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The term was coined in 1994 by one Josh Sugarman. The intent was to demonize in the minds of average Americans any firearms that had a purely utilitarian appearance. Accouterments such as collapsing stocks, bayonet lugs (drives Chucky Bullschumer insane), muzzle devices, "barrel shrouds" (drives Feinswine to soil her Size 58 bloomers), "protruding pistol grips" (drives Eric Swinewell into the grips of apoplectic rage), and detachable box magazines (another cosmetic attribute that renders those who abhor Liberty into seizures of shrieking insanity).

A second desire of the use of the conjured misnomer was to plant into the minds of average Americans that such firearms are "weapons of war," and "shouldn't be on American streets." Not bothering to put forward any investigation into the baseless claims regarding these firearms by the Criminal Left, the Criminal Left Media fell right into line and parroted the claims argued by the former. The result was that in September 1994 the federal government banned the new manufacture of these demonized weapons with the five evil attributes for the next ten years. For their blatant disregard for Americans' Liberty, the Criminal Left had their decades-long majorities in both the House of Representatives and Senate taken from them for the first time since 1954 in the November 1994 mid-term election. Since November 1994, the Criminal Left has only been the majority in one chamber during the period of January 2007 to January 2011.

But now the Tyranny-crat Party is at it again, just like they were in 1994. If Liberty is to survive, it will require the intelligent votes of every American who wants his Constitution and Bill of Rights to endure for the remainder of his life and for the lives of his descendants for centuries to come...
Years ago, the U.S. ARMY did issue it's official white paper "Finding" on what exactly an "Assault Weapon" IS, and I would trust them to know what the hell they are talking about instead of some dumbarse politico with an agenda! As far as where the term "Assault Weapon" comes from, it goes back to Nazi Germany with it's line of specific weapons, as In Sturmgewehr or "Storm Rifle"
As it stands, the U.S Army states clearly that the ONLY difference in regular weapons and those so called Assault Weapons is the ability to fire Full Auto or in some systems, Burst Fire! NO OTHER definitions including ANY accessory are accepted by the U.S. Army! ALSO, not all Full auto weapons are considered "Assault Weapons" under the Army's definitions, I.E. the Famous Browning M-1918 BAR!
Personally I dislike the terms "Assault Rifle / Weapon" and Weapons of War...
I do my best to not use them in conversation....Much preferring the actual name of the firearm in question.

The terms "Assault Rifle / Weapon" and Weapons of War put a artificial and arbitrary label or name to firearms ...
Worse those terms , can again , place a artificial and arbitrary "value" on firearms and much of this valve is perceived and not based on fact or reality.

A rifle is just matter if it the latest issue Infantry rifle or one of my antique flintlocks...
Both were designed to accurately place a projectile on a target...both do this well , because both are simply rifles.

To be blunt here ...
Dead is dead will not be more dead if shot with a semi-automatic rifle of the latest design , than if one were shot and killed with a flintlock.
And please spare me the :
"Yes but one has more shots and can shoot faster with a semi auto , than with flintlock argument.":
Again to be blunt , from my experience ...Only hits matter...

Sure the military uses selective fire rifles , machine guns and much more...but again based on my actual combat experience , hits are what matter the most.
Suppressive fire and the ability to carry and shoot a large amount of rounds quickly do have a place and value...but again if you ain't hitting what you need to are just making noise and wasting bullets.
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All we need to know is the exact same group of idiots has worked tirelessly to ban certain types of straws, remove any terms referring to gender in the dumbest ways possible (ban the term "manhole" cover), and cannot decide which bathroom to use. They come up with "causes" to fight for, and are perfectly willing to kill people by the thousands to move their agenda forward.

We'll continue to remind them of the Constitution whenever possible.
Crazy ain't it!
Andy hit it square, a rifle is just a rifle, and nothing else matters, it's function, its capacity, it's speed, or any other factors! Its all the Nut Behind the Butt, and how good he is at delivering a bullet to the target!

I got into a YUGE argument with a Vietnam vet who is very anti gun! ( Strange feelings about that) and he was adamant that the AR and AK type had absolutely no purpose in civilian hands, claiming that they kill much faster and can kill far more per mag then any other rifle!

I shut him down HARD when I accused him of spraying the entire Jungle with his Thousand Round Loadout of ammo for his M-16 and only getting a Shot Expended to Kill Ratio of 11%! He just sat there dumb struck when I pointed that little tidbit out to him! I also told him that I had a 94% Ratio with an M-40 or M-21, and that the M-4 was currently producing somewhere north of 15%! Blew his entire argument clean outta the water! Cant kill many, and cant kill quickly if you cant produce hits! Doesn't matter if its the latest wizzbang hyper drive mag fed battle rifle, or Andy and his .54 Hawken and a pouch full of Round Ball and Powder, gotta put rounds on target!
Furthermore, how many Folks are actually trained with their rifles? Trained to use them in a combat type role, and trained to shoot when stressed or under fire? Unless your former Mil, with combat experience and loads of training, you will never be that effective with your fighting rifle as one who is trained! Not Bragging or boasting, its a simple fact, And most folks would actually do better if forced to slow down to say Bolt Action speed and load out! Then you get folks like Andy, Combat experienced and highly trained, as well as a lifetime of practical shooting, makes for an especially skilled and deadly marksman!
As many of you already know, Hitler coined the words "Assault Weapon". A fully automatic or select fire combat gun. AR stands for Armalite, the company that held the original patent for the "AR".

I just read the proposed 2019 Assault Weapons Ban. The folks in DC are trying to overthrow our country with firing a single shot.

An armed citizenry is governed, and unarmed citizenry is ruled.
I only own "defense weapons."


The uneducated or intentionally ignorant interpret AR to equate with "Assault Rifle."

Some of my liberal family members who stayed in Illinois were "concerned" that I might own the hideous AR-15 "assault rifle."

I told them not to worry. Mine is only an AR-10. Its five less "assaulty" on the snowflake scale . . . .
That's good! I guess that makes an AR-7 slightly less than half as "assaultureous" as an AR-15. Such a relief...

Exactissimo . . . .

Love the "assultureous" reference.

The only "AR-15" caliber firearm I own is a mini-14, which is "smaller" and still one less "assultureous" than the 15.

All "Snowflake approved" . . . . .

Oh yeah, my 7.62 rifle isn't an "Assault Killer" rifle either (AK). Mine is a Super Kindness Server (SKS) . . . .

All true . . .
Uhhhh, I guess I better come up with another label for my AR74.... it makes it sound like it would be a monster! Even 5.45x39 sounds too capable. Maybe calling it a .22 centerfire Russian?
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