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Dangerous to even say this here, but isn't this effectively the EXACT same argument for gun control? If guns were only used at home and only affected their owners, why should anyone else care? But gun owners don't keep it to themselves. The good ones tout them proudly, scare people who don't like them, open carry, promote political idealization of violent reaction to them being taken away (molon labe - amiright?) and the bad ones shoot up stores and schools and rob banks and kill innocent people. Especially working in jail, I'd venture a guess and say all of the violent criminals who had gun charges fit the bill for reasons for gun control right?

The city is not too dangerous to walk in. That is fear mongering for the vast majority of the population. If you're a child or a feeble woman or man, sure. But if you can stand up straight and hold a pointy stick, you're more than capable of fending of someone doing the fenty fold or the heroin nod. You can hire the meth head to toothbrush clean your driveway for $20. Just a shame they are taking all the illegal's jobs lol.

I don't think criminalizing makes anything worse. I think legalizing it would make it worse. But I'm cold and don't mind them weeding themselves out. I also don't mind them not being able to network in prison as you imply, because it does make them better criminals. Its a brainstorm room of people who did everything wrong to get caught figuring out how to do it better next time and get away with it.
As Calvin of Calvin and Hobbs said "some times a thinning of the herd is necessary". But while I used to catch pigeons under I-40 to train bird dogs with tonight if I tried that I'd end up in an armed confrontation. I'm not fearful, but for the same reason I don't walk around skunks and rattlesnakes I avoid the druggies.
A few years ago I was frog gigging under a bridge and ended up at spear point distance with a Happy Camper. The results of an unhappy meeting could be more unpleasant than I care to deal with.
Yeah, I'm not buying the Gun control comparison either. There are millions and millions of gun owners that the next door neighbors have no idea they even have a gun. How many live next door to an addict and not have a clue?
Like I said If their problems did not become everyone's problem, Why would I care? DR
As Calvin of Calvin and Hobbs said "some times a thinning of the herd is necessary". But while I used to catch pigeons under I-40 to train bird dogs with tonight if I tried that I'd end up in an armed confrontation. I'm not fearful, but for the same reason I don't walk around skunks and rattlesnakes I avoid the druggies.
A few years ago I was frog gigging under a bridge and ended up at spear point distance with a Happy Camper. The results of an unhappy meeting could be more unpleasant than I care to deal with.
I don't have any argument against thinning of the herd. Which I think allowing them easy access to the items that thin them out on their own allows for. In your situations, your exposure levels to those risks are much higher than your average joe. I've never spent a single day in my life under a bridge or frogging. So in those places I can't speak to. But I often work in the zone walking around in the tent city areas and amongst the people everyone is so worried about. I've never needed to be armed. Not a single time. Now I'm a large man and more than capable of holding my own against multiple zombies at once. So maybe I'm more well equipped than most and choose to avoid dark corners where the bad ones lurk, but I still don't see them as more than an eyesore and financial nuisance. I started catching rattlesnakes and bringing them home to show my folks when I was about 8 or 9 years old. So maybe I've got less fear than most which could skew my opinion.

Yeah, I'm not buying the Gun control comparison either. There are millions and millions of gun owners that the next door neighbors have no idea they even have a gun. How many live next door to an addict and not have a clue?
Like I said If their problems did not become everyone's problem, Why would I care? DR
It may not be identical, but you're doing what they do, even if on a different scale. According to the statistics of the people willing to admit it, about 15% of the population has used illegal drugs in the last year. About 40 million are "regular" users. 20 million over 12 years old have an addiction. So with those kind of numbers, you probably don't realize exactly how many addicts are right around you all the time.
The argument from the gun control side is that just knowing there is a gun next door makes them "Feel" unsafe.
My argument is that addicts do crazy and unsafe things. things that affect everyone around them. If they kept the crazy to themselves why would I care? DR
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