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The most stupid man in American politics shot-off his piehole yet again, saying Americans who might seek to remove his tyrannical government will need more than an AR-15 to do so. The stellar example of the absolute terminus of the human digestive tract says Americans would need an F-16 to drive him from office.

Does this buffoon not know that the US military is comprised of young men and young women who have mothers, fathers, little sisters and little brothers? Does this buffoon not understand that the military is under no obligation to carry-out illegal orders? Does this buffoon really believe the young men and women in uniform will fire on their immediate family members? Has this buffoon ever heard of the Posse Comitatus Act? I suppose not, what with the fool learning only eleven percent of what was taught at his law school.

That this alpha-hotel would even broach such a subject involving the US military killing American citizens-- for any purpose-- is all the proof I need that he's entirely unfit and unqualified to be stinking-up my White House. If Boe JiteMe wants Americans killed on our sovereign ground, I suggest he hire foreign mercenaries because I doubt any domestic military or State police force would do it. A President ordering the military to kill American citizens who would defend their Second Amendment Rights sounds like a good basis for impeachment, conviction and removal of that brain-damaged "President." Even then, there would be several in the Senate who would side with His Royal Buffoonery. Chucky Bullschumer would be one of them. On that, you can make book.

I do not remember if Trump ever said he'd unleash the US military to kill defiant American citizens. Boe JiteMe has said so at least twice now, per my recollection. And the Criminal Left says Trump is a "dictator." Hardly. Today's Tyranny-crat Party is as close as we can get to the Soviet Communist Party under Stalin in 1952. Boe JiteMe is the ultimate disgrace for this nation. His stupidity knows no bounds. He's the last word in kcufbmud. There's no way someone so stupid was legally elected. Period.
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The bozo in the white house has no f__ ing clue that an .223 is good for maybe 500 yards. In the hands of an expert marksman.

I am just some dude with a Shiloh-Sharps (45-70) and I have hit targets at 1800 meters. The shells I use are one h__ll of a lot heavier than the average 55 grain .223. One of the reasons I do not own one. They do not go fast enough to pass through body armor, but I do not think there is a person alive that would not put on the ground in a lot of pain if hit by one.

I have a fair amount of friends and relatives in the military and or retired.
None would take up arms against the people. Most were terrified that they would be called for that purpose in the past.

Biteme has no clue what he is doing nor what he is saying. He is secure in the fact the election is about 2 years away and he probably will not be touched before then.
I have a fair amount of friends and relatives in the military and or retired.
None would take up arms against the people. Most were terrified that they would be called for that purpose in the past.

BiteMe has no clue what he is doing nor what he is saying. He is secure in the fact the election is about 2 years away and he probably will not be touched before then.
Only an absolute moron would ever make even a widely-tangential reference to the US military being used against the American People to enforce a law against the private ownership of firearms. But a moron is what "We, the People" allegedly elected in 2020.

The Tyranny-crats have no use for the United States Constitution. The Constitution says the federal government will be seated in a "federal district" of not more than ten square miles. It's been talked-about for years but as of late, DC residents are making more and more noise about becoming a State. There is a reason The Frames did not want the government to be seated in a State: Because that State could then hold massive sway over all the others by virtue of the money to run the country coming from one place, such money controlled by men who might be tempted to feather their own nests with public money.

Now that exponential-idiot Nancy Foolosi wants term limits on Supreme Court justices. The Constitution says zero about for how long a justice will sit on the Court. The Framers saw that there would be avenues for corruption if a justice had only so many years to amass his haul of public money before being forced to leave the Court. And what's to say that once Adam Schiffhead and Chucky Bullschumer are on the Court that the Corruption-crats decide that the present members do not need to leave after so many years? Can't you just see that coming? I'm dumb as paint, and even I can see the possibility of a permanently-stacked Supreme Court-- stacked such that the Constitution means zero to the justices on the bench in the days after that grand document is little more than something with which to start a fire to burn yard & garden waste...
"His" F-16's will have a hard time flying when all those civilian workers can't get to work to make the parts, ammo, and fuel needed…. being as one guy and a rifle up on any ridge could shut down any interstate during rush-hour with just a few shots.
"His" F-16's will have a hard time flying when all those civilian workers can't get to work to make the parts, ammo, and fuel needed…. being as one guy and a rifle up on any ridge could shut down any interstate during rush-hour with just a few shots.
THAT is what they are afraid of... Armed citizens act as militia disrupting their Great Society... Use of F16's would destroy large areas of American cities... Not to mention violation of Posse Comitatus..
Personally I think that Joseph Robineau Biden should be impeached, convicted and removed from office for suggesting such a thing.. I'm sure we could come up with, oh, say, 37 impeachable High Crimes and Misdemeanors.... YMMV đŸ˜’...
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Heard on the news that the A-10's are going to be phased out over the next 5 years. I do not believe we have another close air support plane but I could be wrong about that. I know my buddies that came back from the sand box were very happy when the Warthogs were around.
I know my buddies that came back from the sand box were very happy when the Warthogs were around.
The A-10 is the best friend a ground-pounder ever had when things on the ground became particularly sticky. I have no idea with what aircraft they will be replaced. Maybe RPVs that keep a pilot out of danger? If so, how can we know that the pilot, from so many miles away, is fully aware of what's going-on right in front of/directly below the RPV? It's kind of similar to having driverless Class 8 trucks on the highways. Would you want your wife or your teenage daughter heading toward an 18-wheeler with no human driver at the wheel?
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