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After the Supreme Court abolished the racism that was Affirmative Action, we heard one expert say that the Court was "not normal" while another in the House of Representatives opined that the Court needed congressional regulation. Justice Alito says there is no provision in the Constitution for Congress to regulate the Supreme Court. Alito is, of course, entirely correct.

Imagine if there actually was regulation of the Court by Congress. What kind of cases would Congress allow to be presented? What kind of cases would be denied? Just one that would be allowed, in my opinion, would be racial discrimination cases. Congress would demand a resolution that would benefit the disadvantaged plaintiff. In other words, Rosa Parks has the Right to sit in the front of the bus. Cases denied would be any that expand and reinforce Second Amendment issues. Chucky Bullschumer abhors the Individual Liberty that is the legal ownership and responsible use of firearms by law-abiding Americans. He'd demand all that such cases be found to limit, reduce or eliminate that Liberty.

The Framers no doubt studied this very same question. At least I believe such a collection of supremely-educated statesmen would. Their combined genius eventually brought them to the conclusion that the highest Court in the land must not be hemmed-in by members of Congress who come and go as the years go by. If the decisions by a Court are subject to statute laws, it won't be too long before statute laws are written that outlaw everything a Free People do in their lives.

The Tyranny-crats want our guns. They say that only flintlock muskets were available when the Bill of Rights was written, so only flintlock muskets in 2023 can be the "arms" mentioned in the Second Amendment. OK; so we all surrender of modern forearms for muskets. You know what comes next? I'll tell you: Gavinito Newsolini outlaws muskets because they issue forth with a massive cloud of blackpowder smoke when fired. Such smoke constitutes an "air-quality emergency" so muskets will have to be outlawed. You might chuckle a bit with my above opinions, but never forget that the Criminal Left Party is forever seeking more and new ways to increase their control over the lives of everyday Americans. For Congress to rule over the Courts is tantamount to Americans no longer having a functioning Constitution. And that is exactly what the Criminal Left-- both Party and Media-- want for this nation...
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