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Unfortunately Our elected don't seem to wish to change the law, or even do their jobs in a competent manner. In fact as I remember it, the state of Arizona has now had the people vote to approve marijuana use 3 times--Our elected just aren't interested in doing the will of the majority.

Anyhow the CLEO is allowed to kick federal law enforcement out of his county anytime he wishes--

The majority in Arizona have voted several times, and the majority says they want legal marijuana. Currently 29 states sell legal marijuana and they don't care what You say
Where do we get the idea that we can just ignore the laws we don't like? If you don't like it change the Federal law! It's happened before with the prohibition of alcohol. DR

Yeah cause the Feds are really taking their enforcement of Big Pharma so seriously, huh?
But You go ahead and keep pimpin' for those Feds, I'm sure they have all Your best interests at heart--NOT
But You go ahead and keep pimpin' for those Feds, I'm sure they have all Your best interests at heart--NOT

And you go ahead and keep bull$h!tting yourself into thinking Marijuana is actually legal. All because some state yokel put it on the ballot. And a bunch of idiots like yourself, think they can override Federal law by punching a hole in a paper card.
What the hell business of Yours is it what I think?
Are you searching for more victimless crimes for the police to generate safe, easy revenue?
I hear cops are especially disappointed lately cause they aren't being allowed to engage in illicit sex with prostitutes, awww that's too bad....
I don't care what you think. All I'm telling you is don't be so naïve and stupid to think these, "Medical Marijuana Cards" are worth the paper they're printed on. Or these states who claim to have, "legalized" Marijuana, actually have the legal right to do so.... Because they don't. You like pot. We get that. You think it should be legal, and sold off the counter like nasal spray, to anyone of legal age who wants it. We get that. You think it will offer all of these wonderful benefits and tax dollars to mankind with no downside what so ever. We get that.

But the fact is it's NOT LEGAL. Regardless if these states declare it legal with some bogus, "Voters Referendum" that say's it is by a popular vote of the people. Because simply put, the people cannot, "vote" to disobey Federal law. It really is that simple, regardless if you choose to digest that fact or not.

"Civil Disobedience" has consequences. One of those consequences in this case is having your right to own firearms terminated. That is a very high price to pay just so you can get high. Or else, "relieve pain" by blazing up. When there are 100 or more alternative pharmaceutical drugs that could be legally prescribed to do the same.

As far as I'm concerned, this is all much to do about nothing. I've been listening to this silly nonsense about how much we're all, "missing out on the positive benefits of Marijuana", since the Hippies were singing the same tune you are now, all the way back in the 60's. Nothing has changed. And nothing will change until the Marijuana laws in this country are CHANGED AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL. And that is no closer to happening now, than it was back then. Everything else is just a bunch of smoke filled, coffee house crap.
Things already have changed, it's just that for some reason You refuse to notice that medical marijuana is now being used in 29 states plus DC, Guam & Puerto Rico--I'm thinking perhaps if you were to study a lil' thing I call The Constitution you might notice that powers not expressly granted the Federal Gov't are free for the States to use, as they please-- it's called 'states rights'. Since marijuana use was never forbidden by the founders, it is a states right, as President Trump has said, and that's good enough for now
Things already have changed, it's just that for some reason You refuse to notice that medical marijuana is now being used in 29 states plus DC, Guam & Puerto Rico--

It doesn't matter BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW by using it. They haven't changed a damn thing. They just broke the law, and are trying to justify it. If it was so legal in those states, people wouldn't be losing their Second Amendment gun rights over it. Hawaii is doing just that.

Medical marijuana users 'have 30 days' to turn in their guns, police say
It doesn't matter BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW by using it. They haven't changed a damn thing. They just broke the law, and are trying to justify it. If it was so legal in those states, people wouldn't be losing their Second Amendment gun rights over it. Hawaii is doing just that.

Medical marijuana users 'have 30 days' to turn in their guns, police say

You seem to think it's a federal matter, it is not--as I said using marijuana is a state's right. Even the BS about Hawaii and other place(s) ordering marijuana users to turn in their guns is a states rights matter, it isn't the federal gov't telling those people to turn in their guns. I will also say that those cases will be contested in court, as soon as those states crap on the right rich person.

I'm just telling you, it is going to happen -- Marijuana will be legalized and I couldn't care less whether it is state sponsored like my ccw card or federally sponsored like my social security #. There is too much easy money at stake--and too many self-serving greedy politicians
And you go ahead and keep bull$h!tting yourself into thinking Marijuana is actually legal. All because some state yokel put it on the ballot. And a bunch of idiots like yourself, think they can override Federal law by punching a hole in a paper card.

I don't care if the Feds think marijuana is illegal, so long as the cops think it's legal--You are the only one concerned with complying with the feds on this issue

Say have You forgotten that having a ccw isn't a federal issue? Feds still seem to even think restricting ccw's is legal--Look in DC if You don't believe me
Legal marijuana use is very similar, because it's a state's right issue, like ccw's
You are the only one concerned with complying with the feds on this issue.

Not by a long shot slick. The state of Arizona thinks it's pretty important as well. Otherwise you would have your dope shops you so badly want. And I think keeping my guns is far more important than getting high on a substance the Federal government still has classified as illegal.
Not by a long shot slick. The state of Arizona thinks it's pretty important as well. Otherwise you would have your dope shops you so badly want. And I think keeping my guns is far more important than getting high on a substance the Federal government still has classified as illegal.

There are several "dope shops" in Arizona. bubblegum dude, there is one right down the street from you called the Glendale Greenhouse - 8160 W. Union Hills Dr.
There are several "dope shops" in Arizona. bubblegum dude, there is one right down the street from you called the Glendale Greenhouse - 8160 W. Union Hills Dr.

Billt is living a self-imposed fantasy
billt should take a look in a New Times magazine, you will find an entire section
full of the thing You think is illegal, billt--Perhaps You will even travel to all those
dispensary addresses and let them know what they are selling All Day Long is also illegal:confused:
It IS illegal by Federal law. Getting away with something doesn't make it legal. Just ask the people in Hawaii who are now losing their guns, because they possess "Medical Marijuana Cards", how "legal" it is.
I'm 70 and use some MJ products for pain relief and as a sleep aid. FWIW MJ infused salve gives serious relief to joint pain. I didn't believe it either and took the stuff not to seem rude. I have smoked and I don't care for how it makes me feel. I belong to a FB site called Green Oil Machine users group. I wish some of you guys with the Refer Madness mentality would take the time to go to the GOM site and read some of the testimony from folks whose lives have been improved or saved with MJ treatment. I used to be a skeptic, but believe these people. I have a friend that had been taking opiates for pain for 15 years and he has replaced it with MJ oil. He feels much better and leads a more productive life now. Not all MJ makes a person high. Ken
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