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I make frequent comments on, mostly about the incorrect use of deMAAAAAAAAAWKracy in these United States when what should be asked is how does X, Y or Z affect our constitutional republic.

But this post is not about that. It's about the viciousness, the biliousness, the anger, the hatred and the vile quality of the answers to questions asked about Donald Trump. I thought liberals loved everybody and wanted peace & harmony between everybody. To read the answers written by liberals there's no way they want peace, love, harmony and all the bullschumer sogginess they always accuse conservatives of not having.

If you have the stomach for exponential asininity, look at the questions and answers regarding Trump. It's sickening. The thing is, quora will not delete those answers but they delete my answers quite frequently. A question I see far too often is "What would gun owners do if I was to kick in their front door and confiscate their guns as retribution for all the crimes committed by guns?" I answered that "I'd let you kick your way into my home, then I'd put two .45ACP bullets into your center mass." That comment was deleted, but the insane questions about Trump dying in prison or being beaten to death in prison by some big thug are left to stand to be read and have responses posted. Seems to me quora is fetidly liberal and denies many questions and answers from conservatives.

Go there and look around a bit. Read a few questions; read a few answers. Just be prepared to have liberal hatred and maniacal anger assault your good senses.
I saw one today asking if Trump will be executed on live TV. If that wasn't stupid enough, the second part of the question was, "Will a chainsaw be used?" These liberals are some seriously sick fothermuckers. I write that I'd put two .45ACP slugs into some idiot who hated guns so much that he wants to kick my door in and take mine as payback for all the gun crimes we have in the United States. quora deletes that answer, yet leaves up the sickening questions about Donald Trump.

I feel like asking, "Is there any question regarding Donald Trump that is so sickening, so twisted and so obscene that quora will not take it down?" I think I already know the answer to that one...
I put up a comment on quora the other day very similar in verbiage to the following: "We conservatives will always know that Trump was a monumental success in the White House by virtue of the tenor of the sickening, disgusting, vile, bilious, profane, vulgar, ugly and vehemently hateful comments by liberals written as responses to questions about Trump. If Trump had been a flop as was Carter, the libtards would have nothing to say. The nutcase members of the Criminal Left Party only go batsquat crazy when a conservative is highly successful, such as was Reagan-- whom they also hated. Trump is hated because he reveres and supports the Constitution-- something liberals really hate. Reagan is still hated because he destroyed the Soviet Union. Always remember that liberals are losing the argument when they invoke the 1000% Exaggeration Mode."

Per the 1000% Exaggeration Mode, I have seen twice comments referencing Mein Kampf. Both instances were pretty much, "Trump is a wannabe dictator! He's following Mein Kampf page-by-page!" I have no doubts the fool who wrote that has no idea as to how idiotic he sounds. I have explained multiple times that our government is set-up so as to disallow any one man from ever amassing enough power to become a dictator. The Framers knew about dictators, so they gave to us a government in three branches with Checks & Balances and Separation of Powers to keep things on an even keel. It's sad and shocking that so many of today's young people know so little about how our country was formed, how it works and how it stays together...
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It's sad and shocking that so many of today's young people know so little about how our country was formed, how it works and how it stays together...
I am old enough to remember having to pass "Civics" class if I wanted to graduate from elementary school. (There was no junior high back then.) I remember having to go to "Gym" classes, and "Music" classes throughout most of those eight years. Funding cuts gave us overweight-to-obese, ignorant voters, who fell in love with rap because there doesn't seem (to me) to require carrying a tune. Home owners (like me), voted against increased school taxes every year because we were taxed enough already.

This is on me, for sure, and maybe on you too. The US Constitution is an interesting document, and the history behind it makes me realize just how fragile our democracy is. I disagree with your belief that no one man can become a dictator: Get your most reliable followers elected/appointed to powerful positions to lay the groundwork for massive rewrites to the Constitution, giving increased powers to the Executive Branch.

Stop listening to what wannabe dictators say, and pay close attention to what they do.
I disagree with your belief that no one man can become a dictator: Get your most reliable followers elected/appointed to powerful positions to lay the groundwork for massive rewrites to the Constitution, giving increased powers to the Executive Branch.
Doubtful your scenario would ever obtain. Trump gives a flip few words about how he'll "be a dictator" for his first day back in the White House, and the Criminal Left Party shizzles all over itself. I believe Trump was just jerking the chain of the Criminal Left Media, and look at how they reacted. Insanely. Beyond stupidly. Trump's more evil than Hitler. Concentration camps. Gas chambers for his political opposites, and on and on with ideas so exponentially stupid that all we with some sense can do is to shake our heads in disbelief and head to our iceboxes for a cold craftbeer...
Doubtful your scenario would ever obtain. Trump gives a flip few words about how he'll "be a dictator" for his first day back in the White House, and the Criminal Left Party shizzles all over itself. I believe Trump was just jerking the chain of the Criminal Left Media, and look at how they reacted. Insanely. Beyond stupidly. Trump's more evil than Hitler. Concentration camps. Gas chambers for his political opposites, and on and on with ideas so exponentially stupid that all we with some sense can do is to shake our heads in disbelief and head to our iceboxes for a cold craftbeer...
For the record, I wasn't referring only to Trump. That same pathway is open to all who move into the Oval Office. The process I outlined is how it is done today in 3rd World countries, how it has been done for millennia, and how it could be done in 2024. Washington commentators have been pointing out these appointments, some of which were of candidates without any credentials at all, and warning of where such appointments might lead.
I am too old to worry about my own future, but this is my country, and I want it to be a safe place for generations to come.
I am too old to worry about my own future but this is my country, and I want it to be a safe place for generations to come.
I second that! I have no kids, but my brother does. Both are adopted from Communist countries. They were brought here as infants and are now as American as was Opie Taylor in Mayberry in the 1960s. It's a terrifying thought to think that they escaped lives of abysmal Communism to come here, grow-up and become adults in a nation with a political climate not too far removed from what they were rescued. And who allowed it? The voters who swallowed the lies made by the Dishonesty-crat Party over decades and decades, such lies supported and propagated by the Criminal Left Media.

Without looking for exactly whom said it, there is a quote about America never being destroyed from without. America will be destroyed from within when the People discover they can vote themselves largess from the public larder with no requirement to put back what they took. Those may not be the exact words, but you get the idea. This is why we are $33 trillion in debt. When is China going to wise-up and stop buying our debt? The greater question is, What will happen when they do? It's a good thing Trump was President once. He's a ready target for blame by the Tyranny-crat Party once all this raw sewage comes down and a scapegoat is needed in a hurry. You can bet the Criminal Left Media will be right there, going-along with the lie until helsinki freezes over...
Without looking for exactly whom said it, there is a quote about America never being destroyed from without. America will be destroyed from within when the People discover they can vote themselves largess from the public larder with no requirement to put back what they took. Those may not be the exact words, but you get the idea.

destroyed from within.JPG

"Destroyed itself from within...." Any possibility that eleven million illiterate and unskilled illegal aliens could be a tool for the destruction of our country? A tool for whom? Or more correctly, a tool for which Party? Does the Tyranny-crat Party so lust for power over the American People that they will destroy the future for their own descendants? That would be like a man setting fire to his family home of decades and telling his kids that he's leaving it to them in his Living Trust.
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