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My humblest apology to those unknown 1800's English statesmen or journalist... but I personally have grown extremely weary with both sides of the firearm fracas either making up or misuse the self defence/ownership/crime/shooting/ad nauseam stats to proof their specific 'for or against' point in the discussion.

This stated, it brings up a flaming question of whose study/research/ad nauseam stats can any side trust as viable/repeatable/usable for our discussions?

Further, who should root out the data in the first place initially, e.g.,academicians/government/special interest/ad nauseam?

Finally, who 'blesses' the data to assure it was collected properly from wide ranging areas and sufficent participants as well as assure appropriate study methodology were used?

An interesting read from REASON about firearm SD stats shows the quandary, How to Count the Defensive Use of Guns

Group's rampant hyperbole runs throughout the article and would be quite humorous if their arugment didn't have some semblance of truth associated with the accusations.

What? You don't believe the polls of 500 randomly selected Democrat libtards who have never fired or owned a firearm? As you are 47 times more likely to shoot a family member than a bad guy. It's all how you word it. A few years ago the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Ownership did a poll saying child death rates due to firearms is sky rocketing. What they did was take the age one becomes an adult,18 and change it to 26. Now they could include most all drug and gang related shootings.

You can also thank these people for the scare words, Saturday Night Special, Plastic Gun, my favorite Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle, Cop Killing Gun, and Cop Killing Bullet what ever those are. I tried to find out but all three links they gave went nowhere. You see it takes a lot of fear to muster the donations to keep Sarah Brady living in the lifestyle she is accustom. $900,000 a year last I heard she takes off the top of her non profit organization. I strongly believe if this con revolved around anything other that disarming America this B and her partners in crime would have been jailed way back when they called themself Hand Gun Control.

The group changed their name to honor the Brady's and it didn't have anything to do with a group of pro Second Amendment people buying all their domain names and putting real gun stats on these web sights plus some good laughs as rolling into a fetal position if attacked and soon your attackers will tire of beating you and move on to another family member or how neighborhood watch would show up and watch.

The terrorist attack at Fort Hood the Brady Bunch said if mass shootings can happen at a military base with all their arms the statement 'more guns less crime' is a lie. Bill Clinton made all military bases inside the US gun free zones in the 90's so who was doing the lying. If you go to their web page you will see the only thing that will save you from that 165 grain hollow core, ceramic saturday night plastic, cop killing bullet coming out the business end of a cop killing magnum at 25,000 foot a second is Sarah.But Sarah is a busy woman so donate now, donate a lot, and donate often. Donate.
Alas, please do not leverage all your animosity at just the '93 illustrious & infamous Brady crowd, remember he did take one for the gipper!

The NRA, NSSF, Gabby's group, Women against everything, youn's March group, PEW, John's stats, the lack of stats from the CDC, ad nauseam, but of course then you have the fibbers in congress.

So whom to believe?
Don't forget, a mass shooting starts at three people according to the gov't. And any shooting at a school whether it be negligent discharge by resource officer, janitor committing suicide, teachers firearm discharging when they put it in the glove box etc. counts as "School Shootings!"
My humblest apology to those unknown 1800's English statesmen or journalist... but I personally have grown extremely weary with both sides of the firearm fracas either making up or misuse the self defence/ownership/crime/shooting/ad nauseam stats to proof their specific 'for or against' point in the discussion.

This stated, it brings up a flaming question of whose study/research/ad nauseam stats can any side trust as viable/repeatable/usable for our discussions?

Further, who should root out the data in the first place initially, e.g.,academicians/government/special interest/ad nauseam?

Finally, who 'blesses' the data to assure it was collected properly from wide ranging areas and sufficent participants as well as assure appropriate study methodology were used?

An interesting read from REASON about firearm SD stats shows the quandary, How to Count the Defensive Use of Guns

Group's rampant hyperbole runs throughout the article and would be quite humorous if their arugment didn't have some semblance of truth associated with the accusations.

Just ask yourself which group of people do you trust. The NRA or the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Following both groups over the years the NRA has never lied to me while the Brady Center I could write a book on their lies and under handed deceit that has been happening since the day of it's creation. A lying evil woman, Sarah Brady, pulling $900,000 a year off the top of her non profit organization . The darling of DC proves just how criminal and corrupt the government is and stupid comes in all forms of humans
Far as I'm concerned the whole thing is BS--gun haters don't care about saving lives, if they did there wouldn't be 60 million dead fetuses since 1973--
Fact is doctors, cars & tobacco kill many, many more people than guns do, why don't gun haters save those people?
Alas, please do not leverage all your animosity at just the '93 illustrious & infamous Brady crowd, remember he did take one for the gipper!

The NRA, NSSF, Gabby's group, Women against everything, youn's March group, PEW, John's stats, the lack of stats from the CDC, ad nauseam, but of course then you have the fibbers in congress.

So whom to believe?
We would be a lot better off if Side Show Brady had taken two or three for the gipper and left a couple for sarah. He's been dead over two years but he still holds the record as the longest victim ever to live. We all know anyone in a wheelchairs would never lie. Telling his story of if there had only been a waiting period of only a couple seconds Reagan would have caught all of them and sarah wouldn't have to hang out at the truck stop to get what she craves, leaving sideshow to watch from outside the car. The poor guy. It almost make you donate.
Far as I'm concerned the whole thing is BS--gun haters don't care about saving lives, if they did there wouldn't be 60 million dead fetuses since 1973--
Fact is doctors, cars & tobacco kill many, many more people than guns do, why don't gun haters save those people?

Not to deviate from the topic or bash you in any way, but the dead in this case are actually babies. The term fetus in the context of abortion was "coined" to make them non human, in much, if not every way slavery was justified because the slaves were not considered human beings.

The Democrats have used this playbook in the past and will and are using it now and the future. They demonize and de-legitimize the opposition in an effort to avoid facts.

The gun debate and the approach the Democrats use is headed in much that same direction, we are considered evil and therefore our beliefs and rights are negated and have no legitimate value in their minds.

Are things made up on both sides of this issue...yes of course.
It pays to do your research when citing a source.

That said twice now in my life I have had to present my firearm to stop a threat.
( not counting my four combat tours here )
It is not enough to have a gun but one also needs :
The skill to use the gun effectively...
The wisdom of knowing when to use the gun or when not to...
The willingness to use the gun...
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