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I am looking for some good quality shooting bags. I have seen some on sale lately, both filled and unfilled.
The Caldwell "tack driver" looked good, but now I am unsure after reading the reviews on it.

Anyone here have a good recommendation? I primarily shoot from a bench with rifles only.
I shoot unsupported as well, but I prefer supported for "zeroing" a scope.
I will be shooting a Mosin as well as an SKS from the same set-up, so it needs to be versatile enough for the commie guns ;):D.
I was looking at these as well .
It was suggested on another forum to just get old burlap bank bags and fill them two-thirds with sand (I hear rice is no bueno, attracts mice) and a couple of 4X4 blocks stacked on top of each other about 10" long to put under the bag for the front rest.
ETA: I will be shooting pistols as well, but probably not from the rest(s).
Any and all input/comments are welcome :).
Well, to be honest, neither have I. Just thought it might be a little better that just shooting offhand only or from a bench with only elbow support.

Cost is not an issue, as long as whatever I go with has enough durability to go the distance or cheap to replace if it doesn't last. :)
We have a few *really* cheap bags at our range, but I swear they're just small bags filled with rice. They work alright, but I'm sure there are much better options out there. I wonder how elaborate one can really get with a shooting bag or a rest.
I've used a pair of leather rests, tightly packed with sand, for many years. Set the front bag on the appropriate height boards, then place the buttstock bag in position and sholder up to the stock. The rear bag is filled a little looser and the idea is to squeeze or loosen your grip to control the elevation. Squeeze until you get your sight picture, hold, squeeze the trigger, Bang!
Sorry, but I couldn't find a manufactures name on them. As I said they are very old. Good luck!
I've bee so busy working on my brew shed and brewing beer, I haven't had time to hit the range. Didn't even join this year. Also, I didn't know if I could afford to burn the ammunition I have so..... Hanging on to the bullets, powder and primers and cases I have along with the finished ammunition. :)
I usually use shot bags full of kitty litter. it's lighter than sand, and doesn't attract bugs like rice. Rice has the real advantage of being cheap, however kitty litter is even cheaper.
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