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Beth Payne laughed out loud at the suggestion that the AR-15s and AK-47s she and other members of the Phoenix John Brown Gun Club were toting a week or so back at the Arizona Capitol were AirSoft replicas of the real thing.

"They do make AirSoft guns that look like real guns," Payne, 35, said during a recent interview at Phoenix's Fair Trade Cafe. "But it seems like a stupid way to get shot by a cop, waving a gun that's a toy."

This conjecture emanated from right-leaning critics following a Facebook Live video I shot on March 25 of 40 or so radicals with rifles, who were counter-demonstrating at a pro-Trump Make America Great Again march that ended on the lawn of the state Senate.

The footage went viral, bolstered by links from prominent conservative sites, such as The Daily Caller and Glenn Beck's The Blaze. It also caught the attention of far-right militias, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and various so-called "patriot" groups.

Lemons: Lefties with Guns Ready to Rumble with Right-Wing Militias, Says Arizona Anarchist
AZ has no legislation, bans or restrictions for rifles, shotguns or pistols other than federal. I wonder how many of these "leftist gun owners"have any kind of real training, and then I have to ask, compared to the ranks of CONSERVATIVE firearms owners, what percentage of LEFTIST gun owners can their possibly be with Evil Black Rifles, knowing they are the enemy as defined by their own party?!? A new definition of "useful idiot" as stated by Uncle Joe Stalin so many decades ago.
I'll admit I'm an optimist, I'm hoping this might open their eyes to the foolishness of gun control.
AZ has no legislation, bans or restrictions for rifles, shotguns or pistols other than federal. I wonder how many of these "leftist gun owners"have any kind of real training, and then I have to ask, compared to the ranks of CONSERVATIVE firearms owners, what percentage of LEFTIST gun owners can their possibly be with Evil Black Rifles, knowing they are the enemy as defined by their own party?!? A new definition of "useful idiot" as stated by Uncle Joe Stalin so many decades ago.

I have found many leftists to be hypocrites,
I wouldn't put much of anything past them as I'm sure plenty of them own guns
while simultaneously whining that nobody (but them) should have them
That DOES square with such notables as Diane Fienstien, who has San Francisco's only CCW permit, IIRC, and Bloomberg, who has an armed NYPD escort wherever he goes.
I have a cousin who is a liberal pos, she is a real whiny lil' b itch too, along with being a huge hypocrite, but I repeat myself... She scammed her Dad until he died--She actually
was out of work and for years she simply paid for every need on her credit cards then she swapped her debt around
to other credit cards with 'introductory offers', until one day her debt had piled up to over $250,000. Then she called up dear old Dad and he went ahead and paid for all of it-Poor guy had 3 daughters and they all played him like a clown. Whenever any of the daughters got Dad to pay for something, that one would immediately phone the other two and let them know that Daddy loved her the best & by just how much too. I never told the guy, now I kinda wish I had, but he was one of those proud obama voters, yep he voted for obama twice and I couldn't stand seeing a jew(actually everyone in my family is jewish) in my own family who couldn't remember 'Never Forget'--He finally croaked and hopefully his widow can still live on what he left her minus all the money stolen from her by his stupid liberal kids-- Rant Off...
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I'll admit I'm an optimist, I'm hoping this might open their eyes to the foolishness of gun control.

Most of them do not live in the real world.
They are blinded by what they want and how they feel.
Making laws that leave the good people defenseless while empowering the criminals is about all they can achieve because they absolutely refuse to understand "cause and effect" or acknowledge the "unintended consequences" of their actions.

They made murder against the law centuries ago.....
unless you are a politician of course.
To armoredman,

really like the Uncle Joe comment. I was laughing hard for a few minutes.

I offer my favorites

"If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge or jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim." - LtCol Jeff Cooper

"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. "
Frank Zappa

Sneaking into a country does not make you an immigrant, just as breaking into a house does not make you a homeowner unknown
I've been seeing this for about a week+ I've been slowly posting on reddit and other places in the really-super-extra-rw forums about having neo-nazis and the like pretend to be communists and show up at their events to take photos and gather intelligence on these people. Whether the neo-nazi goofballs do it or not is immaterial, then I will cross-post it from another account into the commie groups that they're being infiltrated by neo nazis.

Hilarity ensues.

If 2016 taught me anything: The enemy of my enemy, is probably also my enemy.
The "antifa" rioters are congratulating themselves on being "anti-fascist_, without realizing the tactics they use are straight SA brownshirt style. They will still be congratulating themselves when the Gestapo rounds them up for a little "train ride".
If the lefties get the so-called revolution (civil war) they have been crying about since Chicago '68 (at least) then so be it upon their own heads. With folks like (o)bama, Ayers and Hillary in the lead, they can't lose, can they!
Eventually some of these street rioters will be identified. Then someone will get the idea of taking them out in the desert for quiet midnight rides.
Talk is cheap, especially for those who hide behind others. If they start something the ensuing results will boggle their minds as they discover the general population ISNT on their side.
NONE of this can be good for people or for our country and I pray things don't come to that.
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You just know that most of their training involves holding the weapon sideways while making mean faces in a mirror....

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