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What are you going to do?

  • disarm and bow down

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • fight the tyrants tooth and nail

    Votes: 18 100.0%

  • Total voters
Been a while since this thread saw some action. We're talking about the destruction of our Second Amendment Liberties in this thread. I'm reminded of what disgraced former Gubbernor Coumo said about his abruptly-ended tenure. He said in his farewell address that he had passed "the most Progressive agenda in New York State history." To a liberal, "Progressive" means the destruction of Enumerated Liberties with which they disagree. To quote the Number One sexual predator in New York State, "Nobody needs ten bullets to kill a deeeeeer." To him I'd say, "You're right. Nobody needs ten rounds to kill a deer. We need thirty rounds to kill tyrants-- like you, you rectal aperture..."
The world is full of sheep, with blind folds on. As long as some smooth talking person tells you that government will take care of you, feed you, keep a roof over your head and you do not have to work. Just sit back and it will be OK,

Anyone remember Soylent Green?
I'm becoming convinced this country is going to fall without a shot being fired. They'll just seize your back accounts, close down your employer, shut down the roads, close all the ports…. and starve everyone out until they comply.

People are addicted to their pork-rinds and porn.
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I'm becoming convinced this country is going to fall without a shot being fired. They'll just seized your back accounts, close down your employer, shut down the roads, close all the ports…. and starve everyone out until they comply.

People are addicted too their pork-rinds and porn.
There's porn?

What we really need is for them to come out and announce that we either turn in our guns and ammo, or there's no more internet for anyone. Cable TV either. Matter of fact, turn off all the electricity too. Yeah, that will help the motivation.
It's been proven in many many countries that gun control is very effective at keeping the slaves in line. Chairman Mao killed 48 million people during his reign of terror. When you cannot fight back - you get what you get.

I'm sure the Democraps would love to try and better that accomplishment here if they could.
It's been proven in many many countries that gun control is very effective at keeping the slaves in line. Chairman Mao killed 48 million people during his reign of terror. When you cannot fight back - you get what you get.

I'm sure the Democraps would love to try and better that accomplishment here if they could.
The history of Gun Control

I'm becoming convinced this country is going to fall without a shot being fired. They'll just seize your back accounts, close down your employer, shut down the roads, close all the ports…. and starve everyone out until they comply.

People are addicted to their pork-rinds and porn.
A trial run was in New Mexico where they shut down various grocery stores with COVID "finds" on the premises. Starvation is a weapon of war, and Leftists has stated that conservatives are subhumans who should just die. Heck, some of them openly advocate shooting all gun owners, simply for BEING gun owners...
they can pry my guns from my dead cold hands.
My parents took me to see Judgement at Nuremberg. As a child I did not understand a lot of it but I did understand just filing off into the back of a truck.
On the way home my father began explaining the registration of fire arms. I listened and decided when the storm troopers come to my door the first one will go and see his god. I will go down in a blaze of bullets, but the next door they knock on they WILL need a new guy to be first. Like Alice's Restaurant it might be come a movement.
Hopefully it will not come to that in my life time.
We continue to read and hear from people who lived these same situations in other countries, that our current situation is exactly what there's was before it turned into the part where millions of people died at the hands of their own government. People need to mentally prepare themselves with the FACT that this isn't going away on it's own. You will not be spared because you always go along to get along. That's exactly how people die. They calmly allow the yellow star to be attached to them, then they line up along a ditch or calmly walk to their assigned cattle car.

Either fight and die on your feet, or allow yourself AND YOUR FAMILY to be destroyed by an out of control government. They will continue to push until they receive pushback. That's the awful truth. They are no longer going to be reigned in by our Constitution that limits their power. They've decided to subvert it at will. What will you do?

If every person they attack - in a gun confiscation plan or collection of non-vaccinated humans for re-education camp - makes them pay a price every time - they will run out of thugs before they get them all. The main thing is that people have to resign to the fact that if the thugs are at your door - they aren't letting you walk out of there anyway.
I suspect that if Himmlery Rotten Klantoon was in the Oval Orifice, the Constitution would have been packed-away, some sort of military law would have been implemented and we'd all be told we'll get our Constitution back when it's safe for Americans to be Free, again. I'll not bother to ask when y'all think Himmlery would come to that decision...

View attachment 7491
She is a bad as socialist Bernie Biden......

The public cannot own assault weapons. Plus, I'd like to see what the socialists defines as a REAL INSULT to the AMERICAN WEAPON is ? Certainly they don't know.......
Well, here in AZ the public can own, and carry, real assault rifles if they follow the NFA rules. Also, full auto is for suppressive fire and I prefer accurate aimed fire, if I can. So my semi autos will do just fine for this fat old man.
The Left put the Hughes Amendment into FOPA to try to kill the bill, a Poison Pill amendment. I believe President Reagan felt it was worth it getting the protection of FOPA for all peaceable law abiding gun owners, and we could go back and reopen the National Registry later...which never happened, of course. In al likelihood, the Left never expected that to pass, either. They just wanted desperately to kill FOPA.
The Left put the Hughes Amendment into FOPA to try to kill the bill, a Poison Pill amendment. I believe President Reagan felt it was worth it getting the protection of FOPA for all peaceable law abiding gun owners, and we could go back and reopen the National Registry later...which never happened, of course. In al likelihood, the Left never expected that to pass, either. They just wanted desperately to kill FOPA.
Reagan made a crappy deal, we should not have to give away bits & pieces of our freedom
Well, here in AZ the public can own, and carry, real assault rifles if they follow the NFA rules. Also, full auto is for suppressive fire and I prefer accurate aimed fire, if I can. So my semi autos will do just fine for this fat old man.
I know, it was a general statement just like a politician...heck I want one myself.
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