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So not to be that guy but one why didn't you already have a round in the chamber and two why draw your gun? Why not just try yelling at the dude to see what his reaction is. My SIL knows better than to ever touch my daughter. I made it clear the day they got married. You touch I touch and that he wouldn't like it.

Charlie, one thing we were taught in law enforcement, is to speak softly, not yelling. A soft voice they have to stop and listen to what you are saying. Yelling only makes the problem worse. That's true with your wife as well! I don't always remember though! Shame on me.

I agree a round in the chamber, and sometimes a show of real force is all that is needed.

But I learned how to talk violent persons out of their rage. I am not a large powerful person, but I've been able to talk some dangerous people into getting into my patrol car No force involved. and we didn't have cages back then either! .
Add to that I hadn't cuffed either one! I had a great Sgt in charge that night and he helped de-fuze the situation without arresting either one!
The COP felt the cages gave the wrong impression to the public, never mind the safety of his officers!!!!! o_O
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Charlie, one thing we were taught in law enforcement, is to speak softly, not yelling. A soft voice they have to stop and listen to what you are saying. Yelling only makes the problem worse. That's true with your wife as well! I don't always remember though! Shame on me.

I agree a round in the chamber, and sometimes a show of real force is all that is needed.

But I learned how to talk violent persons out of their rage. I am not a large powerful person, but I've been able to talk some dangerous people into getting into my patrol car No force involved. and we didn't have cages back then either! .
Add to that I hadn't cuffed either one! I had a great Sgt in charge that night and he helped de-fuze the situation without arresting either one!
The COP felt the cages gave the wrong impression to the public, never mind the safety of his officers!!!!! o_O

With my size I have been lucky in the fact that I don't have to yell or get angry. Most of them back down if you just show that you are not afraid of them and maybe thumb your shirt:D
With my size I have been lucky in the fact that I don't have to yell or get angry. Most of them back down if you just show that you are not afraid of them and maybe thumb your shirt:D

That's great if you can pull it off, but us less endowed with size and power have ti be a little quicker mentally, when TSHTF! :eek:o_O
No force involved.
Gasoline, you would likely be playing a harp! Or burned badly at a minimum, and still paying for a gas station!
I saw a fight at a gas station once. it was interesting!
A guy was gassing his car about three rows over from me. another car pulls in and 4 thugs jump out and run at the guy at the pump. Words were thrown out, But when the 4 got close enough the guy pulls the hose out and sprays the 4 down with gas! And then pulls out a bic lighter! One of the thugs had a gun. Gas Boy said go ahead and fire that! You will go up like a torch! after that there were more harsh words and a few threats but no one wanted to get too near gas boy! And then everyone drove off!
If Gas Boy was scared at all he didn't show it! DR
When I was in field training my FTO informed me I would have to learn to swear. He said using profanity was the only way to get respect from subjects. Not long after, I drew my gun on a couple of gang bangers. It was dark and I ordered them to show me their hands. One of them reached into his pants and I said, in my normal command voice, "Show me your hands or I'm going to shoot you." I let it hang there for a few seconds and he slowly showed me his hands. My FTO came over and said, "You may not have to learn how to swear. You sounded pretty convincing."

If you can't get respect w/o using profanity, you aren't going to get it. Always keep in mind, there are going to be eye/ear witnesses testifying to what you said. The little old lady juror may not look so favorably on you if she is told of a profanity laced, screaming command. It can become a major issue if you are charged with manslaughter.
A guy was gassing his car about three rows over from me. Another car pulls in and 4 thugs jump out and run at the guy at the pump. Words were thrown out but when the 4 got close enough, the guy pulls the hose out and sprays the 4 down with gas! And then pulls out a bic lighter! One of the thugs had a gun. Gas Boy said go ahead and fire that! You will go up like a torch! After that there were more harsh words and a few threats, but no one wanted to get too near Gas Boy! And then everyone drove off! If Gas Boy was scared at all he didn't show it!
An incident like that would make for a great scene in an action-hero movie. Can't you just see Bruce Willis as Gas Boy? Yippie-kai-yay, you miserable batsards!
I have as a friend a retired prison guard, who is nuttier than a bed bug.
He stands about 6'3" and about 225 or 250# but isn't in fighting condition any longer.
He has been clubbed , stabbed you name it after over 20 years, and he loved it, and actually fed on the pain.
Needless to say that since they couldn't carry firearms, a sap or or night stick and some mace was about all they had,
to control some really bad dudes.
They were a bunch of really tough guys themselves, him included.
Some of his stories would curdle your milk for sure!
He still loves what he did back then. I wish my memory were better, so I could re-tell them here, but I can't.
I'm sorry, :(
First time:

I used to carry an M60 for Big Green, I used it... a time or two.

Second time:

A couple years later I was assigned to PSD duty for the USAREUR CINC while stationed in Germany (this is when the Baader-Meinhof/Red Army Faction BS was still a "thing")

One night (about 2230hrs and dark as HELL) I was in full battle-rattle manning a perimeter access point that actually led into a dead end road to an apple orchard as part of the "maze" we set up during "Operation Able Archer" (war games, except we actually carried live rounds as security of the General staff and the CP/HQ), and this small "euro" car full of people comes STREAKING by me going at least 45mph.

I remember it sounded JUST LIKE an M151 (Army Jeep) driving by.... anyway, I knew they weren't going anywhere because it led to a very muddy orchard and the only way back was through.... me. Sure enough I heard the car coming back, so I stepped out of the bushes into their headlights and made a "show" of chambering my M16 and then held it at the low-ready (it was already chambered, but I faked working the CH so they got the message it was loaded)... they screech to a halt, and I see it's a bunch a teenagers (about to soil themselves) and I determine they're just local dickheads out joyriding and had no idea they were in a restricted area... they tried to feign they didn't understand what I was saying, but since after WW2 (West) Germans were taught ESL in school growing up so they're like cue balls; the harder you smack 'em the more English you get out of them... they got the message.

I didn't bother making a report (I HATED doing paperwork!) ;)

Third time:

Some years ago two thugs outside on the sidewalk were kicking my fence because my dog (dared to) barked at them. I stepped out to the sidewalk and told them to quit kicking my fence, and they told me to F off and said they'd kick my a$$ as they walked towards me, one started to flank off to my right so I knew it was on... I carried a G30 at the time and pulled it on them, they froze solid in place and I let them look down the bore for 3-4 seconds (that's an eternity while looking at a .45 bore pointed at you), and told them to GTFO of MY neighborhood. Never saw them again, ever.

Fourth time:

This one may not "count" as drawing on someone, but late last year (while my wife was in Australia for several months visiting family) I was sitting in my living room one evening after work trying to relax and get ready to go to bed, this car load of young dickheads parks on the street across from my house and they have the car stereo blasting away with the "rap crap" that kids listen to today.

I realize I live in the suburbs, and I don't freak out every time someone is "thoughtless", but I can hear this sheite in my house over the top of my TV going (and it's loud) and the car windows were even rolled up, so after about 20 minutes of this I've had enough. Since I can see there's four of them and one of me (that's about fair odds for me, LOL) I decide to saddle up with one of "the twins" on a single-point sling slung low, (not waving it around or anything, and actually all professional looking... yes, BTW its chambered) and I go up to the driver-side window.

They didn't even see me walk up, or standing there because they were all looking down at their smart-phones... LMAO! So I rap on the driver's window (thumb on the safety lever ready to go if needed) and the guy startled so suddenly that he damed near hit his head on the car roof. I'm projecting that I'm not even slightly amused, so he rolls his window down and all of their eyes are glued to my kit (BTW- very politely presented) and I ask if they have business around here.

Turns out he was waiting for his little brother to get out of catechism (I live across from a RC church), but the music they were listening to was FILTHY... the whole "yo, got muh niggahs and ho's" BS, so I'm dubious about their story for a bit until I see that the church is indeed running catechism class for the next generation of sheep to be shorn.

So I explained their trespasses against the neighborhood and that they should be more considerate of their actions and their impact on the people around them instead of being self-centered and not caring. I never yelled, got tense, or cussed at them, and they quickly apologized and complied with my "request".

"Peace through strength" prevailed, but had they chosen to get violent the car and sidewalk would have been painted red. I'll be damned if that wasn't the most polite and agreeable car load of young punks I ever saw... I can't imagine why. LOL

...and before anyone says it, EVERYTHING that I did was perfectly legal where live, open carry is legal plus I have a CHL and the "twins" are actually "pistols"

BTW- here are "the twins". ;)
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I have had the AWESOME privilege(sarcasm) of being in a couple attempted home invasions, car jackings, and other incidents that would take AWHILE to list out, needless to say I seem to be a $hit magnet and now that I'm getting older tend to very carefully consider where and when I do things and after getting hurt at work tend to be more of a homebody now so trouble has had less of a chance to rears its ugly head and try to bite my A$$
Ok I'll tell the first time the weirdest time and the dumbest to start. First time I was ony 15 and this was my first gun. A Davis p-32 I paid only $40 bucks for. Me and a friend were walking to my house down a residential street when some a-hole comes flying down the street doing at least 65 and he swerved at us as if he was going to run us down. We were not anywhere close to being in his way and my budy (scrappy kid from Watts CA) flips him off and the car screeches to a hault and a man prob in his 30s and twice our size jumps out and says he's gonna break that ni***r finger. Darnell being all of about 5'3 at the time still was about to fight this grown man who then grabbed a bat from trunk. Well out came my little dinky pistol and until I chambered a round I think he figured it was fake. As soon as he left my hands shook for what felt like hours. Skip ahead a decade and I'm driving a rental car when a thugged out looking yo pulls beside me yelling. I rolled the window down and was actually pissed about 3 random letters followed by 666. He swerved his vehicle into mine and once we stopped he reached back and grabbed something but before he'd exited I had my 5906 aimed right at his and when I told him drive off or I'm gonna put you down he left. There was no satanic message just a plate coincidentally having 3 sixes. Latest draw down my semi mental neighbor bangs on my door saying two thugs were after him and followed him home with a gun. As soon as they walked up I raised my 45 at this kid to discover he had a Spoon. I told him it almost got him shot and kick rocks. He was probably 19 and looked like the average drive by uh spooner I guess. Most altercations I've had to draw on anyone was due to an escalated road rage incident or to prevent being jumped by bangers.
Some people, for whatever reason, seem to be looking for a fight/reason to be "outraged"... have encountered my share in this American life... Sad commentary on the human race!
Although I have never had to pull the trigger, I have had multiple occasions requiring me to draw my weapon. My body language always indicated that I was willing to use lethal force if necessary. Stepping towards the threat while drawing your gun indicates a willingness to engage. That, and a firm, clear command voice can be very convincing.
I've had to draw three times. Someone made me ditch my motorcycle once and came after me. I was in the wrong side of town. Another time, as a Security Guard someone took a few shots at me. The last time I was in South Phoenix going home from a pistol match and a carload of innocents decided to push me to the side of the road and come after me with baseball bats. I just put my .45 out the window and said " Are you really ready for this?" The all left in a flash.
Last April I caught a meth head on my ring cameras just before 3 AM. The ring device had been apparently activating for some time before I woke up realizing a puke was in my back yard. He had no fear of the motion lights that clearly illuminate nearly every aspect of my property. I live in a typically low crime area and have never had a problem in the previous nine years. He tried all of my doors on my home and shop, peered through my windows, and was trying to find a way to access and unlock my cargo trailer, searching everywhere for a hide-a-key.

I threw on a robe and grabbed my Glock 22 and made my way to the kitchen window where I observed the outside motion lights still on. As I was going to shut my alarm off the front door rattled hard. Then the door bell rang, he then started looking at my windows and roofline of the house, I saw this after the fact on the ring door bell cam. I exited a different side of the house and confronted him on my front porch. I didn't point or declare I had a weapon but I didn't hide the fact I was holding one, I just asked what the hell he wanted. He told me he had the wrong house, told him he sure the hell did. I asked what he wanted, said he was looking for a woman but didn't know her address. I asked if he had ID, he said yes and willingly started getting it out of his wallet. I told him to drop it on the driveway and walk to the curb, and he complied. I grabbed his ID took it in the house and called the police. In my hasty action of the event unfolding I forgot my cell phone inside.

I called 911, gave them his full description and address since I had his State ID in my hand. 6 minute response time by the PD, he waited on the curb. After a short investigation and showing the officer my camera footage they arrested him for Criminal Trespass. Since it was the beginning of COVID the County jail wouldn't take him so it was a cite and release by the officer. I sent the officer nearly 40 minutes worth of video as evidence (that I slept through) and the DA called four months later and said there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute and dropped the charges.

My wife slept through it all, in the morning after I explained it all to her she asked if he knew I was armed. I put on my robe and held my Glock, she said...oh ya he knew.

One recommendation, I have taken a lot of classes and one thing I remember was a defense attorney saying regardless of how justified you are in a shooting be prepared to mortgage everything you have to defend yourself. So I have carried USCCA in the past and now have US Law Shield, and there may be others out there. But have something to help you out God forbid you ever require services. The more liberal society becomes the more likely you may need it. In my retrospect of the incident, I will likely just stay in the house and wait for the cops to arrive. It worked out but I would reconsider leaving the confines of my abode. However had I not confronted and based on my observations of his intent him I'm pretty damn sure he would have forced his way into one of my buildings.
Not since I left the job and only once while on the job but off-duty.

I've not come across a situation where my life or the life of others has been threatened and I've learned to avoid non-threatening situations that could turn into an armed confrontation. I've seen the financial burden and even with the best representation, the mental hardship of going through protracted legal or civil court proceedings.
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