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Oh Sorry I completely forgot. Can anyone help me fill out and ATF form 1? I'm having problems with the format or autofill. Doesn't seem to work. And what Blocks need to be filled in and some of the places what to check. The yes no answers I get and can answer no to all the legal ones. It's some of the other blocks I don't get what they're getting at. And What's a trust? Can't I just as and individual file the form for the gun and suppressor I want to make. And yes I understand they are filed separately. Heck with my budget that's two or three months in between filings.
Well if you're done with your off the subject rant, I guess you're talking about the place south of Green Valley near the rest stops? If so; its private property. It used to be a place where human traffickers (coyotes) would stop to try and find lone individuals to relieve them of their weapons. The place was trashed with washing machines, dryers, etc. and was often populated by Yahoo!'s who didn't know about gun safety, knowing what was beyond their target etc. the area was within a few hundred yards from the I19 Freeway, which was totally illegal. Sure the point of aim was to the WEST of the road, but there had been MANY complaints from regulators.
I don't know why it's locked, but I'm not surprised. Given your rant, I hope this answers your questions. If not, take it as a light history of a NEARBY place that could happen anywhere people don't play by the rules
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BTW, JUST to set the record straight, I'm not a whiny bubblegum liberal. I,m a very ticked off conservative who used to shoot there often until the mutton headed self-privileged PATRIOTS ruined it for every body else. Or at least that appears to be what happened!!!
Can anyone with experience shooting there, tell me about Adair Park Shooting Range near Yuma? I hear you can shoot out to 1,000 yards there?? I also heard that equipment is slim to none. (Target boards, benches, etc.). I would like to get the facts on it, along with what I would need to bring. I'm thinking long range shooting with my .50 BMG here.
I'd like to find out maybe a little more about this place in Sahuarita. First is it really private land or some damn liberal tree hugger just put a lock on it. Tucson is ugly with liberal whinny snowflakes and honestly I'm sick of it. This is the United States of America and there is public land and I'm the public. How can the state and Federal Government own land when the Constitution say it can't. Other then Military reverse because they fire and drop live munitions on them I'm staying out. But public land is public land and I'm the public. Why shouldn't we be able to shoot on any public land? As long of course as it's done safely. Not near roads or structures. Other then that why shouldn't we? This state trust bull Sh#t is local politicians grabbing land so they can buy it for themselves then turn around and sell to a developer. No one, including liberal tree hugging snow flakes complains when houses and golf courses, or the one chapping my bubblegum. Bike lanes through Military Bases so bubblegum head liberals can spend bubblegum loads of money on bike bubblegum and ride along with other want to be's. Look I'm sick of all the BS. And yes I'm a bit whinny here. But where with in 20 or 30 minutes of Tucson can I go shooting with going to a local government run range. I just really want to test fire some guns I've made and honestly I don't want big brother watching me. Just want to shoot for an hour or so maybe more maybe less. I'm spending enough in fuel I really don't want to pay to shoot guns after all I paid for all the parts on the weapon and ammo. Why do I have to pay to shoot?
"Why do I have to pay to shoot". Well, the wild west is basically gone. Check out Tucson Rifle Club. The range is in 3 Points. 30 min. or so from Tucson. Plenty of opportunities to shoot on various ranges. Out to 1000ft. 60 bucks annual membership for you and spouse. Off hours, mid week you may have an entire range to yourself. I have more than once. No range officers. Actually trust shooters to use common sense and control ceasefire times.
The BLM has lifted the fire/shooting restrictions - so our desert shooting areas are once again open.

I went out this morning, set up my EZ-Up and enjoyed a nice cool day out shooting in the slightly sprinkling/misting air. My shooting partner and I had the entire desert to ourselves. Not another person in sight. No other gunfire to be heard. NOBODY out there. NOW we can get back to our moving and shooting drills that we enjoy. They really frown on that at the indoor ranges. LOL Shooting in the dim lighted conditions of indoors was probably good for me, but I hate standing in a static spot and only shooting at a single target. We set-up 6 targets to fire on while moving, and all of them at different distances or spacing. LOVE the challenge.

Get out there and shoot!!!!!!!!
Perhaps someone here knows of a place to shoot in the desert where I can go, that would help me out. Here is my situation. I have 3 old desktop computers that I want to get rid of. I'm not interested in recycling them. Or going through the time and trouble of trying to disassemble and remove the hard drives from them.

What I want to do is find a place out in the desert near my home, (near 99th Ave. and Camelback), Where I can take them, and shoot the hell out of them with my new Remington 870 Police Marine Magnum, and a bunch of slug and buckshot loads. I'll bring a few 30 gallon heavy gauge contractor trash bags with me, so I can put all the pieces in before I leave. I'm not interested in leaving a mess behind. (Or bag fulls of trash).

Is anyone familiar with an area nearby where it would be legal to do this? Thanks in advance.
Perhaps someone here knows of a place to shoot in the desert where I can go, that would help me out. Here is my situation. I have 3 old desktop computers that I want to get rid of. I'm not interested in recycling them. Or going through the time and trouble of trying to disassemble and remove the hard drives from them.

What I want to do is find a place out in the desert near my home, (near 99th Ave. and Camelback), Where I can take them, and shoot the hell out of them with my new Remington 870 Police Marine Magnum, and a bunch of slug and buckshot loads. I'll bring a few 30 gallon heavy gauge contractor trash bags with me, so I can put all the pieces in before I leave. I'm not interested in leaving a mess behind. (Or bag fulls of trash).

Is anyone familiar with an area nearby where it would be legal to do this? Thanks in advance.

Make sure you shoot the actual hard drive, they aren't all that big. And thank you for cleaning up after yourself :)
Went to my spot off miller rd a d I10 today...planned to break in gen 5 g26 i picked up couple weeks ago. Took my 19 year old son for some quality bonding time....unfortunately, a lady died there from stray bullet last one mag out of my glock. My son got one mag out of the AR. Then park rangers or whatever BLM agents are called drove by saying no shooting. 40 minute drive for 2 minutes of fun...there's a dirty joke in there somewhere. Anyone have suggestions for another place to shoot in phx area that is not a designated range?
Joking aside, i send condolences to family of lady who died
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"Ben Avery Public Range, north of Phoenix, just west of intersection, I-17 and Carefree Highway (State Road 74)."

They charge $7 for the day. If you plan to go there a lot, they have a 10-card for $70 that gets you in on non-consecutive shooting days, and an 11th bonus day. They also have a steel targets day, once a month on a Saturday, but I forget the details. See for further info and to clear up anything I got wrong.
Been there and it is fun AND clarify my question, any one know an unofficial spot?
maybe you need to clarify WHERE you want to shoot. Are you willing to travel 3 hours or more EACH WAY? There are places south and east of Tucson, and southwest of Tucson that are available, do you want to go that far to save a few bucks?
I have 3 old desktop computers that I want to get rid of. I'm not interested in recycling them. Or going through the time and trouble of trying to disassemble and remove the hard drives from them.
Send them to Himmlery Rotten Klantoon. That old bravo-itch knows really well how to destroy anything with a magnetic memory...
And what's a trust? Can't I just as an individual file the form for the gun and suppressor I want to make?
A Trust is an artificial person who never dies until the Trust is legally dissolved. It's a document that directs your estate to one or more persons after you have passed-on. An NFA Trust makes any NFA items you leave behind the property of those you have named in the Trust. Without a Trust your M-16s, Thompsons and suppressors will have no living owners and will become the property of the State in which you died. Or maybe the ATF will come to claim it; no doubt it will be destroyed at a later time because there is no defined & living owner. Doubtful any State will want that original M1928A1 Thompson in 99% condition, so it will feel the torch and be scrapped. Same fate for any NFA item you left on this Earth.

Any person in your Trust has to be legally-qualified to own an NFA item. The rules changed in July 2016, I think it was. Used to be able to put anyone on your Trust and ATF had no problem with it. Then they changed it such that anyone on it had to go through the same background check as did you when you bought the gun. The idea was to keep Uncle Fester, who went up the river 25 years ago for some felony, from getting the gun without a background check.

There are on-line outfits that create NFA Trusts. I think is one. If you can't find one on-line, go to any shop that owns NFA items to shoot on their premises and they should be able to help you. It's not difficult to create an NFA Trust; you just have to follow the proscribed steps and be ready to pay the money it will cost to keep your items in your family for years and years to come.

Here's just one from a 30-second search: INSTANT ATF41F/BATFE NFA Gun Trusts Approved for All 50 States!
Been there and it is fun AND clarify my question, any one know an unofficial spot?

maybe you need to clarify WHERE you want to shoot. Are you willing to travel 3 hours or more EACH WAY? There are places south and east of Tucson, and southwest of Tucson that are available, do you want to go that far to save a few bucks?

I would strongly urge you to not go looking for UNOFFICIAL spots, not with the current winds, low humidity and dry conditions. Too many fires have been caused by mistakes that people make in those kinds of areas.
I'm not too far from Shooters in Peoria. I'm gonna suck it up and get a membership...

I think that's very prudent.

We had a HUGE fire east of Green Valley last year that was started by LEO who wanted to see some exploding targets go off. The resulting fire cost several homes and out buildings, Many MILLIONS of dollars in direct fighting expense, and many hours of evacuations and fire fighters risking their lives because someone who SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER FORGOT TO ENGAGE all of his brain before thinking about what he was doing.

Thanks for THINKING!

Well, maybe the woman fired by the governor for destroying ancient tribal lands and relics is the same idiot who was disallowing shooting on state lands. Would also be good if her successor would rescind some of the restrictions and let people use them for shooting again.

Of course it probably wont take long for the pigs and slobs to make a mess and force the state to shut them down for cleaning again (hope not)!
last i checked, the daily fee at the county range was 8 bucks a day, plus targets, (bring tape to affix them to the target frames, cost $0.25 and up) Thurs and Fri only open til noon, Sat and Sun til 4.
Last month found a place (BLM) north west of Phoenix. Christian Camp Church road. 30-40 minute drive from Glendale. Shooting areas easier to get to than area off Miller with all the great bumpity bump bumps. Saw people shooting in couple different spots.
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