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Liberals forever scream about Liberty and Freedom of Speech, and about how we on the Intelligent Right are allegedly trying to destroy such attributes of American life. But look... they do not agree that Americans can choose to join an organization that speaks for our Freedom to legally own firearms and to lawfully use them. Liberals, your name is hypocrisy...

And yet, they demand we be stripped of our liberty!
That is their hypocrisy to which I previously alluded. To be sure, there are many Tyranny-crats who own firearms. I suspect this 28% cohort are the really nutcase ones like Rob Reiner, Madonna and Michael "Charles Atlas" Moore. They do not want us to join an organization that speaks for us in defense of a God-given Liberty. Yet they malign, impugn and insult us when we assert that unborn babies are a gift from God and must be allowed to be born and to live full lives as have we. We just want someone to speak for our Rights in one voice. They decry us because we believe in the sanctity of human life. The disconnect there is so great, it's bordering on incomprehensible for anyone with two functioning brain cells...
When is 28% a plurality, heck in that poll even 15% of the R's polled to ban the NRA...Dumbazzes in both parties if you ask me.
I've got Classical Liberal friends and sure aren't what some would think they are.
. . . Classical Liberal friends . . .
Jefferson was a classical liberal. We need a boatload more Americans like him and a lot less of the type we have today. I don't know when the definitions changed from the least government involvement in our life as possible to the most possible. Probably during the tenure of Woodrow Wilson., and surely during the Lyndon Johnson years.
Liberals come in many forms.


Ever notice how ANTIFA is always screaming about "NO NAZIS!!!"

But, if you ask me......
They look more like THE NAZIS, when they're attempting to stifle, Freedom of Speech, through their violence.

Aloha, Mark
After Ike!
Eisenhower left office in 1961. The kids born after WW II would have been around fifteen at that time. Vietnam was not yet beginning to boil. That began in 1964 when Johnson escalated the conflict. The kids born in 1946 would have been eighteen when Johnson began to send troops in large numbers.

Todays' wacko liberals came from the kids born not long after the war. Their parents gave their kids everything they never had as kids growing-up in the Depression. The kids believed they didn't deserve such largess, so they rebelled against their Depression-era parents. Then came the riots on college campuses, the burning of draft cards, the depravity of Haight-Ashbury, drug abuse, Woodstock and all that sewage during the early 1970s that afflicts us still to this day. So now they've evolved to the point that they want to rewrite the Constitution, tear down the government and rebuild America in the image of Castro's Cuba. I'm just happy I'm old, infirm and not long for this Earth. I do not want to see where these who abhor Liberty will take our country...
Wife and I have been Jokingly discussing moving back to the Motherland Odessa, it's the idealistic rose colored glasses version of the U.S.A. with super strict laws to prevent much of what this country right here allows! Outside of the criminal mischief, it's a pretty progressive and modern place who have modeled much of their changes of their ideas of what America must be like in their minds!
Family immigrated here in the second wave of Sun Tanned Russians to Houston before Texas was a State, so officially were Texians!
Now, imagine if you will, A Texas drawl with a Russian accent, no joke!

And NO, were not Russians, Were Cossack Ukrainians!
When is 28% a plurality, heck in that poll even 15% of the R's polled to ban the NRA...Dumbazzes in both parties if you ask me.
I've got Classical Liberal friends and sure aren't what some would think they are.
You have to question a poll that shows that kind of numbers of Republican voters that would ban the NRA.
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