, states " shall be unlawful for any person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, receive, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a firearm, device, or combination of parts..." related to gas-operated semi-automatics.

I have an article coming out next month in which the bill is more adequately summarized and I'm looking to collect some responses from current gun owners for follow-up articles in the future. You can find all my articles at <>, the January articles will be online next week.

From all the research I've been doing on firearms, all semi-automatics are technically "gas-operated" with the gas from ignition being used to recoil the slider and eject the spent casing. Senator Heinrich's bill lists exemptions for specific firearms but limits the ammunition capacity.

What do you think about the GOSAFE Act?

Is there any government regulation over guns that you would be in favor of?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

- Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States -
It would be dam-ned nice if these DC idiots would bring the hammer down on violent criminals instead of obliterating the Individual Rights of the American People. My guess is they spent more time coming-up with the title of the bill than they did actually researching records and reports of crimes committed by the perps who were arrested.

It's far easier to reduce-- or even to eliminate-- the Rights of honest citizens than it is to make a life of crime an unpleasant experience. Making laws that have no effect on criminals is cowardice. Why would we expect anything better from these diarrhea-drinking libtards?
GOSAFE act is a attack on the law abiding citizen.
How does it prevent guns from criminals? illegals? the mentally incompetent?

I own one gun that is not gas operated. A Shiloh Sharps 45-70.
Is there any government regulation over guns that you would be in favor of?
Here is my general response to this type of question. We have a lot of laws already that are not getting prosecuted.

For instance, it is a Felony to attempt to buy a gun if you are prohibited from doing so.
Some of these people fail background checks but it is rare to never that they are prosecuted for the offense.

I'd rather see more enforcement to improve on the goal of keeping guns out of criminals hands than find more ways to infringe either Intentionally or accidently on law abiding citizens.

In general, it would be nice to have accurate data regarding gun violence by calling out suicides separately instead of a combining them as victims.
Here is my general response to this type of question. We have a lot of laws already that are not getting prosecuted.

For instance, it is a Felony to attempt to buy a gun if you are prohibited from doing so.
Some of these people fail background checks but it is rare to never that they are prosecuted for the offense.

I'd rather see more enforcement to improve on the goal of keeping guns out of criminals hands than find more ways to infringe either Intentionally or accidently on law abiding citizens.

In general, it would be nice to have accurate data regarding gun violence by calling out suicides separately instead of a combining them as victims.
Seems reasonable to me.
Senator Kelly was REFUSED a AR15 because he LIED on the federal fire arm purchase form. Purchase was tried at a local gun store to Tucson.

This fool is a sitting Senator in Washington.
An improvement would be to bring back actual prosecution with stiff sentences for those that habitually commit crimes - i.e. criminals. And for those criminals caught with any weapon, not just a gun, automatically receive a lengthy sentence and (at least) 2 strikes added to their records with no possibility of a plea deal or reduced sentences. Non-violent offenders should be in completely differrent facilities, and the violent ones corralled into high security extremely regimented facilities. The primary issue lies with those that commit violent crimes, not with law-abiding gun owners. Britain has strict gun laws and thier legislative bodies have been discussing "knife" crime. A lowly piece of steel is itself no longer looked at as a tool. The rosy short-sightedness of legislative bodies won't allow them to believe that human nature will allow us all to look at a tool as a weapon when needed. "That rock just jumped up and killed that man!" Have they never heard of an Axe-murderer? "Lizzie Borden took an axe/She gave her mother forty whacks/When she saw what she had done/She gave her father forty-one." She was tried and acquitted, but that does not change the fact that it was just a tool used as a weapon in implementing those deaths, like hammers, screwdrivers, and all manner of garden tools, or rocks, can be. The only difference is that a firearm is a tool that should be used with aforethought and the knowledge that it is dangerous by design, as the best recourse for many who would otherwise be at a severe disadvantage in an instance where defense is required. "God made all men, Sam Colt made them equal".
My wife is 5'4" tiny and thin, as old as I, yet she loves to go recreational shooting, and can shoot every bit as well as I. She would never be able to hold her own in a physical confrontation. Period. Yet, just because she truly enjoys recreational shooting does not make her an effective Defensive shooter. Therefore she took classes in defensive shooting, and now has a Concealed Carry Permit, and can draw and hit faster than I can. So the point of this missive is that in our society it is generally recognized that a person has a right to defend themself, and those who cannot defend themselves. All this beyond the requirement to put food on the table, or the recreational value of firearms. Also that, due to the neglect of our justice system, justice must often be served immediately to an aggressor when a disproprtionate threat towards the intended victim ensues. Guns are the enablers of equality. I will say it again... Guns are the Enablers of Equality. When the sheep and the sheepdogs can fight back, then the wolves and bears should beware.
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So, I take it you are against any form of gun regulation?
I am against the lack of effective prosecution and punishment for violent crimes already on the books. We don't need MORE laws, especially those targeted at non-violent law-abiding and resposible gun owners. EVERY LAW, by definition and affect, is in its effect an abridgement of individual rights to certain behaviors. With an understanding that in one way or another laws affect all of us and abridge the exercise of some individual behaviors that we as a society agree are contrary to our social contract (in this case our Constitution and Bill of Rights). We essentially should only pass reasonable laws to attempt to control behavior that is heinously negligent, or most importantly, intentionally detrimental towards others in violation of those others' rights to life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. Violent crimes are the most egregious violation of another's rights.
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I'm curious what you all think about US Senator Martin Heinrich's GOSAFE Act in the US Senate (introduced in November of 2023). The full title is the Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion Act (the GOSAFE Act).

The bill reads like so:

S.3369, the Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion Act, or the GOSAFE Act, states " shall be unlawful for any person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, receive, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a firearm, device, or combination of parts..." related to gas-operated semi-automatics.

I have an article coming out next month in which the bill is more adequately summarized and I'm looking to collect some responses from current gun owners for follow-up articles in the future. You can find all my articles at <>, the January articles will be online next week.

From all the research I've been doing on firearms, all semi-automatics are technically "gas-operated" with the gas from ignition being used to recoil the slider and eject the spent casing. Senator Heinrich's bill lists exemptions for specific firearms but limits the ammunition capacity.

What do you think about the GOSAFE Act?

Is there any government regulation over guns that you would be in favor of?
Every gun law fails the Constitution. Any gun law and it's supporters have violated their oath and they probably didn't have any honor to begin with. I got a place this clown can go and take all his good buddies with him. He should be pulled, pushed, or dragged from office and made to stand trial for his failed violation of his oath and never allowed to hold public office again. But that is just what the law of the land says and has said for over 200 years no matter what type of treason this terrorist is selling. Maybe he has a dream and wants to shoot up a school or play hide the night stick in some bus stop restroom.What ever he is up to no good.
Just as a warning, Nazi is a German shortened concatenation of two words, "Nazional Sozialist" from the full name of the party: Nazional Sozialistisches Deutsche Arbeiter Partei or National Socialist German Workers' Party, depending if it is in the accusative or posessive. The key word is Socialist, and most of the failed Socialist experiments in the past have degenerated into Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Elitism and other negative expresions of "I, We, or They know what is best for YOU". George Orwell spelled it out in "1984" and "Animal Farm", and he was by no means Libertarian (in the US meaning) or Liberal (in the European sense of the term). But he did see what was hapenning around him and recognized the danger.
For those who don't realize it, a "true" Democracy is a "Dictatorship of the Majority". (And the term "Social Democrat" used widely abroad for multiple political entities concerns me somwhat.) Which is why our very wise Founding Fathers, (though fallible figures of the time period as viewed through the lens of history and social change), worked very hard to fashion a Republic with a Representative Democracy and Constitutional protections of Individual Liberties. These are embodied in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Thank them one and all for their foresight and understanding of human nature as best they could.
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So now these walkin' turds want to ban gas-operated rifles. What's next? Target rifles that can put a 6.5mm bullet into the auditory canal of a Freedom-hating liberal from 1600 yards away? Can't you just hear the bleating of Sick Willy Klantoon whining about "these deadly target rifles that can kill a man from two miles away?" Or how deadly serious is the voice of Chucky Bullschumer, describing how an S2Delta chassis makes a common-manufacture receiver supremely accurate out to several miles? Whenever a libtard talks about guns, it's a safe bet the sorry batsard don't know schiff from apple butter...
For those who don't realize it, a "true" Democracy is a "Dictatorship of the Majority."
I see "democracy" (or as I spell it on quora, d'MOCK!racy) used profusely on quora in questions asked as to why the United States employs the Electoral College versus the equality of a singular man's vote under a Popular Vote system like we see in the staggering genius of European countries. My answer to that question is that the Popular Vote system is great for electing the Homecoming King and Queen to reign over that evening's Homecoming Dance, but that it fails abysmally for the election of a President in a nation of 330 million people. I include that "The Framers were far, far more intelligent than to give to us a voting system so fatally flawed and so easy to cheat against it. Just be happy that we have the Electoral College versus your "one man, one vote" system. Occasionally I'll throw in that "just because you don't understand the Electoral College is no reason to replace it with something of lesser perfection."

I recently wrote that in a d'MOCK!racy, 100,000,001 votes to allow the government to legally murder you versus 100,000,000 votes to let you live means... you're dead. Then I ask, "Do you really want to live in a nation like that?"
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I think anyone who tries to regulate our constitutional rights should be hung outside the capital.
I, too, believe that anyone who tries to regulate our constitutional Rights should be hanged outside the Capitol. My first smear of intestinal product to feel the bite of a new rope would be the Tyranny-crat dogturd Senator from Manhattan...
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