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When y'all run-up against some liberal diarrhea-drinker who says the AR-15 rifle is a "weapon of war," come back at that fool with this: "The AR-15 is no more a "weapon of war" than that freak who pushes Bud Light is a woman." I'm on and I kept seeing the false claim about the AR-type rifle being so evil, possessed of an intelligence to take a reasoned decision to commit a heinous crime, and able to walk or drive itself to where it will commit that heinous crime. Liberals assign human characteristics to inanimate objects if they harbor a fear or hatred for that inanimate object. Such a pathetic bunch...

It's neither here nor there, but libs also live in a fantasy world where rainbows and unicorns have magical powers to make everything sweet and wonderful all the time. The last time I think I was a liberal was when I wanted Dukakis to win the 1988 election. Then I heard Rush Limbaugh for the first time in early February 1992, and I've been a conservative ever since.
Wildland Pepe.jpg
Not one bottle of Bud light in the store.
I was in, I think, my local Walmart several days ago. The Bud Light was fully-stocked ... like none was buying it. I doubt I've ever consumed a can of it. It's made with rice solids instead of malted barely, and the IBU (the bitterness rating) is only about 10 to 20. That means there's not much hoppiness to it. I like Pale Ales and India Pale Ales that have IBU ratings of up around 50 to 75. I had one Double IPA that had a 100 IBU rating. I have all the makings to brew my own beer at home; just don't have the time. Maybe when I retire next June...
I was in, I think, my local Walmart several days ago. The Bud Light was fully-stocked ... like none was buying it. I doubt I've ever consumed a can of it. It's made with rice solids instead of malted barely, and the IBU (the bitterness rating) is only about 10 to 20. That means there's not much hoppiness to it. I like Pale Ales and India Pale Ales that have IBU ratings of up around 50 to 75. I had one Double IPA that had a 100 IBU rating. I have all the makings to brew my own beer at home; just don't have the time. Maybe when I retire next June...
I effectively stopped drinking alcohol in 2017. Towards the end my normal fare was Coors, I don't really consider it beer, just a malt soda. IPAs are pretty terrible, the whole idea of an IPA was to make a beer that was stable for the transit across the tropics because they couldn't brew beer in india.
I am gratified that you hung-up alcohol six-some years ago. "A man has to know his limitations," to quote Clint Eastwood. Your decision may have been easy-- or not. In the grand scheme of things, it's always a benefit to eschew pursuits that have been disastrous for so many others. I drink beer; no spirit alcohol. I drink craftbeers-- the stuff that's $10 a six-pack at Walmart. I don't drink horsepiss like Bud Light or any of that 3.5-million barrels per year crap.

I like IPAs, like Sierra Nevada's Torpedo Extra IPA. Dam-ned good! The hoppiness is so strong, I can only drink one at a sitting. I drink the one, and I know I've had a really good beer. I'm always looking for a new beer I haven't tried. I have almost two dozen I haven't reviewed on the "beer discussion" page under Off-Topic.
Was in my US Post Office, today. A young man came in with a P320 on his hip. We have open-carry in Nevada. I thought about telling him that maybe he shouldn't be wearing a pistol on his hip in a Post Office, but I opted to keep my mouth shut. I guess in Nevada you can wear a sidearm into a Post Office. On the way out I asked him what he had there. He said the P320. I asked him if he could hit anything with that pistol. He said Yes, and that he is former military. I saluted him as sloppily as would most civilians and thanked him for his service to our beloved nation. When it was my turn to step forward and raise my right hand, I pewseed-out and ran from the recruiting office like a little girl. I was almost 19 and didn't think I'd survive Basic. Would be a hell of a thing to have on your record that you failed Basic when you go looking for a job, eh?
When y'all run-up against some liberal diarrhea-drinker who says the AR-15 rifle is a "weapon of war," come back at that fool with this: "The AR-15 is no more a "weapon of war" than that freak who pushes Bud Light is a woman." I'm on and I kept seeing the false claim about the AR-type rifle being so evil, possessed of an intelligence to take a reasoned decision to commit a heinous crime, and able to walk or drive itself to where it will commit that heinous crime. Liberals assign human characteristics to inanimate objects if they harbor a fear or hatred for that inanimate object. Such a pathetic bunch...
I've added to the above rebuttal. I now include "Bolting a swoopy fiberglass body to the chassis of a 1967 VW Bug does not transform the Bug into a $500,000 Lamborghini. The Bug might look like the Lambo, but it is not a Lambo. Likewise, an AR-15 might look like an M-16, but it most certainly is not the weapon issued to US soldiers who defend my Freedom in various portable toilets masquerading as sovereign nations all around the globe.

Liberals place far too much importance on the looks of something versus the facts surrounding that something. That's emotionalism versus truth and facts. Liberals take decisions based upon their mercurial emotions at the time the decision is taken, which is about the worst way there is to take a decision. We see this in the number of divorces we have in the US every year. I have no idea as to how many years an average marriage in the US endures. I'll opine less than ten. My mom and dad were married 61-plus years until my mother died in November 2015. I saw both of my sisters and my brother get divorced, so I decided to never marry. The last thing I need is to go through that river of raw sewage. I pity those who face such an event...
Was in my US Post Office, today. A young man came in with a P320 on his hip. We have open-carry in Nevada. I thought about telling him that maybe he shouldn't be wearing a pistol on his hip in a Post Office, but I opted to keep my mouth shut. I guess in Nevada you can wear a sidearm into a Post Office. On the way out I asked him what he had there. He said the P320. I asked him if he could hit anything with that pistol. He said Yes, and that he is former military. I saluted him as sloppily as would most civilians and thanked him for his service to our beloved nation. When it was my turn to step forward and raise my right hand, I pewseed-out and ran from the recruiting office like a little girl. I was almost 19 and didn't think I'd survive Basic. Would be a hell of a thing to have on your record that you failed Basic when you go looking for a job, eh?
It is actually illegal to carry a firearm into a post office, unless you are a federal employee whose job requires it (i.e. postal inspector, FBI, etc.). He is just asking to get arrested. State law does not trump federal law at any time. Perhaps that post office is lax and doesn't care, but he is still breaking federal law and postal service regulations.
My Concealed Carry instructor spent a lot of time on the legal places you can carry which vary state to state a bit. Arizona as long as there is a sign at the front door you are prohibited to carry. So far that is my Dr.'s office.
Was in my US Post Office, today. A young man came in with a P320 on his hip. We have open-carry in Nevada. I thought about telling him that maybe he shouldn't be wearing a pistol on his hip in a Post Office, but I opted to keep my mouth shut. I guess in Nevada you can wear a sidearm into a Post Office. On the way out I asked him what he had there. He said the P320. I asked him if he could hit anything with that pistol. He said Yes, and that he is former military. I saluted him as sloppily as would most civilians and thanked him for his service to our beloved nation. When it was my turn to step forward and raise my right hand, I pewseed-out and ran from the recruiting office like a little girl. I was almost 19 and didn't think I'd survive Basic. Would be a hell of a thing to have on your record that you failed Basic when you go looking for a job, eh?

Back in my day (and I was an Army Drill Sgt.), unless you were a TOTAL "Private Pyle" type or attempted to kill yourself (or someone else), you'd get "recycled" once or twice to the next cycle of soldiers in training just behind the cycle you were in…. the Army would rather spend $500k "recycling" a failure before "cutting bait".

Nowadays, I have no idea how they handle those situations.
Nowadays, I have no idea how they handle those situations.
I'd imagine the failure still gets a chance or two to make it, given how difficult it is to get candidates these days. Kids are not signing-up as readily as they did during the George W. Bush Years or the Trump Years. I'm wondering if the blithering, senile, gaffe-o-matic buffoon in my White House is the problem...
I fear the buffoon is sending to many targets to the region. All it takes is some idiot to build his rocket so it does not fly straight and all of a sudden we are shooting at people. We KNOW how to hit the target. The idiot in charge is not a leader and I believe has no idea what is is saying to people when his mouth opens and spews forth drivel. Telling Israel to have restraint is just a waste of hot air. I would bet the hostages are all dead by now. Hamas is not set up to care for a bunch of screaming kids. Anyway that is how I would proceed.
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