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I'm 70 and use some MJ products for pain relief and as a sleep aid. FWIW MJ infused salve gives serious relief to joint pain. I didn't believe it either and took the stuff not to seem rude. I have smoked and I don't care for how it makes me feel. I belong to a FB site called Green Oil Machine users group. I wish some of you guys with the Refer Madness mentality would take the time to go to the GOM site and read some of the testimony from folks whose lives have been improved or saved with MJ treatment. I used to be a skeptic, but believe these people. I have a friend that had been taking opiates for pain for 15 years and he has replaced it with MJ oil. He feels much better and leads a more productive life now. Not all MJ makes a person high. Ken

I understand and believe all you have said. However it changes nothing in regards to it's legality at the Federal level.
you'al have chased the subject around the palm trees to the point it is about to turn into ghee...
couple of points to consider:
1. illegal
a. which means can't buy firearms if you admit you use or have a card on the 4473.
b. those that sell in their states are not permitted to put their proceeds into any federal banking institution.
c. get caught carrying under the substance influence or use your firearm in a SD situation your do do is really in a wringer.
d. can't cross state lines w/your legal substance.
2. this country's war on drugs has been going on 51 years and not one iota has been accomplished!
3. one country in this world has legalized their substances and taxable monies goes to rehab...their experiment has been quite successful.
4. this country's substance abuse mental health intervention modalities are a joke with successfully recidivism across the board runs at about 5-8 percent. myriad of reasons, main one centers around an inability to change the abuser's environment where they return back to the same stressors and 'friends' who are selling and main reason...abusers do not wish to quit as there is no incentive except to satisfy the judicial oversight after they got caught.

eh, that's enough
It's unfortunately illegal Federally. Until it's taken off of CSA Schedule I, you have a choice of either not using it or possibly getting charged Federally for violating the GCA of 1968 if you're caught or it shows up in a drug report/tox screen expect to have all of your licenses and permits revoked along with your firearms possibly confiscated.
I'll believe it when I see it happen,
in the meanwhile my bro has a medical marijuana card and a ccw.

It's already happening. You have to remember, the same progressive liberals who are pushing for legalizing pot, along with, "Medical Marijuana", are also the very same people who are pushing for more gun control. With this type of behavior they kill 2 birds with one stone. And the people are dumb enough to play right into their hand. You can't be, "a little bit progressive", anymore than you can be, "a little bit pregnant".

Medical pot users with guns target of DEA raids
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I'll believe it when I see it happen,
in the meanwhile my bro has a medical marijuana card and a ccw.

Medical marijuana is already legal in 33 states & soon as the politicians see how much easy tax money they can get, recreational will be following right along behind

I renewed my Utah CFP instructor certification last May. One of the instructors who is a Utah DPS agent told the instructor class I attended that they get a stack of Utah CFP apps with people copying their medical MJ cards with their State issued driver license or ID card. Obviously, they get denied for their Utah CFP.

We have a medical MJ confidentiality statute here in Nevada. Nevada LEOs cannot access the medical MJ database so if you follow "don't ask, don't tell" it won't affect your Nevada CFP. However, if BATFE or the FBI looks into it and find a hit, you get red flagged in NICS and lose your FFL if you have one and also lose your CCWs.

Since medical and recreational MJ is legal in Nevada, there's not much point in getting a medical MJ card now. However, if you're caught with MJ in your system by law enforcement, you will lose your firearms and CCWs. It has happened here and in Utah.
I renewed my Utah CFP instructor certification last May. One of the instructors who is a Utah DPS agent told the instructor class I attended that they get a stack of Utah CFP apps with people copying their medical MJ cards with their State issued driver license or ID card. Obviously, they get denied for their Utah CFP.

We have a medical MJ confidentiality statute here in Nevada. Nevada LEOs cannot access the medical MJ database so if you follow "don't ask, don't tell" it won't affect your Nevada CFP. However, if BATFE or the FBI looks into it and find a hit, you get red flagged in NICS and lose your FFL if you have one and also lose your CCWs.

Since medical and recreational MJ is legal in Nevada, there's not much point in getting a medical MJ card now. However, if you're caught with MJ in your system by law enforcement, you will lose your firearms and CCWs. It has happened here and in Utah.

I'm not aware of it happening here in AZ, anyhow I'm self-employed so unless I get a dui I have little to worry about
My good friend JR got a marijuana card, I think to use the CDB oil for his body pains. Or maybe it had to do with his eyes. When he saw that the Form 4473 asks about marijuana use he took the card back, got off the list and gave-up any ideas about using the stuff in any manner. Me? I have never used any illicit drug of any sort. My parents made sure of that when I was a kid growin' up. Never been arrested, either. I owe my parents more than I can ever repay them for what they did for me, and for what they taught me...
My good friend JR got a marijuana card, I think to use the CDB oil for his body pains. Or maybe it had to do with his eyes. When he saw that the Form 4473 asks about marijuana use he took the card back, got off the list and gave-up any ideas about using the stuff in any manner. Me? I have never used any illicit drug of any sort. My parents made sure of that when I was a kid growin' up. Never been arrested, either. I owe my parents more than I can ever repay them for what they did for me, and for what they taught me...

Good news is hemp products are now legal and CBD from hemp is supposed to be very good for pain and other health issues
. . . hemp products are now legal, and CBD from hemp is supposed to be very good for pain and other health issues.
I'd have to verify that to be sure under USDOT's regulations for any use of marijuana and products derived therefrom. I'd love to find something effective and inexpensive for my perpetual body pains, especially those in my lower back. Too many aspirins or ibuprofens overly thin my blood, and I get frequent and voluminous nosebleeds. I need something, but I doubt what I need is derived from marijuana...
I'd have to verify that to be sure under USDOT's regulations for any use of marijuana and products derived therefrom. I'd love to find something effective and inexpensive for my perpetual body pains, especially those in my lower back. Too many aspirins or ibuprofens overly thin my blood, and I get frequent and voluminous nosebleeds. I need something, but I doubt what I need is derived from marijuana...

You might be surprised like the many who have already discovered marijuana does help with their health concern. Personally, I like opiates for pain--they don't affect my high blood pressure and they work fast & predictably. Fortunately over the years I've put some away for myself.
If you find yourself in Canada you can buy over the counter Tylenol #1 or 222's, both contain 1mg codeine per serving--they really knock out my headaches. Don't forget to tell the border patrol these meds are for your own use
My good friend JR got a marijuana card, I think to use the CDB oil for his body pains. Or maybe it had to do with his eyes. When he saw that the Form 4473 asks about marijuana use he took the card back, got off the list and gave-up any ideas about using the stuff in any manner. Me? I have never used any illicit drug of any sort. My parents made sure of that when I was a kid growin' up. Never been arrested, either. I owe my parents more than I can ever repay them for what they did for me, and for what they taught me...

Nice thing about the black market, they won't judge you for using cbd for your pain--seem much more tolerant than the athoritarians in our gov't who couldn't care less about your pain
I've used Emu 420 Essentials 50mg CBD oil
on some of my aches & pains. It doesn't work on every pain, but on the pain it does work on, it works 100% of the time. I have a friend who uses it on her back--she can't afford to piss dirty and the oil used topically will never dirty a urine test
the amount needed is so small it is amazing
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People, facts are facts, recreational marijuana is illegal. The BATF has clarified this in a open letter to all FFLs dated
September 11,2011. In the letter it states in plain language that any user of marijuana is violating federal law. It goes on to state that if you possess a medical marijuana card it is assumed you are a violator. Then you can't buy or possess ammunition or firearms.
The fact that local jurisdictions won't prosecute means nothing at the federal leval.
I personally believe that marijuana has a place in the medical field.
In fact, some people have challenged the federal government in court for the right to use marijuana for medical conditions and won. They then were then furnished marijuana from the FDA's own marijuana farm.
Even in California and Colorado the Game Wardens are still violating people for marijuana use on Federal land in the national parks. Having a medical marijuana card does not excempt you from prosecution. The future debate on this issue is needed to find a solution to what is a complex issue. I choose to abide by the law until the laws are changed.
I'd really like to use something that would relieve the pain in my lower back. I get this nearly-debilitating pain in the soft tissue of my lower back, on either side of my spine. On some days, I can barely walk. Would love to find something that can be rubbed on and have it work for me all day. Acetaminophen gives me nosebleeds that make the Johnstown Flood look like a trickle. I've had them flow like the Mississippi for nearly an hour. Ibuprofen requires me to carry a plumbed-in toilet with me, so that's out. As a trucker, I dare not try any marijuana product or any product derived from marijuana. I won't go through the bother to get Hydrocodone, so that's out. Looks like I'm condemned to hurt forever and will have to learn to like it...
I'm not a trucker, but believe me I feel your pain. Had spinal fusion almost 20 tears ago, and still get the pains on one or both sides. Cant deal with opioids, nor ibuprofen/acetaminophen, etc.
For the past few years have been getting either steroids (right side, last from 3 to 6 months) or RFA (RADIO FREQUENCY ABLATION, fry the nerve endings) which last about 6 to 8 months or longer, but take a month to kick in).
Neither is 100% effective, but any little bit helps. Point well taken, its a pain that aint going away, so may as well get used to it.
I'm not aware of it happening here in AZ, anyhow I'm self-employed so unless I get a dui I have little to worry about

One of the things you sign as a term and condition to get a Nevada CFP is a HIPAA and employment record confidentiality waiver as a term and condition for a Nevada sheriff to do the background investigation. The waiver is in effect for the duration of your permit when you renew, you sign another waiver. I have nine levels of fusions (C3-T4) and take up to 40 mg of oxycodone and 20 mg of cyclobenzaprine HCl daily for failed back surgery syndrome. I can't take anything but that because of my duodenal ulcer which came about from taking non-narcotic meds (Meloxicam). I can't do the neurostimulator because it would require me to go under the knife again, have the hardware removed, the leads installed then fused again. The risk factor of the surgery would either put me in a wheelchair breathing through a machine or dead. My pain management specialist regularly drug tests me. Being on CSA schedule II meds in Nevada is roughly equivalent to being on parole. I'm between a legal rock, hard place and a canyon when it comes to my pain management. I'm reasonably certain MJ would help me but until it's off of CSA schedule II, I'm not risking anything.

I advise my students of the legal risk and tell them my stance on it is being a chronic pain sufferer myself, "don't ask, don't tell."
Oregon Supreme Court has declared that prohibition of firearms to medical marijuana patients is unconstitutional, by our state's constitution I figure. Here you can't be denied a firearm or permit based on medical marijuana use, unless I suppose the feds came after ya.
However, I agree with the OP... you'd be an idiot, especially now that it is legalized recreationally here, to ever get a MMC in Oregon.
Oregon Supreme Court has declared that prohibition of firearms to medical marijuana patients is unconstitutional, by our state's constitution I figure. Here you can't be denied a firearm or permit based on medical marijuana use, unless I suppose the feds came after ya.
However, I agree with the OP... you'd be an idiot, especially now that it is legalized recreationally here, to ever get a MMC in Oregon.

You are an idiot to get one anywhere. Because they don't have to, "come after you". They have already stated in writing that ANYONE, regardless of the state they reside in, can be denied the purchase or ownership of firearms if you use marijuana. ANY MARIJUANA. If you are in possession of a, "Medical Marijuana Card", that simply proves it. You have in essence done the ATF's work for them. All that's left for you to do is kiss your guns goodbye. In that regard, if you own firearms, the dumbest thing you can be in possession of, is a "Medical Marijuana Card". Because by simply having it, you will become an instant felon by being in illegal possession of firearms.

The ATF has already issued letters and statements to that effect. So the Supreme Court of Oregon, or anywhere else for that matter, has nothing to say about it, because it already is a Federal legal matter. And Federal law trumps state law anywhere, in any state, all the time. It doesn't matter what Oregon's state constitution say's or declares. Because it's not their call. It's the Feds. Oregon has no legal say in the matter. Regardless of how much they, or you think they do.

The only question is, do you want to take the risk of getting caught by lying about it? The Feds can get the information easily enough. They have public access to it. All they have to do is have either the ATF or the FBI demand it. They don't need a reason. And if they do check, you are not only going to lose your guns, but you could very well be brought up on Federal legal charges by lying on a 4473 Federal Firearms Form that asks you if you use marijuana. People in other states have already lost their guns because of these stupid, worthless, "Medical Marijuana" cards, that aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

It all seems like a heavy price to pay, not to mention a stupid way to lose your guns. Just to smoke some weed and get high. And let's face it, that's all this is about.
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