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I used to do the dog thing in layers. Outside perimeter dogs on 1/2 acre around house, (most of the time 2 dogs, but up to 4 at times). Then inside the house dogs, usually just 1, but up to 3 at one time. In those days I Slept the best I ever did. Get to know when outside dogs are chiming in, (other neighborhood dogs) or actively warning off. In the beginning you'll get up for everything until you figure out skunks, cats, neighbor walking home down street late, and other evening creatures aren't exactly the kind of emergency worth responding to. When the inside dogs alert, it's best to check it out. I've used pit bulls, retrievers, Shar Pei's for outside, and pit bulls, Chihuahuas, and mutts for inside.

I'd get more dogs, but I think ill wait until I retire.
If you are home sleeping and hear a bump in the night do you go investigate?

The short answer is NO if the bump is an intruder. The long answer is after being trained to do residential and commercial security analysis our department, I've hardened my house and my sanctuary - the master bedroom. Our Scottish Terrier will be sounding the alarm, but any home invader will make enough noise breaking into my house to wake me from a sound sleep with enough time to present an armed response. Friends don't break in.

I have attempted to discourage unwanted individuals by layering my house with exterior sensor controlled floodlights, upgraded security locks and strike plates on exterior doors, UV film on large windows along with closed shutters or blinds at night, interior sensor nightlights, and Master Lock 265D adjustable security bar devices on the door to the attached garage and bedroom doors.

THE PLAN is to roll out of bed, get my EDC gun out of its holster, put on my glasses, and call 911 from my cell phone. Once the 911 operator has the cavalry charging to the scene, I keep in contact with the operator so the line stays open and there will be a recording of what is happening in my home (good evidence in case of legal action).

Next, I wake my wife in the unlikely event she hasn't already gotten out of bed to retrieve her Colt DS from the MBR gun safe and hide in the MB whirlpool tub. I then open the Hornady Rapid Safe kept under the nightstand and get my Governor out for possible action. I put the powerful mini-flashlight within reach.

At this point, I announce that I have called 911 and that I am armed (for the 911 recording record), remembering this could end up in court with Sally soccer mom and her friends hearing the case.

Should the intruder(s) manage to destroy the MBR door and gain entry into our sanctuary, a sensor nightlight will blink on and help me identify the fool(s). The hallway leading to the MBR is like a funnel and has nightlights that will backlight any intruder if not disabled.

Did I mention the Governor is loaded with double-ought and 45Colt?

Bad guys have armor too, so my POA is the groin. A pelvic hit is extremely painful and the blood loss from hits to either femoral arteries are life-threatening.

Time to tell the 911 Operator to hustle the cavalry because I had to shoot the intruder(s). All the time continuing to make sure the threat remains neutralized.

The cops can clear the house and search the area when they arrive. I don't want to make their job any more difficult or confusing. Nor do I want to get taken out by one of the good guys.

Like any plan, it is great until there is an actuating event that sets it in motion. Sweet dreams!
The short answer is NO if the bump is an intruder. The long answer is after being trained to do residential and commercial security analysis our department, I've hardened my house and my sanctuary - the master bedroom. Our Scottish Terrier will be sounding the alarm, but any home invader will make enough noise breaking into my house to wake me from a sound sleep with enough time to present an armed response. Friends don't break in.

I have attempted to discourage unwanted individuals by layering my house with exterior sensor controlled floodlights, upgraded security locks and strike plates on exterior doors, UV film on large windows along with closed shutters or blinds at night, interior sensor nightlights, and Master Lock 265D adjustable security bar devices on the door to the attached garage and bedroom doors.

THE PLAN is to roll out of bed, get my EDC gun out of its holster, put on my glasses, and call 911 from my cell phone. Once the 911 operator has the cavalry charging to the scene, I keep in contact with the operator so the line stays open and there will be a recording of what is happening in my home (good evidence in case of legal action).

Next, I wake my wife in the unlikely event she hasn't already gotten out of bed to retrieve her Colt DS from the MBR gun safe and hide in the MB whirlpool tub. I then open the Hornady Rapid Safe kept under the nightstand and get my Governor out for possible action. I put the powerful mini-flashlight within reach.

At this point, I announce that I have called 911 and that I am armed (for the 911 recording record), remembering this could end up in court with Sally soccer mom and her friends hearing the case.

Should the intruder(s) manage to destroy the MBR door and gain entry into our sanctuary, a sensor nightlight will blink on and help me identify the fool(s). The hallway leading to the MBR is like a funnel and has nightlights that will backlight any intruder if not disabled.

Did I mention the Governor is loaded with double-ought and 45Colt?

Bad guys have armor too, so my POA is the groin. A pelvic hit is extremely painful and the blood loss from hits to either femoral arteries are life-threatening.

Time to tell the 911 Operator to hustle the cavalry because I had to shoot the intruder(s). All the time continuing to make sure the threat remains neutralized.

The cops can clear the house and search the area when they arrive. I don't want to make their job any more difficult or confusing. Nor do I want to get taken out by one of the good guys.

Like any plan, it is great until there is an actuating event that sets it in motion. Sweet dreams!

Great post!! Thanks for your insight. Seems like you have everything worked out. Hopefully if such an event arises it goes according to plan.
It depends on the nature of the noise or bump...
We often get critters who wander by ...neighbors dog visiting...stray cats...raccoons , coyotes etc...
I have been known to check those out....
Luckily its been things of that nature...but...

A long while ago my daughter woke me up saying that the neighbors were fighting and it sounded like someone was hurt...
The neighbor at that time was going through a nasty divorce and she had restraining order against her soon to be ex...
This early morning in question...he come over to her place , got in , and dragged her outside , all the while he was hitting and kicking her...
What I did see when I looked out of our door was....he had his hand wrapped around her hair and was repeatedly slamming her head against the stair railing....

I yelled out from our door way to "Stop..and get the F away...we called the cops..."
He did stop....but then started to advance towards me...threatening to kill me...
At the time in question is was deer season and I was planning on going out later that day. so I had my Marlin 36 ready to go...
When I first yelled at him to stop...the rifle was in my hands ...but at a more or less "low ready position"...

When he advanced towards me , threatening to kill me , I again told him to I then raised the rifle to my shoulder...
He actually considered to keep on coming....I could totally read that thought in his eyes and body posture...
Luckily for all concerned he left and no one needed to find out just what a 170 Core-Lokt .30-30 would have done to a guy who weighed in around 200 pounds....

On to a lighter subject...
We have always had dogs...mostly big dogs...
Our two big 'uns ..have passed but they were great dogs...
Sheba and Duke...
Our little guy Watson fun as well ...

We've always had 2 Rottweilers, so we really didn't have too much to worry about. Our first two weighed a 140 lbs and 145 lbs respectfully.. They free roamed our compound.......
It depends on the nature of the noise or bump...
We often get critters who wander by ...neighbors dog visiting...stray cats...raccoons , coyotes etc...
I have been known to check those out....
Luckily its been things of that nature...but...

A long while ago my daughter woke me up saying that the neighbors were fighting and it sounded like someone was hurt...
The neighbor at that time was going through a nasty divorce and she had restraining order against her soon to be ex...
This early morning in question...he come over to her place , got in , and dragged her outside , all the while he was hitting and kicking her...
What I did see when I looked out of our door was....he had his hand wrapped around her hair and was repeatedly slamming her head against the stair railing....

I yelled out from our door way to "Stop..and get the F away...we called the cops..."
He did stop....but then started to advance towards me...threatening to kill me...
At the time in question is was deer season and I was planning on going out later that day. so I had my Marlin 36 ready to go...
When I first yelled at him to stop...the rifle was in my hands ...but at a more or less "low ready position"...

When he advanced towards me , threatening to kill me , I again told him to I then raised the rifle to my shoulder...
He actually considered to keep on coming....I could totally read that thought in his eyes and body posture...
Luckily for all concerned he left and no one needed to find out just what a 170 Core-Lokt .30-30 would have done to a guy who weighed in around 200 pounds....

On to a lighter subject...
We have always had dogs...mostly big dogs...
Our two big 'uns ..have passed but they were great dogs...
Sheba and Duke...
Our little guy Watson fun as well ...
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I can only imagine that your heart skipped a beat when you thought for that split second that he wasn't going to leave. Good on you Andy for keeping your cool.
So this stems from another thread. If you are home sleeping and hear a bump in the night do you go investigate? I am curious what others do.

I personally will sleep through anything and I mean anything unless it is a noise that I know doesn't belong. When that happens or my wife wakes me up the first thing I do is grab my bed side gun and check the security cameras. If they haven't gone off then I will check all the doors and windows in the house.

What are your thoughts?

As a precaution I implement operation "Rolling Chunder" and torch the three square city blocks surrounding my house via the strategically placed MOABS that I stashed in sewer systems...

I sure hope my wife doesn't drop a glass on the floor in the middle of the night! :eek:

For those of you lacking viable social skills or having the sense of humor of dry white toast.... I'm joking around. :rolleyes:;)
I either want a Chocolate lab or a german shepard. Both would be great dogs but the labs usually have less health issues.

Be Choosy who you buy your dogs from, research a bunch before you even give one a call.
Working breeding is to be considered over show dogs.
Especially with the GS's they have been ruined all for more "slope" created by breeding really weak rear ends
for cosmetics!
The old line GS's like Roy Rogers Bullet, and the several Rin-tin-tin dogs were much more square in profile being as tall in the front as in the back end and they could run or trot all day long. The American show dogs we have today couldn't last and tend greatly toward Hip Dysplasia.
They won't be cheap, but the working dogs are bred to WORK! Just what you want at 3AM. Never owned a Lab, just didn't appeal to me, known of lots of nice ones though. If all else fails get a nice Rat Terrier Jack Russel or a Schiperkie that will sound the alarm for you, they aren't large but have great ears, there are many of the smaller breeds that will be what the Dr ordered.
Most burglars won't even come near a house with a noisy dog. But those are the smarter guys, today there are so many more dumb ones. o_O
"I have two shotguns, in my home. they're locked in a safe, it's a metal gun case. We live in an area that's wooded, somewhat secluded, and I said "Jill if there's every a problem just walk out on the balcony and fire two blasts outside the house". Buy a shotgun, buy a shotgun. You don't need a machine gun, you don't need 30 rounds. Buy a shotgun, buy a double barreled shotgun." :D
Take a good look at the Belgian Malinois breed, fantastic working breed with out many of the Bean Sheppard's tendencies or health issues. We adopted a 6 month old pup who was to much for a young family to handle, so we took him on! He is super smart, eager to learn and do, and gets along with the wee ones like they were born together! I couldn't be happier with how he is working out. Bonus is he is smaller then the G.S.D. so it's easier to handle him, and he can get into places the larger breeds cannot. They don't have the temper issues ether! Fantastic breed for all around needs!
I have chosen the 100 Chihuahua system.

Land piranha.

No self-respecting criminal wants to bear the distinction of being brought down by throngs of ankle biters.

Sure, jump my fence. A slow death is as good as any. :p
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