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The first ruling was the elimination of Chevron doctrine and eliminating federal agencies using their own ALJs to make rulings against citizens. You get to go to regular court, not an ALJ working for the department that accused and is fining you.

BUT the other ruling might hit a lot closer to home. I love it and I'm searching for the correct phrases from the ruling to use in writing a public response to BLM's new proposal.

Yesterday SCOTUS ruled in the fishing case that a department can't do things that they don't have budget to support then charge a fee to the people controlled by those rules in order to continue to do what they want.

BLM took public land, supported and maintained by our tax dollars, built crappy shooting ranges using our tax dollars, closed thousands of acres surrounding that land to recreational shooting, and discovered that they don't have enough budget to maintain the ranges they built or even complete the additional range at Table Mesa Rd, so they want to implement fees for using our ranges.

I'm going to look for quotes out of the majority opinion and add them to a public comment in the federal registry about BLM's bull-crap. F Y I... BLM's fee proposal is in the public comment period right now.
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