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The Arizona Repulsive, err, Republic reported that a couple of DPS officers were fired on by someone with an AK-47 'assault pistol'. When is this nonsense going to end?? Unless it is able to fire full auto, it is NOT an assault weapon of ANY kind.

While its important that, "Reporters" get their facts straight.o_O
I think what is more important is why this kid should feel that shooting at police officers is a right thing to do? :mad:
Has assault on an LE become some kind of gang initiation? :(
The Criminal Left Media would report a homemade slingshot to be an "assault weapon" if it would convince one brain-dead voter to vote for any Tyranny-crat candidate running in that voter's district. The idiot media in this country is a joke. They profess to tell us the truth, then color it with their liberal biases. I listen to no Criminal Left Media. It's all bullschumer from them, as far as I'm concerned. I get my news from Rush, Hannity, Tucker and Laura.
The Criminal Left Media would report a homemade slingshot to be an "assault weapon" if it would convince one brain-dead voter to vote for any Tyranny-crat candidate running in that voter's district. The idiot media in this country is a joke. They profess to tell us the truth, then color it with their liberal biases. I listen to no Criminal Left Media. It's all bullschumer from them, as far as I'm concerned. I get my news from Rush, Hannity, Tucker and Laura.
"Tyrannycrat"- I like that. Permission to use, lol!... Leftist media bias is painfully obvious to anyone who thinks about it and wachtes/listens to media for very long. Thanks to Rush (and others) some of that is changing over time!
Let's call them what they are. When "The Party" becomes more important than you constituents, you approve of anarchists, and you back movements run by Marxists, you are backed by State run media, and you have Socialists writing your policies, you are a Communist.

Plain and simple. Us Veterans don't like any of it.

God bless Law Enforcement.
I have heard Semi Automatic assault Rifle so many times, I think the NRA is using it. I was under the impression when an elected stooge took the oath it was to defend the constitution. If the checks and balances don't work it falls on the people to drag these stooges from their perch and set up citizen courts to judge them for their breach of their oath but they never had no honor to begin with. If we did our duty I bet I could count on one hand ones not deserving a short rope.They are all crooks But one party it is also evil.. The party that tried to overthrow a setting president using paid liers with paid for fake documents using a treasonous media to sling their filth every day.

And that Crusty Joe voter trying to kill a Phoenix Cop do yourself a favor put the next one in your head. Your a joke, a coward sneaking up shooting him at close range and in typical gang banger fashion you miss. What's your gang name, El Clown?
Anyone who has any doubts about Arizona Senate candidate Mark Kelly's true motives, take a look at the attached link.

Don't think it will stop with "assault weapons." There was already a push back in the 90's to ban "cop killer" bullets that would have banned every centerfire rifle caliber used in hunting.

You're not going to see that on the mainstream media. They are all Biden's Bigots these days.
Another reminder of the "man" who flew 38 missions and won the war. His commercials make me vomit.

Mark Kelly is getting a massive amount of support from out of state groups. I personally think we need a constitutional amendment here in Arizona that makes it a felony for anyone who is not a physical resident of Arizona to participate, assist, or in any way interfere in our elections here. That man is an evil snake in the grass liar.

I actually want a federal court to order Arizona to unseal the ballots from the McSally-Sinema election, as well as the medical marijuana election. In both cases one of our illustrious genius judges here in Arizona ordered the election commission to count thousands of provisional ballots without verifying them. I guarantee you that if those ballots were recounted and actually verified, that Sinema and medical marijuana would go down in flames.
You are correct. The county recorders in Pima, Maricopa and Coconino counties all blocked challenges to the ballots cast at the universities, even though there were thousands more ballots than any previous election. Additionally, Pima county already has over 620,000 voters registered for this election. Based on the current population, that's a 62% voter registration rate, one of the very highest in the country. With nobody to challenge them and the recorder refusing to validate the registrations, fraud is rampant.
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"Tyrannycrat"- I like that. Permission to use, lol!...
Permission granted! You may also use Deceptioncrat, Dishonestycrat, Criminal Left Media, Welfare-crat, Abortioncrat and one I cannot list here because it's seck-shool in connotation. If PMs are uncensored, I could send it that way...
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