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Gun Free Zone liability bill scheduled for senate debate

This legislation will impose a civil liability on state & local gov't entities for persons harmed by criminal conduct in a gun free zone, when the person harmed could have been helped by being able to possess a gun

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All bad bills died. The session is still technically going on, suspended for the beer flu, but all bad bills including red flag, died on the vine. Unfortunately, all the good ones went bye bye, too.
I have watched over and over again these business that disarm citizens avoid any type of guilt when their un-patriot views get innocent people killed. The killers we feed the rest of their lifes and the anti- american that allowed the carnage have no sense of guilt or change the policies that caused death and destruction. How many at the Colorado theater would have given a right arm for a firearm that night the theater owne denied them without so much as hiring one security to keep them safe. Doing so with a supposed sane mind he is as guilty if not more than the shooter. When ever I walk into a no guns allowed I walk back out right after I tell the one behind the counter if I need so quick cash I know the place to go to get it.
You can't just say well this will be the last time I spend my money here. You make an bubblegum out of your self and walk out. It will allow the owner to rethink his ignorance. The signs should say I love your money but your life means nothing to me.
After work my pen will be smoking to these so called Americans voting against a common sense law.
I walked into a store recently and the guy behind the counter asked me if I was carrying. It is fairly obvious when you have a .45 on your hip. I said yes and he said there was a sign by the door. I said I must have missed it, as I do look. He said that they would appreciate if I removed the weapon. I said I would and left. Never go there again. Some idiots just do not get the fact that we who do carry are not the problem.

gun free.jpg i-believe-the-second-amendment-will-always-be-important.jpg
I have closed 2 bank accounts at different banks for the same reason-- one had been recently robbed by a guy wearing a hoodie, with a gun and they had put up a sign: No Shirt, No Shoes, No Hoodies & No Guns

I explained to the teller that since they had just been robbed that was just even more reason why I needed to carry, while in their establishment but they seemed to prefer that I go elsewhere

I would also like to mention while in a Wells Fargo, some wussy from Cali asked the teller "why do you let him in here like that"? The teller noticed my Desert Eagle and told the man "he's allowed to be in here with a gun on", and I invited him to go back to Cali where he belongs
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