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Blue Guns:

I've noticed that the more I have Blue Guns (non-firing plastic replicas) around, the less I treat them with the full respect that a real firearms deserves related to the '4 Universal Safety Rules'.

When handling live firearms, the standard is to always check the chamber and magazine well (both visually and physically) before even considering to put your finger in or around the chamber. Since having blue guns so accessible, like leaving them next to my recliner, I'm becoming mentally sloppy with actual firearms. Anyone else notice this?

I have thought of several antidotes. But wanted to share and get feedback from other shooters first…
I'm no psychiatrist, but what you describe is what I'll name "familiarity fatigue." You have become so familiar with your blue guns that your mind is not switching itself on when you pick-up a real firearm. I'll put forward that the only way to dispel this familiarity is to go back to Square One and "get your mind right" about proper and safe handling of firearms. The last thing we on the Board we want is you-- or anyone here-- to become the next Alec Baldwin.

I think I may have written it here once before: If Alec Baldwin had taken even one firearms safety course, the young woman he killed would still be alive. Baldwin is a big lib who hates guns yet there he was, fukushiming-around with one. Moron. It may very well have been an accident, but I think Baldwin should be charged with some sort of "reckless manslaughter" or "irresponsible death" of another if such a charge even exists. Maybe he hasn't been charged with anything yet because the law can't figger-out yet with what to charge him. I think there are equal parts recklessness and accident in this thing but I'm no lawyer, so my opinion is just slightly less than worthless.
Baldwin on camera stated he never pulled the trigger.
If so how did that particular firearm discharge? I do not own single actions at this time. When I did I found them to be pretty simple and safe. You can even drop one with fully cocked hammer and nothing would happen. Maybe he had something special for shooting purposes.

I often wonder what would one find if you could do a DEEP dive into the situation of the movie and where it was in filming. When the murder occurred.
I often wonder what one would find if you could do a DEEP dive into the situation of the movie and where it was in filming. When the murder occurred.
It's an ongoing investigation, so the public will know nothing until all the facts are known. There has been no trial by jury, so there's no "murder" yet determined. I would certainly expect a jury trial in this case; may be the established procedure in all cases of possible murders in the US. It's the most egregious crime one man can commit against another, so every last measure of Due Process must be observed.
Saw something on TV this evening that reported Baldwin had indeed taken a firearms safety course. Also that a legal authority in New Mexico had determined that the shooting was an accident. The firearm was seized and taken for testing to verify if it would fire or not. What I saw on TV reported that the gun failed to fire and subsequently fell into more than one piece. That's kinda tough for me to understand, but that's what I heard from my TV set. We'll all know it all one day what happened on the movie set that day. Until then, we'll just have to wait for the wheels of Justice to slowly grind us toward the final result.

Saw something on TV this evening . . .
What I saw was on Hannity this evening. I've got the TV on as I sit here at my computer, and heard the story again when Hannity's show is rebroadcast five hours after its initial broadcast. If anybody wants to see the report, that might be possible if FOX has the facility for viewers to pull-up and view past episodes of their presentations. In tonight's report, Alec Baldwin says he has taken a gun safety course. I have written in these pages that "had Baldwin taken a firearms safety course, the young lady he killed would still be alive." Those may not be my exact words, but close enough. I am making this post to make it known that Baldwin had taken a safety course at some point in his past. I was wrong in what I previously wrote, and I have to correct the error.

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The 4 basic firearms safety rules issue is a red herring…

Alec Baldwin…😔

While there is a bitter sweet feeling of schadenfreude over him finding his a$$ in trouble over this mess, no one is going to jail over it. My heart goes out to the family of the young lady who needlessly lost her life.

I watched during the late '90's and early 2000's as a minority of fellow LE around the country screwed up during FoF training and failed to ensure that the firearms used had been properly converted into non-firing, marking-cartridges-only training tools. There were more than a few officers who lost their lives by these exact same 'Baldwin' screw-ups, but to my knowledge no one went to jail. Why? There was no intent to cause harm.

Oh sure, law suits flew around like leaves in the wind. But criminally, they were determined to be 'workplace accidents'.

But this isn't the first time a movie production company has gone cheap on their armorer and prop budget. Talk to L.A. prop masters and they will quietly recount movies that try to save money in this area where they only had near miss mistakes. A certain 2013 big budget zombie movie reportedly almost had to completely shut down production because no one secured the proper permits for bringing tons of semi-functional prop guns into several foreign countries for filming.

How does this happen? Simple, deciding to go cheap and using fly-by-night prop companies, rather than the folks who know the business inside and out. If you think I'm full of beans, check out the 'With Deadly Force' podcast, episode 11. Scotty Reitz interviewed some of the best propmasters in the movie business right after the 'Rust' movie incident.

Just my $.02.
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