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The US Supreme Court has invalidated the 1908 law in New York State that deters the residents of that portable toilet from carrying a concealed firearm outside the home. Predictably, those who have anointed themselves to be above the chattel are outraged. Already these bottom-feeders are shrill in describing the "rivers of blood" that will flow down the gutters in New York City. No doubt that several thousand people will be shot and injured every day in the "Wild West" shoot-outs that will obtain on a daily basis between law-abiding residents, and hundreds upon hundreds of these will die because of the existence of the evil NRA and that evil Clarence Thomas, whom wrote the majority opinion. We're going to see people whip-out M60 machine guns from under their raincoats and open-up on innocent little chill'uns at a block party. The price of a cemetery plot just tripled because of all the dearly-departed New Yorkers now needing an eternal resting place. It's going to cost a lot of money for the city to remove all those Gun-Free Zone signs-- the same ones violent criminals never read nor acknowledge. People are going to replay the shoot-out at the OK Corral when one gives a side-eye to another. There's going to be so much death and carnage that the American People are going to demand the Second Amendment be repealed-- at least for those who abide the laws and would never hurt anybody. The violent criminals, against who the State never takes any meaningful action, will continue to be violent and will continue-on with their lives of crime as if nothing had happened. Soon we'll see mothers at grocery stores with an M1897 Trench Broom in their handbags. There's going to be so much blood, so much violence, so much sorrow and so much regret following this decision, and it's all because those evil White slaveowners wrote this crazy Constitution thing that LIMITS the power of government. There should be NO limits on the power of government. Anybody with any common sense knows that. Government is always right, and is just there to help you drag yourself through your life until you get to where you're fat and happy on Social Security.

You'll always know that liberals are losing the argument when they go into their 1000% Exaggeration Mode-- like I did above. This decision already has them ready to dive-off the Golden Gate Bridge to escape the coming carnage and death that's concomitant with Individual Liberty. I cannot help to remember that Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would surrender Individual Liberty for a little safety and security shall have neither." He described liberals so perfectly in those few words. It's going to be fun to watch State governments try to get around this decision in places where Individual Liberty is restricted, like in Los Angeles County in the Granola State. Let us always remain vigilant, because Liberty lost is rarely ever regained...
The US Supreme Court has invalidated the 1908 law in New York State that deters the residents of that portable toilet from carrying a concealed firearm outside the home. Predictably, those who have anointed themselves to be above the chattel are outraged. Already these bottom-feeders are shrill in describing the "rivers of blood" that will flow down the gutters in New York City. No doubt that several thousand people will be shot and injured every day in the "Wild West" shoot-outs that will obtain on a daily basis between law-abiding residents, and hundreds upon hundreds of these will die because of the existence of the evil NRA and that evil Clarence Thomas, whom wrote the majority opinion. We're going to see people whip-out M60 machine guns from under their raincoats and open-up on innocent little chill'uns at a block party. The price of a cemetery plot just tripled because of all the dearly-departed New Yorkers now needing an eternal resting place. It's going to cost a lot of money for the city to remove all those Gun-Free Zone signs-- the same ones violent criminals never read nor acknowledge. People are going to replay the shoot-out at the OK Corral when one gives a side-eye to another. There's going to be so much death and carnage that the American People are going to demand the Second Amendment be repealed-- at least for those who abide the laws and would never hurt anybody. The violent criminals, against who the State never takes any meaningful action, will continue to be violent and will continue-on with their lives of crime as if nothing had happened. Soon we'll see mothers at grocery stores with an M1897 Trench Broom in their handbags. There's going to be so much blood, so much violence, so much sorrow and so much regret following this decision, and it's all because those evil White slaveowners wrote this crazy Constitution thing that LIMITS the power of government. There should be NO limits on the power of government. Anybody with any common sense knows that. Government is always right, and is just there to help you drag yourself through your life until you get to where you're fat and happy on Social Security.

You'll always know that liberals are losing the argument when they go into their 1000% Exaggeration Mode-- like I did above. This decision already has them ready to dive-off the Golden Gate Bridge to escape the coming carnage and death that's concomitant with Individual Liberty. I cannot help to remember that Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would surrender Individual Liberty for a little safety and security shall have neither." He described liberals so perfectly in those few words. It's going to be fun to watch State governments try to get around this decision in places where Individual Liberty is restricted, like in Los Angeles County in the Granola State. Let us always remain vigilant, because Liberty lost is rarely ever regained...
"Bring It!":s0130:
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Parting shot on all this. Whenever you hear some anti-gun activist screaming "how many children have to die?" that's not rhetoric, they're planning to kill children one way or another, until you disarm.
That brain-damaged bravo-itch Maxine Waters made an exponential fool out of herself in regard to the abortion decision by the Supreme Court today. She's just a very big and very loud mouth with nothing upstairs to temper the idiocy that flows from it. My favorite is Chucky Bullschumer with his threats against Niel Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. I run around my house quoting the fool in an overly-dramatic tone of voice.
The US Supreme Court has invalidated the 1908 law in New York State that deters the residents of that portable toilet from carrying a concealed firearm outside the home. Predictably, those who have anointed themselves to be above the chattel are outraged. Already these bottom-feeders are shrill in describing the "rivers of blood" that will flow down the gutters in New York City. No doubt that several thousand people will be shot and injured every day in the "Wild West" shoot-outs that will obtain on a daily basis between law-abiding residents, and hundreds upon hundreds of these will die because of the existence of the evil NRA and that evil Clarence Thomas, whom wrote the majority opinion. We're going to see people whip-out M60 machine guns from under their raincoats and open-up on innocent little chill'uns at a block party. The price of a cemetery plot just tripled because of all the dearly-departed New Yorkers now needing an eternal resting place. It's going to cost a lot of money for the city to remove all those Gun-Free Zone signs-- the same ones violent criminals never read nor acknowledge. People are going to replay the shoot-out at the OK Corral when one gives a side-eye to another. There's going to be so much death and carnage that the American People are going to demand the Second Amendment be repealed-- at least for those who abide the laws and would never hurt anybody. The violent criminals, against who the State never takes any meaningful action, will continue to be violent and will continue-on with their lives of crime as if nothing had happened. Soon we'll see mothers at grocery stores with an M1897 Trench Broom in their handbags. There's going to be so much blood, so much violence, so much sorrow and so much regret following this decision, and it's all because those evil White slaveowners wrote this crazy Constitution thing that LIMITS the power of government. There should be NO limits on the power of government. Anybody with any common sense knows that. Government is always right, and is just there to help you drag yourself through your life until you get to where you're fat and happy on Social Security.

You'll always know that liberals are losing the argument when they go into their 1000% Exaggeration Mode-- like I did above. This decision already has them ready to dive-off the Golden Gate Bridge to escape the coming carnage and death that's concomitant with Individual Liberty. I cannot help to remember that Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would surrender Individual Liberty for a little safety and security shall have neither." He described liberals so perfectly in those few words. It's going to be fun to watch State governments try to get around this decision in places where Individual Liberty is restricted, like in Los Angeles County in the Granola State. Let us always remain vigilant, because Liberty lost is rarely ever regained...
No doubt our streets will be a bloody river of concealed firearms... I plan on sitting on my roof with a fly-rod in hopes of catching my limit..
This law was originally enacted well over a century ago to control the gun-carrying proclivities of the turn of the century Irish "mob"... It was in fact "anti-Irish" legislation, who were viewed as fractious, violent thugs to be kept in their place- in the minds of the mainly English-descended then-monetary and political overlords in NY.. A lot of politics and racism behind this long-since out-dated law.
This law was originally enacted well over a century ago to control the gun-carrying proclivities of the turn of the century Irish "mob"... It was in fact "anti-Irish" legislation, who were viewed as fractious, violent thugs to be kept in their place-- in the minds of the mainly English-descended then-monetary and political overlords in NY. A lot of politics and racism behind this long-since out-dated law.
Now that you mention it, I do recall from the various history sources I've read that the Irish were the streetgangs of those days. Not a mystery why the vehicle used to haul the arrested down to the station was called a "paddy wagon." The liberals are all screaming about how the nullification of this law will lead to hundreds upon hundreds of millions murdered in New York City. Would they shut their yaps if they were told this reversal put an end to a racist law that stood for over a hundred years? Maybe... if there's a way a liberal can make a buck from it...
I just finished reading Breyer's dissenting opinion, joined by Sotomayor and Kagan.

He uses two phrases that are really scary in his use:

He chastises the majority for not taking an "ends means view", meaning the end justifies the means and "public understanding", which is now tainted by government lies Ala Covid and the Media brainwashing that followed.

His opinion appears to be: we are smarter than you, we know best what to do, shut up citizen and move along.

Even as a left-wing wacko liberal, there isn't much judicial about his approach.
He chastises the majority for not taking an "ends means view", meaning the end justifies the means and "public understanding", which is now tainted by government lies ala Covid and the Media brainwashing that followed.

His opinion appears to be: we are smarter than you, we know best what to do, shut up citizen and move along.
Isn't "end justifies the means" something the Leninists said in 1917 when they were murdering the Romanovs? Or maybe Stalin said it when he was murdering 20 million Russian peasants.

"We are smarter than you, we know best what to do, shut up citizen and move along." This is the self-applied imperiousness of liberalism. We low-value peasants and ne'er-do-wells are to just shut our yaps, stand aside and let the intellectuals like that bartenderess from Brooklyn control and direct our lives. They really do believe this: That we cannot make our way through our lives without them telling us what to do. I can tell them what to do with their desire to control me but this is a family website, so I must hold my tongue...
The problem is 40% of the American voters like this. They were indoctrinated with social studies instead of civics in schools. They learned to acknowledge how things are instead of how things should be. That indoctrination allows the liberal creep that we see throughout our society.
Now that you mention it, I do recall from the various history sources I've read that the Irish were the streetgangs of those days. Not a mystery why the vehicle used to haul the arrested down to the station was called a "paddy wagon." The liberals are all screaming about how the nullification of this law will lead to hundreds upon hundreds of millions murdered in New York City. Would they shut their yaps if they were told this reversal put an end to a racist law that stood for over a hundred years? Maybe... if there's a way a liberal can make a buck from it...
Remember not so long ago when a billy-club was referred to as a "paddy-whacker"? It wasn't referring to the size of the Irish "member", either...
Parting shot on all this. Whenever you hear some anti-gun activist screaming "how many children have to die?" that's not rhetoric, they're planning to kill children one way or another, until you disarm.
Whenever you hear some anti-gun activist screaming "how many children have to die?" that's not rhetoric; they're planning to kill children one way or another, until you disarm.
I wouldn't doubt you. These anti-Freedom wackos are so committed to their "cause" that killing a number of grade-school kids every year to advance their terrorist agenda is certainly within the realm of possibility for them. If they have no compunction against murdering the unborn, how much difference in their warped minds is there in murdering pre-teeners? These batsards are some truly sick, sick, sick, sick smears of intestinal extrusion. And the Criminal Left looks at we conservatives to be barbarians because we want the Constitution to be upheld...
There is a underlying lesson here. Liberals want more central Federal government controlling EVERY aspect of your life. The abolishment of Roe V. Wade proves this. All the Supreme Court did by overturning it, was to return the legality of abortion to the states. That's it. PERIOD. They "banned" NOTHING.

So now you have legislators in all 50 states making and choosing abortion rights, instead of one central Federal Government. LIBERALS HATE THAT. It's why they want nationwide gun bans. It's why they want a single, national, federally run health care system.

It's why they, and they alone want to dictate what is taught in our public school system. And love it when parents are dragged out of the room in handcuffs, when they try to interject, and complain about things like the, "1619 Project", and "Critical Race Theory" being rammed down their kids throats.

The reality is liberals HATE CHOICE. Always have, and always will. This in spite of the fact they're all screaming about, "a woman's right to choose". They $h!t on the Constitution whenever, and wherever they possibly can. It ALWAYS has to be their way or the highway.

I hope people start wising up to these facts. Because if these people aren't removed from positions within our government, we are seeing the end of freedom, along with most everything this nation stands for. And that is no exaggeration.
We lost our country some time around 1982.

The USA Today "newspaper" was introduced. I have to admit I liked it when it came out and I read it daily, for one reason, the poignant point was usually made in bold print right at the beginning of the article, I didn't have to waste time reading a page & ½ of small print.

Then, because of my interest, I read a couple articles. What I discovered was quite often, when reading the details, sometimes several paragraphs in, and buried in a brief one-liner the facts were exactly opposite of the HEADLINE. When I noticed that I started to really read the paper and found that more often than not, that was the case.

What they did was help condition people to be lazy and not attempt to discover the reality of situations just take the headline they shoved at you, which continues today on most media news. Because of that experience I often dig into things, even where the headline is something I totally agree with.

Like seeing a transferable M16 for sale for $600. If the headline is too good to be true it probably is not true, yet the emotional headline grabs 40% of our nation and they run with it.
I remember when USA Today began publishing. I never read it because I was a young adult in school with plenty of homework every day. In 1992 I discovered G. Gordon Liddy on the radio. Liddy always referred to USA Today as being hapless. His opinion was enough for me to never bother reading the left-leaning rag. I also discovered Rush Limbaugh in Spring 1992 and listened to him dam-near daily for 29 years. Looking back on it now, I'd probably be a stupid, emotional liberal had I not found Liddy and Limbaugh.

If some knucklehead has a transferable M-16 going for $600, that glans penis either doesn't know guns or is too stupid to be let into the public without adult supervision. That idiotic Hughes Amendment put the end to all sales of new-manufacture machine guns directly to civilians on May 19, 1986. A new and unfired M-16 that cost $1000 on May 18, 1986 cost $25,000 on May 20, 1986. The idea of the liberals who added it to FOPA 1986 was to reduce the numbers of machine guns swimming-around in the hands of the public. I have to ask exactly how many criminals are going to go through the process to buy a Class III weapon to eventually use in a violent crime? A buyer exposes himself to ATF scrutiny to buy one. Is a criminal going to do that? Most likely No.

We had a mass shooting in Carson City, NV way back in December 2010. It was at an IHOP, I think. The perp used an AK-47 that had been converted to fully semi-matic by a gunsmith in Kalifonia. Why would a gunsmith in Kalifonia do something he had to know was exponentially illegal? If a guy comes to a 'smith to have an illegal modification made to a legal firearm, it's a dam-ned good bet the guy is going to use that firearm in a crime at some point in the future. That, or he enjoys flirting with ten years in prison.

I have no idea what became of the gunsmith, but the perp murdered something like ten people and then killed himself. The gunsmith should have taken the gun in for the modification, then called ATF. Had he, those ten people may very well still be alive today...
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