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I am amazed at how frightened gun owners are at the reality of the 2nd amendment. I sense this reluctance even among you guys to come out and say what the 2nd amendment is and what it isn't is the right to hunt or defend property or self. Wrong wrong wrong. The 2nd amendment guarantees the right for every American to own the same rifle as the US Army. It was modified and a tax was added to own full auto weapons. Is the AR15 a home defense weapon? Is the Garand? A shotgun is the best weapon not a rifle caliber in an apartment building. Trying to make a point is all. The law allows for the defense against the US Army and the public refuses to even discuss it.
I say change the constitution article 5 and end ownership of all weapons other than weapons for hunting, home defense, and self defense. If nobody has the stones to stand up and say what the 2nd amendment is then why have it? Nobody cares enough to even say it much less argue the fact. I have mine buried so I don't give a bubblegum what you folks give away. This is what some guys say and that is just great. If heaven forbid there are ever soldiers on our streets then a .22 long rifle will get a machine gun. Guns will be everywhere trust me. Till then end the 20 round mag rifle all 120 million. It is a bubblegum show at both ends.
So I'm confused. You support the 2nd amendment or you don't?

I say change the constitution article 5 and end ownership of all weapons other than weapons for hunting, home defense, and self defense.

This comment is sarcastic I take it.

I don't think that the younger generation understands any of the constitution since they quit teaching it in school. With that said they sure as hell don't understand the true meaning behind any of them and I highly doubt that they have read it to even have an opinion on it. They are being force fed an agenda that serves only one purpose and that is for a socialist state and the disarmament of the populace.
The 2nd Is the Final solution for a Government run amuck, it's the last straw, the line in the sand!
It means far more then what you posted too.
It guarantees all men will have the means to self defense AND defense of The Several States.
It guarantees all able bodied men will be able to serve in the States Militia
It guarantees all men will have access to the same weapons and technology available to the regular Army or Navy with out limits
It guarantees all men may stand against a tyrannical government and take back the powers granted said
Further more;
No limits are set against types or numbers or calibers of weapons any man may have
No limits on any technology he may have or use
No limits on when or where or how he may carry, store or use said weapons
No limits or restrictions placed on where he MAY NOT carry, use, or store said weapons
No bans limits or restrictions may be placed on any one that would remove his weapons from him, or would remove his self defense

thats because we know what it is and stands should ask who has the stones to say still stands today cause theres no denying what it means.why bother anyway since the dems wont obey there own written laws why the hell should we.if the laws are to be different for the rich or polictical figures vs the poor and the working man we sir have bigger problems and the crap is about to hit the fan right.
The 2A is the final defense against a tyrannical government when ALL OTHER MEANS ARE EXHAUSTED. Until then, the patriots of this country don't need to start saber rattling or threatening about what we can or will do if things don't go their way.

We swore an oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. But any defense needs to be well thought out and not recklessly applied. There's a time and place for everything.

We do in fact have many enemies of the constitution in our own government. These people need to be ferreted out and removed from office - one election at a time. Any other method - or talk of any other method - is obviously illegal.

We will always have enemies of our country, our way of life, our freedoms, and also our Constitution. Our freedom to defend ourselves from criminals, or our enemies, or our own government, scares the bejesus out of mainly our enemies in government. These enemies work tirelessly at attempting to create some unattainable utopian dream. They do this because they choose to ignore history, ignore reality, and cannot understand "cause and effect" or "unintended consequences". They are naive and foolish well as our enemies. They will just have to live with the fact that we aren't going to lay down and let them strip us of our freedoms. They will always fight against us, while we fight back. Nothing will ever change that. But for now it has not escalated to a shooting fight yet. The lives and freedoms of millions of Americans hangs in the balance.

But for now, let's fight them with words and votes.
I read Post #1 twice and still don't understand what's the point being made. It might be lost in the sentence structure, the capitalization and the punctuation. Or the lack of each...
Lack Of Cofveve me thinks!


Try some of this, guaranteed to fix what ever ail's ya!
It's after noon, ain't it?
Yes. Yes, it is. 2024 PDT where I'm chilling. I still have a few bottles of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale from 2010 remaining. It was under the sink in my unused bathroom. Put it there around November 2010 and forgot about it. Still good, and very hoppy. Think I'll have one after Laura Ingraham finishes-up...
My grammar has come into question as it is being disected like a legal document.
I was simply saying not one person out there anywhere is willing to say it like this and very simple like so folks like me can understand it.
The 2nd amendment means
Citizens can possess small arms up to .50 BMG
Citizens are allowed to organize into a militia and possess their weapons.

I saw someone mention weapons of war.
We live in Arizona and here weapons of war are not guaranteed in the constitution. The fact that this country allows it's citizens an opportunity to possess weapons of war says something about this country. Tanks, field artillery, grenades, grenade launchers and a flame thrower are available after a vetting process. I don't know if rocket propulsion weapons are permitted?
There are over 660k registered machine guns. Two separate crimes have been committed using legal machine guns since 1968. Both were done by cops using department weapons.
Who is America afraid of again?
In the end all my personal frustration stems from Millenials, my own kids generation. I hear them saying stuff like we don't need the laws to be written the way they are referring to rifles that can hold a 20 round mag or higher.
So long Glock's (mags are available) and a whole long list of others. Rifles are the target but this is what's being said. It is insight to their mind as far as I am concerned. Someone that stupid can not be reasoned with because they are not even in the same room as you in terms of agreement on the killing situation causing all this debate.
I have said all along it is a question of mental health. Either way gun laws are being examined by people and when women start saying round them all up and drive a bulldozer over them it is gonna get ugly folks. Women in this country have a very strong voice and vote. The thumbhole buttstock was genius legislation and kept America safe until the pistol grip and 30 round mag came back. My point is this next legislation won't be so dumb. I apologize for my sarcastic remarks. I use it to ease the pain.
To the OP, it sounds that you are as riled up as the rest of us...Good, now use that passion to take someone under your wing, take them shooting, talk about how great this Country is and what makes it great.

Also, welcome to SWFA.
The 2A of the U.S. Constitution merely affirms my God given right to self defense.
If the Constitution is repealed tomorrow I still maintain those rights.

"When you believe it is Time to bury your weapons, it is in actuality time to use them."
My grammar has come into question as it is being disected like a legal document.
I was simply saying not one person out there anywhere is willing to say it like this and very simple like so folks like me can understand it.
The 2nd amendment means
Citizens can possess small arms up to .50 BMG
Citizens are allowed to organize into a militia and possess their weapons.

I saw someone mention weapons of war.
We live in Arizona and here weapons of war are not guaranteed in the constitution. The fact that this country allows it's citizens an opportunity to possess weapons of war says something about this country. Tanks, field artillery, grenades, grenade launchers and a flame thrower are available after a vetting process. I don't know if rocket propulsion weapons are permitted?
There are over 660k registered machine guns. Two separate crimes have been committed using legal machine guns since 1968. Both were done by cops using department weapons.
Who is America afraid of again?
In the end all my personal frustration stems from Millenials, my own kids generation. I hear them saying stuff like we don't need the laws to be written the way they are referring to rifles that can hold a 20 round mag or higher.
So long Glock's (mags are available) and a whole long list of others. Rifles are the target but this is what's being said. It is insight to their mind as far as I am concerned. Someone that stupid can not be reasoned with because they are not even in the same room as you in terms of agreement on the killing situation causing all this debate.
I have said all along it is a question of mental health. Either way gun laws are being examined by people and when women start saying round them all up and drive a bulldozer over them it is gonna get ugly folks. Women in this country have a very strong voice and vote. The thumbhole buttstock was genius legislation and kept America safe until the pistol grip and 30 round mag came back. My point is this next legislation won't be so dumb. I apologize for my sarcastic remarks. I use it to ease the pain.
Actually, the constitution DOES allow citizens to own weapons of war up to and including MAN-O-WAR, the Nuclear ICBM of the day!
IT does NOT exclude any small arms at all, neither by size or caliber, or any other factors, ( Note, .54 caliber muskets are bigger then .50 BMG) and it allows it's private citizens to operate in the name of this country in operations at sea and against our enemies under letters of mark! Something that still exists today and is used! It does NOT exclude specific types of weapons or explosives or rockets, never did, and still doesn't!
The Constitution IS NOT a living document subject to the whims and vagerities of modern society or people, it is written in stone and there is only one way to make changes to it!
The Constitution IS NOT a living document subject to the whims and vagarities of modern society or people; it is written in stone and there is only one way to make changes to it!
The Criminal Left believes the Constitution is a living document because such sentiment allows them to make changes to it as changes occur in their mercurial emotions. The Framers designed the process to amend the Constitution to be a long and difficult process such that Liberty could not be stolen from the People on the altar of hastily-promulgated statute law. The entire legislative process in America is designed to slow the process of making law. The slow and arduous process is what allows the People to hear about the proposed changes before they become instituted law. Freedom of the Press has a part in this too, although in these modern times, the Press has become another tentacle of the federal government.
I saw someone mention weapons of war.
The AR-15 and the semi-automatic AK-47 are not "weapons of war." No standing military on this planet issues a semi-automatic weapon as its front-line battle rifle. These two weapons only look like weapons seen in war. Liberals are stuck on the appearance of things. They see Black men, Asian men and White men as different. Conservatives see Americans-- without distinction. Because an AR-type rifle has a bayonet lug and a collapsing buttstock (like is seen on an issue M4 carbine), the liberals so ignorantly and so incorrectly call the common AR-15 rifle a "weapon of war." They do so to raise fear based upon the ignorance of so many Americans when the discussion comes to firearms.

The ideology of liberalism requires falsehood, fear and ignorance to exist and to survive. If liberals ever told the real truth about for what they stand, their ideology would wither on the vine and blow away on the wind of reality. Every election cycle, the Criminal Left and the Criminal Left Media tells our senior citizens that Republicans are going to take Medicare and Medicaid away from them. Anybody with half a brain knows that's pure bullschumer, but fear is one hellsinki of a motivator.

Then there is entrenched ignorance. There are many Americans who absolutely refuse to come around to believe in conservative principles. Conservatism is the idea that every man is responsible for his position in life; he gets there by the sweat of his brow combined with his intelligence. Liberals prefer that someone else do the sweating (also known as federal money) and when that is the case, intelligence is not necessary. Conservatives work hard for what they want. Liberals make more and more loud and obnoxious noises to secure what they want.
thats because we know what it is and stands should ask who has the stones to say still stands today cause theres no denying what it means.why bother anyway since the dems wont obey there own written laws why the hell should we.if the laws are to be different for the rich or polictical figures vs the poor and the working man we sir have bigger problems and the crap is about to hit the fan right.
Liberals, progressives, leftists whatever you want to call them question and deny what it says, hence all the legal challenges taken all the way to SCOTUS.
I am amazed at how frightened gun owners are at the reality of the 2nd amendment. I sense this reluctance even among you guys to come out and say what the 2nd amendment is and what it isn't is the right to hunt or defend property or self. Wrong wrong wrong. The 2nd amendment guarantees the right for every American to own the same rifle as the US Army. It was modified and a tax was added to own full auto weapons. Is the AR15 a home defense weapon? Is the Garand? A shotgun is the best weapon not a rifle caliber in an apartment building. Trying to make a point is all. The law allows for the defense against the US Army and the public refuses to even discuss it.
I say change the constitution article 5 and end ownership of all weapons other than weapons for hunting, home defense, and self defense. If nobody has the stones to stand up and say what the 2nd amendment is then why have it? Nobody cares enough to even say it much less argue the fact. I have mine buried so I don't give a bubblegum what you folks give away. This is what some guys say and that is just great. If heaven forbid there are ever soldiers on our streets then a .22 long rifle will get a machine gun. Guns will be everywhere trust me. Till then end the 20 round mag rifle all 120 million. It is a bubblegum show at both ends.
The AR-15 and the semi-automatic AK-47 are not "weapons of war." No standing military on this planet issues a semi-automatic weapon as its front-line battle rifle. These two weapons only look like weapons seen in war. Liberals are stuck on the appearance of things. They see Black men, Asian men and White men as different. Conservatives see Americans-- without distinction. Because an AR-type rifle has a bayonet lug and a collapsing buttstock (like is seen on an issue M4 carbine), the liberals so ignorantly and so incorrectly call the common AR-15 rifle a "weapon of war." They do so to raise fear based upon the ignorance of so many Americans when the discussion comes to firearms.

The ideology of liberalism requires falsehood, fear and ignorance to exist and to survive. If liberals ever told the real truth about for what they stand, their ideology would wither on the vine and blow away on the wind of reality. Every election cycle, the Criminal Left and the Criminal Left Media tells our senior citizens that Republicans are going to take Medicare and Medicaid away from them. Anybody with half a brain knows that's pure bullschumer, but fear is one hellsinki of a motivator.

Then there is entrenched ignorance. There are many Americans who absolutely refuse to come around to believe in conservative principles. Conservatism is the idea that every man is responsible for his position in life; he gets there by the sweat of his brow combined with his intelligence. Liberals prefer that someone else do the sweating (also known as federal money) and when that is the case, intelligence is not necessary. Conservatives work hard for what they want. Liberals make more and more loud and obnoxious noises to secure what they want.
Amazing isn't it, that our system of gov't produced the richest, most powerful nation in the history of the planet. The envy of the entire world and so wonderful millions would risk life and limb to immigrate here. Yet there are those who disavow the truth and seek to destroy it and recreate it tin the fashion they desire. That's where your statement of ignorance comes into play. Jealous, lazy irresponsible people are the ones seeking change.
If you read my post I say what is legal. I also spelled out what a weapon of war is legally in the United States.
The L1A1 was issued by the British Army. The British Army successfully defeated the Argentine Army using a semiautomatic service rifle.
Politics play on ignorance. That is why the electoral college elects the president not the people. Our voice is reflected in the people chosen to vote in the electoral college.
You gave good examples of idiot liberals. The suggestion that big business is patriotic or global warming isn't real are a couple more.
The GOP play on gun rights and illegal immigration yet for decades the border has been open to the drug cartels. The NRA defends gun rights and lean o
Follow the money to see
Amazing isn't it, that our system of gov't produced the richest, most powerful nation in the history of the planet. The envy of the entire world and so wonderful millions would risk life and limb to immigrate here. Yet there are those who disavow the truth and seek to destroy it and recreate it tin the fashion they desire. That's where your statement of ignorance comes into play. Jealous, lazy irresponsible people are the ones seeking change.
I left ignorance in question because I don't underestimate their lawyers. In the end it will all be settled in a courtroom.
I would like very much for someone to say the 1911 .45 was designed to kill people. The AR15 was designed to kill people. All of you are drawn to it because of it's lethality. Yet the NRA says it defends sportsmans gun rights.
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