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I don't care if I'm "allowed" to own firearms or not. Nobody on earth can take that right away from me, regardless of what a meaningless piece of paper can say. I will own them anyways.
I'd pay good money to watch you teach Chucky Bullschumer and Adam Schiffhead about the power in your punches and kicks. I don't know what type of martial art it is that Jack Reacher uses when he takes care of three of five total glans penises in the street after they challenge Jack in a bar. I've watched that clip many, many times. Would be beyond wonderful to watch those who abhor Individual Liberty get a little bit of the TLC Jack dispenses in that instance.

I don't think someone needs to know Krav Maga or Keysi (Jack Reacher) to kick the bubblegum out of those two, tbh.
I learned Muay Thai Kickboxing when I was 17. I practiced it on other real life idiots. Never even came close to losing a fight.. I can still use my hands and knees..pretty darned good at my age.
I will own them anyways.
The Second Amendment is God's promise to me that I do not have to stand there and be murdered by a violent criminal-- nor by a criminal government. I have the Right to defend my life, the lives of my family, my home, my property and my Freedom from anyone who would deign to take the previous from me by virtue of perpetrating a crime against me.

As a firearms owner, I am entirely responsible for what I might do with one. It's the irresponsibility of a small minority of users whose criminal activity gives impetus to the elected morons in Washington, DC to curtail or even to eliminate my Rights in a brain-damaged effort to "reduce gun violence." The Framers knew there would be criminal use of firearms if there existed a codified Right to own and to use firearms for all purposes moral and just. They also expected that criminals would be punished as proscribed by existing law for any crimes so proven in a Court of Law, with proof established such that a jury of a man's peers can decide guilt or innocence based upon the evidence presented. That's where things are failing, today. Criminals are not punished. They are made the victims-- and the real victims are made-out to be the reason the criminal committed the crime. The Framers would look at that with mouths slightly agape and with looks of pure astonishment, confusion or wonder on their faces. I dare say that if the Framers were to write the Constitution today, it would never be ratified by the several States where mercurial emotion supersedes intelligence and common sense. We have fallen so far in these present days versus from where we were as a nation when The Framers wrote the Constitution. May God guide our future because we have too many fools in Washington who cannot...
If we're talking not legally a firearm, probably a Remington 1858 reproduction from one of the Italian companies. 6 shots, .44 caliber, and a speedloading cylinder whilst still being a muzzleloading antique technically probably gives me the best chance at defending myself without a "firearm"
All of those, (unpronounceable) hand to hand routines look impressive in a gym, or in the movies, but none of them will stop a bullet.

I'm too old to fight and too fat to run, but I can still shot straight, with my then illegal gun.
Long ago I decided that I would not go quietly. After my parents taught me about the Nazi's and others. I decided that the first one through my door was going to die. The 3rd or 4th would probably get me but the next door they knocked on they would have the memories of what happened at my home. I do not own a cross bow at this time but I am looking. There is a Utube video on how to make a bow from PVC pipe. Just need a couple of dozen good hunting arrows. I also have the pack of dogs, not vicious but they make noise. No one unless they have been in my home before will open the metal screen door which at night with the house dark from the outside you can not see through. Lot of dog voices, some if unknown to you will give you pause. I have 3 throwing axes and am getting better at sticking them. Currently they will just hurt a lot. I bought a Estwing axe for Christmas last year. It is of one piece of American made steel, crafted by people who know how tools that are swung need to feel. Ya there might be better axes but if the bad guys take a look at what is in my hands they might consider another path. Solid steel with a 4" blade, which I do keep damn sharp. Even if I miss with the head the handle will do damage. Then there are the dogs which are fairly protective of me.

In truth the government or anyone else will never get my guns and equipment. I have several water proof containers and 5 acres to hide.
We all know that resistance will be crushed and made an example of. Tis the way the others want the world to be, as me and people like me are dangerous.
Long ago I decided that I would not go quietly. After my parents taught me about the Nazi's and others. I decided that the first one through my door was going to die. The 3rd or 4th would probably get me but the next door they knocked on they would have the memories of what happened at my home. I do not own a cross bow at this time but I am looking. There is a Utube video on how to make a bow from PVC pipe. Just need a couple of dozen good hunting arrows. I also have the pack of dogs, not vicious but they make noise. No one unless they have been in my home before will open the metal screen door which at night with the house dark from the outside you can not see through. Lot of dog voices, some if unknown to you will give you pause. I have 3 throwing axes and am getting better at sticking them. Currently they will just hurt a lot. I bought a Estwing axe for Christmas last year. It is of one piece of American made steel, crafted by people who know how tools that are swung need to feel. Ya there might be better axes but if the bad guys take a look at what is in my hands they might consider another path. Solid steel with a 4" blade, which I do keep damn sharp. Even if I miss with the head the handle will do damage. Then there are the dogs which are fairly protective of me.

In truth the government or anyone else will never get my guns and equipment. I have several water proof containers and 5 acres to hide.
We all know that resistance will be crushed and made an example of. Tis the way the others want the world to be, as me and people like me are dangerous.
I remember when I felt much the same way--
unfortunately now that I have a couple of priors, I know different

I remember I used to have a couple of the 'Live Free or Die' shirts but one day I was no longer able to do either of those things as I was soon to be declared a felon, for the second time & I knew I'd be saying goodbye to all my weapons for years-- That can really change your whole outlook, sure did for me
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